The American Scripture

Chapter 1399: 1 cup martini

Hot recommendation: ,,,,,,,

"Let's go, let's get out of here quickly!" Claire patted Silia, and then walked forward along the river. The killer died, and he died sadly in the hands of two girls.

After Claire and Silia entered the city, they found a hotel to stay. But the river was already surrounded by police, and a young girl, wearing a tight jacket and jeans, seemed to be watching the excitement. He knew this assassin, but the cause of his death was unknown, there was no trauma, and no trace of being hit. But she knew that this person's internal organs had been destroyed.

"I will entertain the two young ones!" At this moment, a man in his twenties, who was only skinny and pale, next to her, smiled in a low voice at her, "Trust me, I Will find them!"

"Finally lying in a comfortable bed again, Claire... I think this is the best life without all the troubles. I really want to get to New York soon, and then see your dad and let me Life is on the right track, or I can make a movie, or be a doctor. I also want to talk to my family around the fireplace in the snowy winter, and then read stories with the children. When I was young... Yes, at that time, my father hadn't come to America..." Silia rolled over on the bed, and then she lay on her stomach, both of them put their chins on them, and looked at Claire and said, "Have you had such a life? "

"Of course, when I was a kid, I still had gifts. But... now I also have gifts. My mother, and my father... They care about me, I know, but... I still want to walk outside alone." Claire looked at Silia, "Don't worry, my father is very kind to his apprentices, just like Miles... I like Miles, he can always make some jokes. Of course there are Bernard, he is always serious, but he is handsome. And... Mia, she has always been a trustworthy friend. And Helena... She is very caring. You can always find what you need most. Time, comfort you... In short, it makes me feel very happy."

"I envy you...really, Claire. You are a person who lives in happiness. I have been alone for five hundred years. In the cold water, even if life on the shore is harder, I will I don’t want to go back to the water anymore, know. If your master can make my tail change as he wants, then this means a lot to me, you will understand it for me What does it mean in terms of..." Silia said emotionally, holding her chin and looking at Claire, nodding herself, "Meeting you is my greatest luck!"

"Well, meeting you is also my luck, Silia. You are my first friend in the true sense. I have very few friends, and so is my sister, but she is a younger sister, and my younger brother is too young. So... you are the first one. I value this friendship very much." Claire said, patted her **** and stood up, "Okay, I want to take a hot bath now. Very comfortable The kind. Call me at dinner time!" He said and went to the bathroom.

The dusk in Des Moines is very artistic because of the Des Moines River. At this time, Zhen Fan had already entered Philadelphia. Because it will be Easter in a few days. Zhen Fan had to feel New York, and then flew back to Los Angeles. The car was placed in New York, using Mia as a means of transportation.

However, Philadelphia and New York are relatively close. Because it was late when he arrived in Philadelphia, Zhen Fan decided to spend the night in Philadelphia and arrive in New York the next day. But this is Zhen Fan’s second time to Philadelphia, and the first time he visited Philadelphia during his trip to Miami from New York, so he visited some places in Philadelphia. Kind of familiar.

The car drove directly to the hotel booked on the Internet and checked in directly. In the evening, I went to the bar and the two of them drank in the bar. This feeling has not been for a long time. On the way, Zhen Fan rarely went to bars, and when he was in Los Angeles, he rarely went to bars.

"Principles, remember the principles I set for you. First, don't get drunk, so you won't be able to control yourself. You will make big mistakes! Second, don't talk to women easily, even if they find you No, because you won’t be able to control it, and you might bite. The consequences would be a disaster. Remember, we’ll go in now. If we say no, we’ll go back to the hotel. How about? Tell me you are Didn't you agree?" When Zhen Fan was at the door of the bar, he held Eric, and then seriously repeated the rules set by the two before.

"Well, I agree!" Eric could only accept helplessly. He shrugged at Zhen Fan, "I just want to drink some wine and feel the atmosphere here. To be honest, since I learned about this problem, I have restrained myself and won't let myself get drunk. Rumu, not to take the initiative to look for women... Well, I did look for them, and serious mistakes occurred. Fortunately... it didn't spread!

"If this world becomes like the one in "Resident Evil", I will kill you myself, not to mention others, because you are a bastard, a heinous bastard!" Zhen Fan patted his face. "Let's go in, let's go in and enjoy the **** atmosphere." As they said, the two looked at each other and went in.

The sound of earth-shattering music, whistles and women's screams, and men's rough laughter were intertwined with each other. So Eric frowned and said: "How do I feel... Las Vegas bars are different? Isn't there that kind of dance to take off your clothes? I remember one time a guy turned his head , He was overwhelmed by the medicine. He was peeing directly on the stage at the people off the stage, my god... I almost laughed that day. That bastard... Do you know what happened in the end? What they did with him There was fingercuffs on him, my god... There was a woman in front of him dancing for him, what kind of dance you know... Finally that guy went to the hospital... Oh my god, I like that atmosphere ..."

"That's crazy, not suitable for me." Zhen Fan said lightly, then walked to the bar and sat down, snapped his fingers at the bartender, "a glass of vodka, give this guy a glass of rum. !" Two glasses of wine were served soon, Zhen Fan and Eric touched and dried.

"Okay, I'm going to have fun. Master, do you want to be together?" Eric blinked at Zhen Fan, and after seeing Zhen Fan's face, said, "I know, your two principles, No problem, I just want to be happy, I won’t do anything out of the ordinary, besides, there are you here. Over there... At six o’clock, I like women with such big breasts. Okay, Master, I wish you The hunt was successful too!" He stood up smilingly and walked over there.

"Remember, Eric, principle!" Zhen Fan said loudly from his back, "Remember two principles!"

Eric turned around, pointed at Zhen Fan's two fingers, and then replied loudly, "No problem, I assure you, everything is under my control." Go over to the big breasted woman you chose. He twisted his **** by the way.

Zhen Fan turned around, sat down at the bar again, snapped his fingers: "Another glass of vodka." He turned around halfway, looked at Eric's side, and found nothing unusual, then turned around, The wine glass handed over by the bartender was full again, nodded to the little bartender, and pointed to the glass. The little bartender quickly poured Zhen Fan another glass of vodka.

When Zhen Fan brought it and wanted to drink it again, a woman suddenly came over and sat beside Zhen Fan. A very young white woman with chestnut hair and a **** suspender-waisted skirt, but a little short, with her entire thighs exposed, but the woman is very beautiful and has very smart eyes.

"Drinking like this will make you drunk soon!" The girl blinked at Zhen Fan, "Would you like to buy me a drink?"

Zhen Fan looked at her, smiled and nodded and said: "No problem, give this lady a glass of martini. Add some ice water, half ice water!" Zhen Fan also emphasized.

"Don't you want to get me drunk?" The girl looked at Zhen Fan and smiled. Suddenly her brows wrinkled slightly, and then a flustered expression flashed by, "Why do I think you are familiar? Oh, God, I think you look like a person...I know, oh, but I'm not sure, I'm sorry...I...I have something to do, I am leaving!" The girl's expression suddenly became flustered, and she looked under the dim light After a look at Zhen Fan's face, he found an excuse in a panic and wanted to leave. But before leaving, he took the glass of Martini and drank it in one breath.

"Thank you for your wine!" said the girl, and walked towards the door of the bar staggeringly. He opened the door and left in a flash. Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders, then turned around, looked at the bartender and said, "One more, no water or ice!"

"Okay, sir!" The bartender nodded to Zhen Fan, this man is really good at drinking. Seeing the bartender handing over the wine, Zhen Fan drank the wine in one breath, and then took out the money to pay the bill. A hundred-dollar bill was placed on the bar, "No need to find it." As he said, he slid down the chair and walked towards Eric.

Eric really restrained himself, although he was chatting with the girl, but he was very restrained, not messing around, and not drinking too much. He nodded to him and said, "I'm leaving, and you will go back to the hotel when you come out. Leave me alone, I have another business!"

"I know, don't worry." Eric nodded to Zhen Fan, "I'm also afraid of causing trouble to myself. I have more restraint now, mainly because you are in charge of me. No one was in charge of me before. What a bastard!"

"I know it!" Zhen Fan smiled, blinked at the girl, and walked out with the woman who was talking to him. As soon as he left the house, Ergen suddenly became silent. The woman had already gone so far, and she could only see a figure from her back. Zhen Fan followed without hesitation.

After walking for a while, the girl stopped suddenly, vomited on the side of the road, and then continued on. (To be continued.)

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