The American Scripture

Chapter 1430: wholesale

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"We found the trace, we can't control it, request support, request support!" The pilot on the helicopter kept making calls for support. At this time, a frigate had arrived. This is a ship similar to the US Littoral Combat Ship, but after the frigate arrived, it lost its trace of the water monster.

"Damn, we went to the target!" A colonel on the ship cursed secretly and said loudly, "Sonar, cast a sonar to determine its location. The helicopter pays close attention to the sea and reports any movement immediately. Prepare. What a 57mm quick gun, as soon as there is movement, shoot immediately!"

The frigate was driving on the lake, but the water monster seemed to have disappeared, and the sonar could not detect anything. This is the first time a real water monster has appeared since the report of the water monster. Traces have been detected in the past, but the actual objects were not seen with the naked eye. They were all images returned by some detection methods. So this time the military spent a lot of effort and reacted very quickly. It must catch this water monster, regardless of life or death.

"Wow!" Suddenly a huge roar came, and a huge wave suddenly appeared in front of the frigate. It was like a huge wave during a tsunami. Such a wave actually surged high and exceeded The frigate then swept towards the ship.

"God, immediately sound the alarm, alarm!" The colonel immediately gave the order, and then someone shouted loudly, "Prepare to withstand the impact. Ten, nine, eight..." There was also a loud countdown. All the crew members held their breath, preparing for the final impact, but the huge waves suddenly subsided, and the warship swayed constantly in the aftermath, so that everyone had to grasp what was at hand to maintain balance.

"I caught it!" someone said loudly, "At twelve o'clock, the speed is very fast, and it is getting further and further away from us. Two nautical miles, three nautical miles...The speed is still accelerating..."

"Immediately pursue, immediately pursue." The colonel ordered immediately. "My God, if it weren't for the speed of reporting the number, no one can compare the speed of this guy in the water. Prepare torpedoes."

"The second launch tube, the torpedo is ready. Can't track the target, repeat, can't track the target! The target disappeared..." The last sentence fell, and the whole ship was silent. Obviously, this result is not what everyone wants. They prepared for a long time just to wait for this moment, but now it seems that this water monster is far more powerful than everyone thought. The speed is very fast, can avoid the detection of sonar, the body is larger than expected, and the frigate may be overturned in front of him.

"The target disappeared -" the voice of the investigator was also heard from the helicopter. Obviously, all this indicates that this hunting activity that has been prepared for many years has failed. Everyone was a little bit depressed, and they were silent. The colonel furrowed his brows even more. He was wondering what he did not do enough. So that the water monster in front of him escaped.

"Have they hunted down?" Silia stood in the room with a worried look, looking at Zhen Fan who was standing next to the window, but with her eyes tightly looking at the lake on the lake outside the window, and asked, "It seems ... It's quiet outside. Have they caught the monster?"

"No, they went to the trail of the water monster. I think... it can live in this lake for so many years. It is impossible to be caught easily. They have their own way of survival. So... we don't want to Excuse them. If they really can’t hide here someday, we’ll help them again. Otherwise, our rash actions might make them hostile to us. Okay, let’s go back. You are waiting here too. It's been a long time!" Zhen Fan turned around, drew the curtains, and said to Silia, "Tomorrow, we will go back. According to current speculation, the military will get in touch with the martial law here, and we can leave. Up."

Sure enough, even though the army did not leave early the next morning, they were still trying to find something. But the martial law has been lifted, and many tourists chose to leave. It was really frightening. It was explosions and martial law by the military. I heard the roar of helicopters and ships all night last night. It really felt like a battlefield.

Zhen Fan went out of the town with the tourists who left, and then arrived at the nearby airport. There were no direct flights to Los Angeles in the United States, so he diverted and flew. As a result, he delayed the itinerary until the next afternoon. Arrived in Los Angeles. Christina picked the three people home at the airport.

There was no accident on this trip, the matter was resolved, Zhen Fan was in a good mood, cooked by himself, made a sumptuous dinner, and then after the family came back, they ate dinner with Eric and Silia. After eating, Eric and Silia left, and Zhen Fan sneaked into the basement alone after everyone greeted them.

After entering, he did not come out until midnight. Everyone didn't know what he was doing, but no one rushed to bother him. Even if Maria wanted to go, she was held back by Claire. Now that Claire has experienced such a long-distance crossing across the United States, she has begun to become more calm and considerate in doing things.

When everyone got up in the morning, Zhen Fan was already sitting on the sofa in the hall, looking a little excited and a little proud. It seems to have done an amazing thing. Kristen looked at him suspiciously and said, "What the hell? It's so mysterious, let's go, what's wrong?"

"A good thing, it is definitely a good thing!" Zhen Fan said, suddenly holding a finished ring in his hand, and then lifted it up. The black ones were all hung with ropes. "This is a ring made of energy meteorites. , I have used means to cover their energy. They can’t be exposed, but they can nourish themselves, improve their Taoist cultivation and their inner energy. Everyone has a share!" Said to the youngest Mary Ya beckoned, Xiaopeng was still sleeping and did not go downstairs.

"This is yours, try it on." Zhen Fan put the ring on Maria’s small hand, and suddenly a brilliance disappeared in Maria’s finger. Maria was shocked, but she was surprised. Zhen Fan clapped his hands and said, "Don't be afraid, this is energy that has been integrated into your body. You and this ring are now one, and it is difficult to lose it. You are the owner of it, do you know? Maybe something At that time, you can still connect with each other!"

"Really? Great!" Maria clapped her hands and jumped happily. Suddenly a stream of heat flowed through her body, making herself feel very comfortable, "Great, I feel a little...very excited It feels like there is warm water flowing throughout the body, which is very comfortable."

"It will be like this every day in the future. This will have the effect of washing hair and cutting the marrow." Zhen Fan touched her head. This little girl is already amazing. If you add this ring, Zhen Fan dare not think, Maria Which step will be taken in the future, but what is certain is that she will be a superhero who makes all the villains who think they are the most powerful must play a 12-point spirit to guard against. Of course if she wants to be a superhero when she grows up.

Maria's performance made everyone look forward to this ring. But in the end, they were not disappointed. Even people with cultivation levels like Helena felt the magical effect of this ring. If they were worn for a long time, they might make a breakthrough in a short time and enter a higher level.

But everyone also understood why Zhen Fan stayed in the basement for so long last night. He was preparing these things for everyone. Although it was distributed to everyone without money like a wholesale, I was a little touched in my heart. In addition, Eric, Silia, Miles, Mia, and Bernard have a share. Even reserved for a few others. Rachel in the small town of Lecce in Montana, Hashimoto Garden and Miike Kikuko in Japan, and Sister An, he all prepared. It's really draped like no money.

However, these rings have been tested by Zhen Fan and possess a certain spirituality. The first person to wear them will be recognized as the master, and then it will nourish and protect the master. So this is definitely an amazing baby. Wearing a ring like this makes it hard to get sick, hard to look beautiful, and hard to grow old.

So after Eric, Silia and Miles got the ring on the same day ~ especially after they put on the ring, they felt the change brought to them by the ring, and their hearts were full of ecstasy. This is very effective for their Dao Fa cultivation, so after they got it, they spoke a little gibberish.

After doing all this, Zhen Fan felt that he had to personally send the ring to the small town of Lecce. Besides, Rachel hasn't been with Zhen Fan for a long time. In any case, this made Zhen Fan feel a little guilty. As for Hashimoto Garden and Miike Kikuko, I still have to go back to China to do some post-production work in the film. It would be nice to give them things by the way, but at that time, they should be pregnant women.

Driving from Los Angeles to the small town of Lecce, it takes more than a day, and it is not very fast, and it can be reached. Zhen Fan didn't call in advance, he wanted to give Rachel a surprise. She didn't fall into Old Jack's bar first, but went directly to Old Jack's house. At this time, she should be at home. But to Zhen Fan's surprise, there was no one in the room.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is in his villa in Lecce. It seems that Rachel regards it as her home. Zhen Fan drove off as soon as he drove. When she arrived at the villa, the sound of the car alarmed Rachel. She wore an apron and came out of the kitchen. She saw the car on the lawn and the person who got off the car. She was a little stunned for a while. . (To be continued.)

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