The American Scripture

Chapter 1405: Conspiracy

This is a very private club in New York, decorated in an English style. A thin, slightly tall man in his sixties sat in the seat, and the skyscrapers of New York could be seen from behind. The clothes on his body are very elegant, you can feel that he is a rigorous and meticulous person. In this huge office, there are still four burly men in black suits standing. From their hands, they are all battle-tested or often holding guns. These four are bodyguards, or they may be killers. This is where the headquarters of the Killer Group is located, and they appear to be an external consulting company.

And sitting across from him, with a bit of cold sweat, is Tasim Kingsley. From time to time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief. The man sitting in front of him gave him tremendous pressure. Before the old man spoke, he didn't dare to talk casually, but sitting like this was very uncomfortable, like sitting on pins and needles.

"Zhen has arrived in New York, do you know about this?" The old man finally spoke. He frowned and said to Tasim Kingsley, "If he is here for this, then... Things are not easy to handle. How do you think our transaction should be finished?"

"I...I can revoke..." Tasim Kingsley wiped Khan and said, "but I can bear your losses, and all the losses related to this matter, I can..."

"No, no, friends, money is only one aspect, we lost manpower, so... I don't want to lose our reputation. Although I don't want to end up with Diego Farrell, we will act according to our rules. . But... what you need to give us is 100 million US dollars. We are prepared to bear any possible retaliatory actions and the losses we have suffered. This is not our breach of contract, but that you did not provide us with the target person at all. The true situation of, caused us to have a problem." The old man frowned and looked at Tasim Kingsley, with a serious face.

"One hundred million dollars?" Tasim Kingsley couldn't help but leaned back, but the chair blocked his body, and he wiped his sweat. One hundred million dollars was not difficult for him. Although he is rich. But one hundred million dollars is really going to be given to this old man like this. This is tantamount to a bolt from the blue to him.

"Could it be less? I...can't get so much money!" Tasim said with a trembling hand. If it's covering up, he would rather fight. The magic of money is far greater than his current threat. The typical guy who wants money but life.

"This is not a bargaining. We have carefully assessed your assets. You can get so much money, as long as you sell a few properties. We can give you time, five days... within five days. Finished All this, we want cash transfer. But you can rest assured that when you deal with this matter, we will also deal with the entrusted business." The old man shook his head slightly, "Remember, five days, I Someone will give you an account!"

"God!" Tasim Kingsley yelled silently in his mind. He didn't know how to leave this place. He had been in a trance and came back in a car. Even after he got home, Michael opened the door for him. He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, until Michael called him several times.

Back in his study, Tasim Kingsley said to Michael: "Call Rocco, I have something to do for him!" Then he sat down weakly. He sat in front of the desk blankly, facing the lawn and woods outside the window. There is even the idea that all of this has nothing to do with it.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Crowe hurriedly pushed open the door, rushed in, stood in front of Tasim Kingsley, and said with some dissatisfaction, "We still have to beg those Human? Even if Zhen Fan is so good. But is his daughter so good? Just a little girl, a **** bitch!"

"Shut up, you bastard. Pack your things right away and leave here right away. It's best to leave the United States. No matter where you go, I'll give you a sum of money. No matter where you go, stay anonymous, if you can do it. , You can save your life. Do you know?" Tasim Kingsley yelled at Crowe.

"My God, what's the matter?" Crowe said loudly to Tasim Kingsley, "Even if there is a war, we will not necessarily lose. We have hands and weapons. We don't know them. Anyone is bad, why run away like a dog?"

"Get out, get out of here, Michael, take this **** away, no matter what method you use, let this guy get out of here and send him away until he gets on the plane. No matter which country you go to, as long as it's not here!" Suddenly tower Sim Kingsley yelled like crazy.

Crowe was terrified by Tassim Kingsley’s expression. After all, although he was stern, he was a kid, only seventeen years old, so he was terrified by Tasim just now and was drawn by Michael. Then I went out. Tasim watched his son leave, and he let out a sigh of relief slowly, hoping it would be too late.

Obviously, after talking with that old man for a long time, in fact, an old fox like him had already guessed what the old man wanted. Their so-called reputation is actually not important at all. What they want is his property, all of his, and they will never touch the two girls at all. They only care about money, not how they get it. The so-called 100 million U.S. dollars is just a cover. What they want is all of their own, even their lives.

Maybe they had already started planning, when they knew Claire's identity. Damn it, are you really old? Can't see such a conspiracy? Since they are a killer group, don't expect them to say any credit to themselves, they will betray you at any time. Maybe they had already gone to Zhen Fan to apologize and beg for peace.

Maybe they will try to seize their property with Zhen Fan. Damn it, I must send my son out. The key is that I can't move. When I move, they will know that when the time comes, none of them can escape. I hope my son can escape, God bless!

After being pulled out by Michael, Crowe shouted at him: "What are you doing? Do I still want to follow your command?"

Michael shrugged his shoulders indifferently and smiled: "Of course, you can decide where you go, but I tell you, your father is already planning for you. If you don't leave today, maybe you won't be able to leave tomorrow. They will ambush the gunmen near your villa, do you know what they do? What they do is murder, and... how many bodyguards can you see at home? They have all left and they have been Cleared!"

"You mean they want to kill us? God, why is that? We give them money, we let them have jobs, why did they kill us in turn? They won't be credited!" Crowe shouted at Michael. . "If they want to come in, I'll make them look good. Damn it. It's all that provokes. I want to kill them. Where are they? Are they in Des Moines? I will go to Des Moines now. I will Blow their heads!" As he said, he actually took out a pistol from his back waist, waved it, and tried to struggle to release Michael.

Michael took off his gun, then turned his hand back, pushing him and said: "Hurry up, it will be too late if you don't leave." Regardless of how he struggled and cursed, he squeezed him into a car, fell into the driving position, and drove away without waiting for him to react.

Tasim Kingsley watched Michael put Crowe into the car from the window and drove out of the villa, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The whole thing since the death of the killer. It started to be out of my control. The killer died, so the killer group reinvestigated the identity of the target person. After knowing Claire's identity, they didn't plan to perform this task at all, and instead counted the loss on themselves. So they started the so-called negotiations and set out the so-called conditions to confuse themselves. Let yourself be fooled when you really want to transfer out the 100 million dollars. They may resort to intimidating themselves to authorize the transfer of all their property.

"Shit, it's all shit. This **** bastard!" Kingsley thought, he couldn't help but yelled again, not knowing whether he was yelling at his son or yelling at those killers who cannibalize people without spitting out bone group. Talking about credibility with a killer group is simply a joke. He is a politician. He didn't even think of this level, it was his own failure.

"It's finally going to be paid now." Tasim Kingsley sighed and sat limply on the chair. Dealing with the killer group is dealing with the devil. Now it's time to surrender his soul. The dividends previously obtained from them will be returned to them a lot. Maybe they still have a lot of evidence for themselves.

Crowe was driven by Michael on the highway. Seeing that the car left the city and began to run on the desolate highway, there are not many mountains in this generation, and this road is relatively desolate. After the initial anger, Crowe slowly calmed down. He looked out of the car window and couldn't help frowning.

"Hey, Michael, you are on the wrong path, we shouldn’t take this If we go to the airport, is our path the other way around? It’s just as desolate as a nuclear It's like an explosion. You can't even see a dog!" Crowe in the back seat said loudly to Michael who was driving in the front row.

"No, that's right, we are going this way!" Michael answered his words without looking back, and then slammed the steering wheel. The car left the road and started to head towards the desolate slope, seeing it as far away from the road. Crowe finally screamed loudly when the road was getting farther and desolate.

"Michael, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? Where are you going to take me?" Crowe called like a woman, and he crawled forward like crazy, trying to take the steering wheel from Michael's hands, but Michael's elbow slammed backwards, and suddenly Crowe's nose was bleeding. When he tilted his head back, he immediately went to the power of resistance, just crying, cowardly like a woman.

I don't know how long it was driving, the car stopped suddenly. Michael got out of the car, then opened the back door and grabbed Crowe by the collar, dragging him off the car like a dead dog. Crowe started to struggle and was stepped on his thigh by Michael. Come on, there was a miserable cry, and he didn't dare to move anymore. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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