The American Scripture

Chapter 1433: 2 tickets

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The reign of Ramses II was the strongest period of the New Kingdom of Egypt. He is the most famous pharaoh and the most powerful king in Egypt. The enemies he conquered were very afraid of him, thinking that he was an unkillable king protected by gods, and he was also a king loved by the people. He built a new city in Egypt's northeast Nile Delta as the capital, and named it Peer Ramses.

Legend has it that Ramses II was protected by the gods and possessed an immortal body. He lived for more than ninety years, but he still looked like a strong middle-aged man. He fought bravely and personally led the army to charge. All this shows , He can really live forever. There are such records about him in many temples, and they are highly consistent. Perhaps the legend can be believed sometimes. But he tried it when he was in his nineties. And in the end he died of a conspiracy against him. His pet Ji colluded with the general and killed him, killing him with a dagger that could penetrate his immortal spell.

But he is also the most mysterious mummy, thousands of years later, it still remains mysterious. His mummy has never been found, all found are fakes and fakes. The real mummy of Ramses II was actually said to have been placed in a mysterious place, in order to be awakened again when the conditions were ripe, and come to rule the world again.

Of course, this is legend. But the reason why a legend has become a legend is that people in the past believed it deeply. Imagine that, more than 3,000 years ago, a person could live to be more than ninety years old without dying, and still be able to lead an army in battle. This is absolutely unique. Unless the legend is true, then everything can be explained.

More than three thousand years have passed, and the new capital established by Ramses II has been submerged in the sand. The only place here is the old site that was destroyed by the war and was invaded by the sand. There are no residents and only deserted scenery. of course. In the ruins of the deserted city, there is also the gate of an underground palace opened by a hole.

The door opened. Then something happened, explosions, storms, and then someone went crazy and someone disappeared. Someone died. All the people hired to dig the underground palace were dead, and there were more than a hundred dead bodies lying in the underground palace. At this moment, the mummy of Ramses II, originally in the Egyptian Museum, disappeared. Despite all these years, many people think this is a fake mummy. But it is still missing.

"How? Is it still like this?" In Cairo Psychiatric Hospital, a patient who was isolated in isolation. Sitting blankly on the single bed, this single room was specially prepared for him. Outside the door, a man who looked like a Westerner asked the Egyptian in police uniform beside him.

"Yes, he is a lucky guy. He doesn't need to go to court or go to jail!" The Egyptian policeman hummed, seemingly dissatisfied with the guy in the house.

"This prison is too difficult!" The man frowned dissatisfied at the prison guards. "I'm Cady Burton, an official of the U.S. Embassy. This is the procedure for interrogating him. We want to take him down. Ask. So...Where do you want to arrange it?" He shrugged his shoulders at the guard and spread his hands.

The guard snorted. Then he said to him: "Come with me!" As he said, he pulled over the trial form, looked at it, and then stuffed it into his pocket, leading Caddy Burton to a relatively small room. In the room, there are two chairs in the room, but the lights are dim. Obviously this is not a good interrogation room.

"Just use it, Yankee!" The man said uncomfortably, "Damn Americans always want something from us. In this way, people who are disrespectful to the ancients and gods should be pulled out and shot. "Although he said quietly. But Caddy Burton heard it, his face looked embarrassed. Since large-scale demonstrations broke out in Egypt and were suppressed, people here have always held potential hostility towards Westerners.

Caddy Burton heard it. But he still pretended not to hear. Waiting intently for Tommy Atkinson's arrival. He wants to understand the specific situation, if possible, he wants to take Tommy Atkinson out of here, let him go to the United States to serve his sentence. This is the most critical place.

"Go in and meet people from your country, maybe you have a good exchange!" The prison guard came over. Came here with Tommy Atkinson, then pushed him, let him in, and closed the iron door of the house by the way, giving it a very gloomy feeling here, and this feeling made Tommy shrink his head. .

"I’m Cady Burton, an official from the US Embassy. I’m here today. I want to talk to you about what happened. Where did your missing companion go? If you tell me the truth, I can consider Let me come out of this **** place and bring you to America. You think carefully." Katie Burton didn't talk nonsense to Tommy and asked him if he was crazy. If he can understand, this is the best. , If he can’t understand, he will immediately turn around and leave!

Tommy's face was rather dull. No eyeballs moved. This made Caddy Burton frowned. He picked up the jacket on the chair, stood up, and was about to leave. This guy didn't react at all, and he looked crazy. Treating a crazy person, the US government may not consider getting him out through diplomatic means.

"It was resurrected, and took away Janice Furr, it was resurrected. In that underground palace. He was not a mummy. He was never made a mummy, but lived like a real person. He has not died. He caught her and killed everyone, everyone died..." Suddenly Tommy said loudly to Caddy Burton who walked to the door, "What I said is true, but They said I was a madman. I am not a madman, please, get me out. I don't want to stay here, here... I don't know, the whole place is not safe, take me away..."

"If you are really not crazy, we can consider it, have to be a little patient, after all...the diplomatic route will take a long time, of course...we have to look for the missing person, Janice Foer, We will find her, regardless of life or death, we will, please believe this!" Said Caddy Burton nodded to Tommy Atkinson, and left. There is no certainty that this matter will succeed. They can only do their best.

"Boy, come back with me!" The guard said to Tommy Atkinson, and then walked into the small room with his baton. Tommy Atkinson's horrible howl came from inside, as if he was being beaten. But Cady Burton can't do anything, he can only do his best to let this **** come out sooner.

Los Angeles, USA. Billy Foshan Village, Zhen Fan's villa. Zhen Fan is talking on the phone with Melissa. He has already begun to understand what happened this time. Through Melissa, but also through the US Embassy to understand the situation. But the situation is far worse than he thought. Tommy Atkinson is abused every day. I don't know if he can survive.

"That's it, if... someone can give the Cairo city government a sponsorship fee to improve the city government's repairs, then no matter who it is, you can bring people out." Melissa said to Zhen Fan on the phone. "Don’t ask where the money ended up, or whose pocket it went into, you just need to take out the money."

"In other words, can you buy him?" Zhen Fan said, "Egypt is really a country where miracles have occurred."

"Yes, their asking price is half a million dollars, but as far as I know, the U.S. Embassy is not going to pay the money. They calculated that Tommy Atkinson was taken from the psychiatric hospital like an empty glove and white wolf. But... I can tell you that it’s impossible. Since the liberal revolution in Cairo, almost everyone in Cairo has a scrutinizing attitude towards Westerners, so we can’t do anything unless we take The money comes out."

"Things that can be solved with money are not difficult. Go ahead. I want to make sure that when I get to Cairo, I can bring Tommy Atkinson out very smoothly. And... let their people stop torturing him. Otherwise, the business will fail. Okay, that's it!" Zhen Fan said, hung up the phone, then turned to Christina and said, "Book me a ticket to Cairo, Egypt, the sooner the better . I hope that kid can carry it!"

"A ticket?" Christina shrugged at Zhen Fan, "What about mine? I'm your secretary...I feel like you want to get rid of me every, I admit I may have a lot of things and may annoy you, but...I really want to perform my duties, this is the key!"

"No, you are planning to go to Egypt for archaeology?" Zhen Fan smiled at her. "The thing they caused was because they discovered the real underground palace of Ramses II. This discovery is comparable to the discovery of Egyptian Hu It’s the same as my husband’s pyramid. Don’t say it’s not, have to make sure you don’t go to archaeology, I will take you there!"

"Okay, I agree, you are the boss, I will always follow you!" Christina nodded quickly, anyway, just go to see the underground palace of Egypt's greatest pharaoh, it is a lucky journey, and right Zhen Fan gestured with two fingers, "Two tickets. It will be ready soon!"

In fact, Zhen Fan also needs archaeologists like Christina to go with him. Just now, it was just to test her and set the rules. This is the most important thing. The two tickets were booked quickly, but they are only for tomorrow morning, so I can only stay at home tonight.

But by the way, at home, Christina added to Zhen Fan some relevant historical knowledge about the greatest pharaoh in Egypt. Through this Zhen Fan learned what kind of person Ramses II was, and also Curious about the legend of Ramses II. (To be continued.)

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