The American Scripture

Chapter 1408: pursue

The car drove slowly into a parking lot, then the two packed up their things, left the parking lot, and headed for the location of Mia's clinic. After walking a few steps, Silia turned around, looked at the car, shrugged at Claire and said, "We just abandoned it like this? Say something!"

"Oh, of course, if you feel sorry for it, next time you stay and I will drive the car away!" Claire spread his hands, then tightened his backpack, walked outside, and looked at the tall buildings outside. I couldn't help opening my arms and laughing, "I'm here, New York, I think...I will fall in love with you."

"You won't call your father?" Silia asked.

"Of course...I will!" Claire took out her cell phone and dialed Zhen Fan's number. After hearing Zhen Fan’s voice from inside, I yelled excitedly, “Dad, I’m in New York. But...for the last trip, I came by car. Yes, I have encountered some things. Okay. Now... wait till I get there. Where are you now? Is Mia’s clinic? Oh, okay, I’ll go to the villa to find you!" He hung up the phone and opened his hand to Silia. "Now... we can't go to the clinic. My dad's lazy disease has committed again. He doesn't want to go to the clinic. I know he just doesn't want to be bothered by things. Okay, we have an address. Let's go by taxi!"

When they arrived, Zhen Fan was sitting on the lawn of the villa with a cup of tea. From here, he could smell the smell of the river. ≦≦, x. I feel very comfortable. The big iron door of the villa was automatic, but Eric ran to the door himself to greet the two girls. Bernard was sitting on the lawn next to Zhen Fan and having a barbecue. He is very elegant, and every movement is as elegant as a textbook and is admirable.

"Hey. Eric!" Silia smiled at Eric and stretched out her hand. Eric, who was about to open his hands for a hug, rubbed his nose awkwardly, and the two shook hands. "I heard that you have a good life here, I really envy you, but... it seems that I am your junior sister before and after the apprenticeship. Should you take care of me?" Silia told Zhen Fan's apprenticeship. Things, through Claire, have already understood almost, and can use it proficiently to increase his weight.

"Of course, I will. Definitely!" Eric smiled and stretched out his hand to Claire. The two shook hands, then took the backpacks in their hands and said, "Master is waiting over there. You guys, go see you. Bernard is busy with barbecue over there, he is very good at barbecue..." He said that he carried the luggage of the two and walked towards the hall without accompanying the two women. The child goes to the lawn. However, he turned his head three times, staring at Silia's back.

"Hey. Bernard!" Claire saw Bernard who was grilling, and walked over and gave him a light hug. "It's nice to meet you. I didn't expect you to do this again? It's pretty good, and I can't help but want to eat it. Do you have any wine? I want to have a drink with you!" Claire and Bernard are very familiar, so they speak a little casually.

"No. You are not old enough to drink, Master will make trouble for you. Go over there." Bernard smiled slightly. I didn't care what Claire said, he just shook his head at her. Motioned to see Zhen Fan, then stretched out her hand and shook hands with Silia, "It's nice to meet you, Junior Sister."

"Of course... I'm glad to see you too!" Silia nodded gratefully, not knowing what was wrong, she was a little panicked. I couldn't wait to let go of my hand, and ran with Claire, lowered his voice and said to Claire, "My God, he is so handsome and elegant, like a well-bred gentleman, and... The barbecue movements are so elegant, his family is either aristocratic or royal." Silia's heart thumped a little joyfully.

"Don't think about it, nympho!" Claire lowered her voice and said to her without annoyance, and then saw Zhen Fan stand up and opened her arms towards her. He couldn't help but cheered, and rushed to Zhen. In Fan's arms, he twisted and said, "I really miss you, Dad. I just didn't expect that I still didn't walk to New York."

"Yes, you will have time in the future. You are family and independent. You can start your adventure at any time as long as you want, not necessarily across New York, all over the world, as long as you want to go, I can definitely make it!" Zhen Fan kissed Claire's forehead, then let it go, letting her sit on the chair next to her.

"Hey, I...should I call you Master or Mr. Zhen?" Silia was still a little shy when she saw Zhen Fan. She tried to show a smile, and then stretched out her hand to shake Zhen Fan. Shook it, but Zhen Fan came over, hugged her directly, and smiled, "Call me Master!"

"Okay...Master, can I look forward to some of my work as an apprentice now? What do I need to do now? That is, as an apprentice, what do I need to do for you? After all, I have never done it. After this job, so...I don't have a clue at all." Silia shrugged.

"Hey... Eric, explain to her, what kind of job does the apprentice do?" Zhen Fan smiled and patted Silia on the shoulder, and then moved towards the barbecue rack, "This is Bernard, he decided to give You have a welcome barbecue-style welcome party. What do you think? I know you like barbecue too..."

"Hey, what should I do?" Silia looked at Claire, spread her hands, and Claire blinked at her, then pointed to Eric who was coming by and shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey, Silia, hello, come over to me, and I will tell you what is called a disciple, and...what is called a little sister. I like this very new name, it's very good. "Eric laughed loudly, walked out of the lobby of the villa, and said loudly to Silia.

"Hey Master, Master!" Watching Zhen Fan walk towards the barbecue rack and standing beside Bernard who was turning over the barbecue, Silia shouted, "Hey, Master, I can let Bernard... teach Me? I just... think Bernard might be able to speak a little bit more clearly than Eric, can I?"

Zhen Fan was taken aback, then looked at Silia, then at Eric, then nodded and said: "Of course, if Bernard is willing, there is no problem. But... before that, we Now I should be enjoying the delicious grilled meat. Bernard is good at craftsmanship. Come here!" He waved to Silia and Eric.

Eric walked over with a little embarrassment, and then whispered to Silia: "My God, I can't believe it, you would say that. It's so embarrassing. Why did you say it directly? ?" As he trot a few steps, he walked side by side with Silia, looking a bit hurt.

"Then what do you want me to say?" Silia also lowered her voice and said dissatisfiedly to Eric, "Let me say...Hey, I like you, come and explain to me, little sister... No, what does the apprentice do? What is his job? Damn it, don't let me lie, okay? Eric, you are a good person and you shouldn't do this."

"Okay, okay, I promise, I won't be like this!" Eric said, raising his hands in frustration, and then the two walked to the grill. At this time Bernard began to distribute iron pliers and clamps one by one. He guaranteed a portion, and then he held the meat basket and placed it over there.

"I believe everyone can roast meat, of course... I will only provide Claire with the roast, so... if you want to eat it, you'd better do it yourself, and... we still have good wine to go with these roasts. This will be a very wonderful thing." Zhen Fan said and started to fork meat.

"I will too, you taught me, I like it!" Claire also started roasting with meat. And she was very proud to shrug her shoulders at Silia, shook her body, twisting and twisting like dancing, Bernard shook her head and smiled, while Silia looked a little dumbfounded. Holding the fork and meat in his hand.

Yes, she does not know how to barbecue. When she came to the Americas, she was still young, and there seemed to be no modern petty bourgeoisie that was popular in Europe at that time, so she did not know how to barbecue at all. For more than a hundred years, there is no way to make a fire in the **** cold water. It seems that she has gone ashore now, but she still can't barbecue.

"Hey, let me teach you, I am good at grilling meat, I five minutes, I can teach you the most delicious beef or the most delicious, trust me, there can be nothing wrong." She smiled and said to Silia, "Do you need me to teach you? I am the best at barbecue...Well, maybe when I was a kid, when my mother was at home, I was much better than him. I It means this!" Eric watched Zhen Fan look towards and waved his hands gratefully, changed his meaning, obviously, bragging in front of Zhen Fan is really shame.

Silia didn’t eat his stuff at all, so she walked to Bernard’s side and said, "Hey, Mr. Modine, can you teach me how to barbecue? To be honest, I have lived in the water for more than five hundred years. ...I have never made a grilled fish for myself, okay?" Silia looked at him with watery eyes.

"Of course, there is nothing to say about it. Let me teach you!" Bernard said, took his own fork, and then began to teach Silia barbecue. Of course Silia was very happy, she actually liked Bernard quite a lot.

"Oh, okay, that's great, I promise, his barbecue is definitely not as delicious as mine!" Eric couldn't help but said to Silia annoyed, and then fiddled with his iron fork angrily Up.

"Tomorrow I go to Los Angeles, do you want to go with me?" Zhen Fan asked Claire, turning around and shouting to Silia, "Hey, you will also go to Los Angeles with me tomorrow, and Eric I will personally teach you how to get started, and depends on your own talents!" (to be continued...)



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