The American Scripture

Chapter 1419: Press conference

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Zhen Fan was startled by the girl's behavior, and then nodded and said, "Did he force you? Even if it was only a little bit of force, you must tell me. You know, I don't like this one, I won't Forcing anyone to do anything, in this regard." As he said that, he looked at the girl and frowned.

"No, I did it voluntarily. My brother... leukemia, he needs money. I heard that changing the bone marrow can save him, so I went to work there. This is the first time, really... and I am the first time. I heard that I can buy a lot of money for the first time, at least 20,000, and people who come there to consume are rich people. So... I'm sorry, if you don't want to, I will go back now." The girl said and got up quickly. Go outside.

Zhen Fan knew that the girl did not lie. He just probed her thoughts. Although it is immoral to do so, Zhen Fan must ensure that what the girl said is true. The reason why he asked Sister An to do charity was mainly out of a kind of Taoism. No matter what, Zhen Fan would ignore this girl.

"Well... let's make a deal now!" Zhen Fan raised his hands and said to the girl, "If you want, I will let us close the deal, okay?" As he said, he stretched out his hand and gestured to the girl. "You can choose yes or no, the decision is yours!"

The girl bit her lip, then desperately held back her tears, and finally nodded: "Yes, Mr. Zhen, I choose to trade, I need that money, I promise, this is just a deal, you don’t have to worry about what I will leave. Back hand? I just want to save my brother. Oh... I just want to..." The girl finally cried out.

"Okay, deal!" Zhen Fan said and shook hands with the girl. As soon as she let go, the girl started to unbutton the side of her skirt. Zhen Fan was taken aback, and said to her, "Wait, did you make a mistake? The deal I said was not this. I didn't even tell you what our deal was."

"So...what's your deal?" The girl obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at Zhen Fan in a daze. "What do you want to trade with me? I don't know how to smoke those things, let alone sell them. Because it will kill me. I heard that celebrities like that stuff..."

Zhen Fan was taken aback, couldn't help laughing, and shook his head and said, "It's very simple, I will treat your brother. You help me keep it secret, it's that simple, so you don't have to worry about those things. I will not know what you said Contaminated. And I will definitely object to it. So... don't worry about this anymore, okay?"

"This... how is this possible?" The girl looked at Zhen Fan and couldn't help but widened her eyes, and said with Ai Ai, "I...I don't have to pay anything? I my brother? is this possible? What do you want?"

"No, you paid. What you paid is honesty! You can call this phone at any time, my business card." Zhen Fan nodded, then took a business card on the table and handed it over. He took out the car key again, shook it in front of the girl and said, "You go home now. Use my car. You are a girl so late and it would be very dangerous to be outside. Take it. Then take it. Get some sleep and quit your job at KTV. Find a decent job to do it."

"Thank you..." The girl hesitantly said to Zhen Fan. She is still a little ignorant until now. I don't know what Zhen Fan meant by doing this. So she didn't leave immediately, but looked at Zhen Fan suspiciously, wanting to hear if he had anything to say. But Zhen Fan made a please gesture to her.

"Thank you!" The girl said again. She immediately flew like a rabbit and leaped away. She opened the door and ran out without closing the door, as if she was escaping from some trap. . Then Zhen Fan heard the sound of the engine below the building. Then there is the sound of cars driving away.

Zhen Fan looked outside the window and couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't even ask what the girl's name was. This is not important, because he does know that the girl's brother is terminally ill. That's enough. Whether the girl makes a phone call or not, Zhen Fan intends to ask Qin Degui.

The next day, Zhen Fan did not receive a call from the girl. Instead, Feng Daran called and asked Zhen Fan to attend a film release, that is, the film was officially released to the media. Then announce the actors, directors and so on. All the main creative staff must participate in it.

Let's go, Zhen Fan went out after eating breakfast. After thinking about it, her car was driven away by the girl. When I was about to go out to take a taxi, I saw a BMW appeared at the gate of the community. Zhen Fan saw that it was his car, so he waved his hand and the car drove over.

The car stopped beside Zhen Fan. The girl got out of the car and said to Zhen Fan: "Sorry, I returned the car to you. Thank you very much, but... I'm sorry..."

"Okay, give me the car key, take the taxi back by yourself, call me if you figure it out, I am going to a press conference now, my new movie is about to start shooting, so I have to attend the conference, I can You promise, I will help you, don’t look at me with that suspicion. I don’t want you. What else do you have? Body? If you want, I got it yesterday... Actually, I’m already The Shanghai market applied to set up a charity fund, mainly to help those who are really in difficulties, so I think... my charity has already started ahead of schedule." Zhen Fan looked at the girl's scrutiny and shook his head and said, " You can at least trust me!"

"I believe you!" The girl seemed to have made up his mind, nodded to him, and then said, "My name is Pan Wei, Lu Wei's Wei. My brother is Pan Zhang, Zhang Shu's Zhang. Will I call you tomorrow? My brother...may be getting worse and worse. I don't know how long he can last. Now the hospital can no longer enter and is completely out of money..." The girl's eyes were a little red.

"Don't worry, call me tonight." Zhen Fan nodded to her, then took the car key, got into the car, started the car, nodded to the girl, and drove away. He now has to get to the location of the press conference first.

The location of the press conference was in the conference room on the first floor of the Hilton Hotel. When Zhen Fan arrived, the outside of the hotel was already full of reporters. When Zhen Fan got off the car, they swarmed to try to interview Zhen Fan, but Zhen Fan just smiled and waved, then squeezed in and walked towards the meeting room.

The conference room was also full of reporters. These were reporters from major media who had been given priority interview rights in advance. They had set up their guns and guns long ago, and the front desk was full of people. Feng Daran and the others had arrived long ago, and the main creative staff had arrived. It was Zhen Fan, and when they saw Zhen Fan coming, they waved at him.

First, we greeted with each other, and then we took a seat. There was a banner on it, and the opening ceremony of "There is a Good Man" written on it. So after the host’s opening remarks, we entered the stage of introducing the movie. This stage was introduced by Feng Daran. , Mainly to introduce what kind of movie this movie will be. Then the film investment company Hou Zhongjun announced the amount of investment in this film. When they heard that the investment might exceed 200 million yuan, everyone was amazed by the large sum of money, but considering that Zhen Fan’s previous movies were invested in one or two billion yuan The dollar was relieved.

Then it introduces the main actors. So the reporters once again saw the super large and super luxurious lineup of this movie. The lead actor is the Hollywood actor, with the international superstar Chenghu, and the king of comedy Guo Xian. The least famous is the new star Yang Zhi.

When it came time to ask questions, all the reporters threw the question to the three big stars, especially Zhen Fan, whose influence is unparalleled. Because he has multiple shocking identities. Among the top few rich men in the world, no Chinese rich man can match him. The great magician, the master winemaker, the founder of the world's most luxury brand wine empire, etc., are all so rich and have to act in movies, so the most questions are directed against him.

But Yang Zhi was completely ignored. After all, she is a new star, so few people ask her. After a period of bombardment by reporters, the staff announced that they would go to dinner together, and the reporters also participated. During the meal, red envelopes were also distributed to reporters.

Of course, the creative staff will not eat with the reporters, they have another meal. The whole meal process is relatively pleasant, after all, they are all acquaintances, and they speak casually, and the atmosphere is very harmonious. Only after the dinner was over, when Zhen Fan was about to leave, Yang Zhi suddenly walked to Zhen Fan's side and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhen, I...may I talk to you alone? Just a moment, it won't delay you for a long time. Time."

"Of course, there is no problem!" Zhen Fan nodded, then glanced at Hou Zhongjun who saw the door. He nodded to Zhen Fan, smiled, and then left. Zhen Fan turned his head, and said, "Let’s go to the lounge and sit down. It’s very convenient to say anything."

"Okay, no problem. I'll go in first." Yang Zhi said, and walked to the lounge. Through the glass wall, she saw her sitting next to the chair. Looking towards Zhen Zhen Fan nodded to him, and then followed him in. Sitting opposite Yang Zhi.

"Okay, can you say it now?" Zhen Fan smiled at Yang Zhi, "Is this the communication before the filming? If this is the case, I think your worry is unnecessary. I and many people They all cooperate well, and they are definitely the same as you, so... shall we have an additional communication?"

Yang Zhi pursed his mouth, then sighed and said, "I know you may have opinions on me, but... I also have my own compelling reasons. But anyway, I have already taken this step, no Maybe I’m looking back. I’m a junior, so I should have the consciousness of a junior. I also want to make this movie well, and then... see if I can get rid of all of this. Or go abroad to develop. I just don’t want to continue this way. Will participate in this movie."

"I understand that everyone has a reason for everyone, and the same is true for you. I didn't look down on you because I didn't do it very well. I have a lot of women too!" Zhen Fan smiled, "I promise , We will definitely cooperate happily!" (to be continued)

The latest chapter of the 5201 novel high-speed debut Taozang America, this chapter is the 1419th chapter, the conference address is if you think this chapter is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ group and Weibo!

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