The American Scripture

Chapter 1441: Fried coffin

Without any vision, Zhen Fan smiled and opened his hands to them and said: "Don't worry, just take it, the gold here belongs to us. There is no curse, no Ramses, only gold. Come on, Guys, each of you will become a person of a wealthy country." Zhen Fan waved at them.

So everyone rushed over, and one of them tremblingly stretched out his hand, and finally touched the yellow-orange-orange gold nugget. He tightened his heart and waited. Everyone looked at him, waiting for him to be soon. Shot a gun into his head. But... it was all normal together, and nothing happened.

Nasr took two deep breaths, then lifted a heavy piece of gold, and said loudly, "Guys... we are rich! This is a unique gold treasure, and we will become the world's top rich... And... we don’t need to kill each other, because no matter how we distribute these wealth, we don’t need to fight, because each of us will have endless money. Is it necessary to kill and live?" His eyes looked at Zhen Fan. To tell the truth, among the people here, he is most afraid of Zhen Fan, and these words are also for Zhen Fan.

"I agree, I agree completely." The bald head also echoed loudly, and he said to Zhen Fan, "Mr. Zhen, you are already the top richest man, and you don’t lack anything, so... even if we split equally, There is not much loss to you, do you say I am right?" He was also very jealous of Zhen Fan. When speaking, he couldn't help but aim at Zhen Fan, for fear that he would suddenly be against him. The rest of the people looked at Zhen Fan nervously, as if he was the real person here. Only if he said yes, the wealth would truly fall into his pocket.

"I have no opinion at all!" Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and said, "This wealth was discovered by everyone. It should be everyone's share, so... my opinion is that we have a share in what we see." The people around me said, "Do you have any different opinions? If so..."

"No, you are right, we should be part of the audience. We distribute the treasures equally!" Nasrla said without even thinking about it, "It's obvious, I don't think they will have any opinions. Yes, is it? Guys!"

"Of course, of course. Everything should be like this. We are in the same group, aren't we?" The bald head couldn't help it, clapped his hands to cater, and then looked at Zhen Fan and said, "What should we do now? There is no treasure. Is it? I think, since we are here, we should take these treasures away together."

"I agree!" Nasrla nodded and said, then looked at the people who followed. Those people also raised their hands to agree, and then Zhen Fan led the way through the aisles. Continue to search for the third treasure. And Zhen Fan also felt that he was getting closer and closer to that mysterious stone chamber, and that would be the final answer.

Christina and Tommy crawled out of the underground palace. Seeing the sunlight outside, it was very dazzling. They reached the pergola with their hands and looked in front. The two of them walked a long distance before they stopped. Christina pointed to this side and said: "This underground palace is very big. If it collapses, it will sink into here...including here. So we should go this way, at least twenty-five miles away to avoid it. There will be no accidents."

"How do you know so much?" Tommy Atkinson looked at Christina and said. "We don't have transportation, how can we go to such a far place? And... how can you be sure of such a large area? And... how do you know that this place will collapse?"

"This is the difference between me and you. Did you follow Janice Fore and didn't learn how to archeology?" Christina said with a smile, "I just read the record in the stone room, so I know. Learn more. Well, archaeology is not a profession that everyone can do. we have to leave here quickly and move forward."

"Follow me." Suddenly Tommy Atkinson beckoned to Christina, "Follow me, and we can leave here in a short time. Then we are outside the twenty-five miles you said. "As he said, he ran a short distance, and there were several cars parked there. It was their own car and the cars driven by the people from Nasrla.

"Learn a little bit, not everyone is as smart as me!" Tommy Atkinson said with a smile, then beckoned, and walked towards the rented car he drove over. Then jumped into the car and waited for Christina to jump into the car. Just started the car and sped away in the direction Christina was pointing.

After half an hour, the two stopped on a high **** in a desert area. Then Tommy Atkinson opened the door and came out, standing on a high slope, Christina also got out of the car, the two stood side by side, looking at the direction of the underground palace from a distance. It was already afternoon by this time. Since entering the underground palace, time has passed unconsciously.

"We have found three treasures, and one is larger than the other. Should we stop?" At this time, a person who followed the bald head said, "I think this wealth is enough for us to live a lifetime. No matter how we spend money, we can’t spend it all.”

"You **** it, can't we have more money? If someone finds the greatest treasure, the treasure of Ramses II, then what is our money in front of those? What a fool!" Bald head It was a kick at that person, and then smiled at Zhen Fan, "He was kicked in the head by a donkey."

"Then what's our opinion now? Continue or do we ship all of these out now?" Zhen Fan shrugged at them. "If we continue, we will pass through two passages to reach Ramses II. It's a place in the world, how to choose, you choose, of course...I want to continue my adventure, otherwise... the entire adventure will be meaningless, and the biggest and most valuable treasure has not been unearthed!"

"Go on, let's go on!" Suddenly Nasrla gritted her teeth and said to her bald head, "I decided to go down and follow us. I hope we can become the richest people in the world."

"I agree!" The bald head nodded, and then waved his hand. "Mr. Zhen, everything depends on you. You can go wherever you say you go. Since we have found the treasure, it is impossible to leave him behind. People, this is unreasonable, so it cannot be tolerated. Who would think that there is too much money?"

Zhen Fan nodded, and then walked slowly toward the passage in front. After passing through the two passages again, the group finally arrived at a large square like a square. It was very high. After walking down the stairs, Zhen Fan felt that this was a huge square, and the end of the stairs was a huge one. On the round ground, everyone stood in the round square and looked up to the surroundings. There was a huge dome, and there were a dozen huge stone sculptures about 30 meters high, all of which were carved in human form wearing helmets. Looks like a general. Some were holding spears, some holding long swords, and some holding bows and arrows and throwing guns. There is also a giant hammer, which looks very shocking.

What a huge underground palace this is. Zhen Fan couldn't help but sigh. This should be the central square of Ramses II’s city. Those passages may be the streets of the new city extending in all directions. But Zhen Fan suddenly had an amazing feeling. This new city may have been built according to the model of his mausoleum. It's just that the people living here don't know it. Ramses II felt that he might die here one day. This was premeditated. If this is the case, it would be terrible, and Zhen Fan faintly felt an uneasy factor.

"My God, this... is so majestic. Where are we?" The bald head yelled, and suddenly all around was lit up. It turned out that a follower lit the burning fire under the statue. Oil. Countless lines of fire began to spread from under the statue and then rushed to the top of the statue, igniting a raging flame. At this time, the entire square was illuminated brightly. It's as clear as daylight.

"Here must be connected to the outside." Zhen Fan looked around the square. At this time, there was a long step in front of him. He walked slowly towards that step, and he faintly felt that there must be some connection with the outside world. Because the air in the underground palace will not support the burning of such a huge kerosene for a long time. But the fire here does not mean to go out, it burns more and more.

"Come here, there may be a problem here!" Zhen Fan walked to the highest point of the positive and found something like a huge sarcophagus. This sarcophagus is very big, four or five times bigger than the ordinary one. Zhen Fan waved at them, so everyone flocked, because in their opinion, Zhen Fan must have discovered the sarcophagus of Ramses II.

"Blast it!" Zhen Fan said to the bald head, "We couldn't find any switch for this sarcophagus. It seems that the people sleeping here never thought that someone would open this sarcophagus. Use explosives!" Fan gestured to that guy, and under the bald head gesture, several people began to arrange explosives around the sarcophagus. In this open place, there is no fear that explosives will blow up the entire underground plaza. Bald and Nasrla also stood far away, watching those people arrange explosives and then arrange the remote control line.

"Guys, we are about to create a new world." Zhen Fan said to them, watching from a distance, but he stood farther than these people. Because he faintly felt that this matter was not that simple. Such a majestic underground palace in the desert is not just a huge city and mausoleum.

"Okay, guys, we're going to start, let's find a place to hide!" The bald head shouted loudly to everyone, and then everyone hid behind the statue, watching a guy press the button.

With a loud noise, the sarcophagus was blown to pieces. (To be continued.)

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