The American Scripture

Chapter 1444: Underwater palace

As soon as he entered the tent of the barracks, General Capo said to Christina: "We found a city under the sea.... ≦… ≦ But we can’t get in right now because we don’t have advanced small submarines and we are still waiting. The arrival of the American submarine. Tell me... Ramses II’s underground palace is here, isn’t it?"

Christina knew that there was no way to hide it, so she said honestly: "Yes, originally we were looking for a missing American here. You know, it's Tommy Atkinson's friend, named Giannis Foer. Girl. But... it seems that everything seems to be unimportant."

General Capo nodded and said: "Yes, our information shows that your target after entering the country is here, including the intelligence of Director Nasrla, so...I feel fortunate for your city. By the way... ...I heard that there are a lot of treasures in the underground palace of Ramses II..."

"What's the use of saying this now? I didn't see any treasure, but saw it being swallowed by the sea, General... The person looking for the treasure is Nasrla, we are not in the same group with him, and... For Zhen Fan, does he still need treasures? What treasures can be worth his current assets? Our purpose is to find people and find his missing friends. This is what we have to do..." Turning around angrily, he left the camp.

"General, should we find someone to stare at her?" a lieutenant colonel said to General Capo.

"Forget it, at least from her expression, she should be telling the truth, which we can imagine. The hapless world billionaire, do you think Fan Zhen can still survive? It's a pity that he has so much. Wealth." General Capo sighed, looking very sorry.

Zhen Fan’s wealth has reached at least 20 billion U.S. dollars. This is definitely the wealth of a wealthy country. In other words, Zhen Fan does not need to risk coming here to find some underground maze-like wealth, and even risking such a big one. Danger. It now appears that he is more likely to be more miserable.

Christina came out of the general's camp. Looking at the boundless sea, I always felt an aura of anger filling my chest. She hopes that Zhen Fan will be safe, and then she will open this **** place sooner and leave this **** country. These guys in power. Each one looked like a greedy jackal.

Where is Zhen Fan? Christina kept chanting in her heart facing the sea. Yes, where is Zhen Fan? From the moment the sarcophagus exploded, Zhen Fan was prepared, and then after the seawater poured in, he entered the sea from the sarcophagus. Then quickly swim to the deepest part of the sea. Soon he discovered that the seabed landform here is very strange. Because the deepest place here is only about three to four hundred meters deep. But there is a channel, like a crack from the ground, not very long, but very wide, and it is almost bottomless. And this crack is not far from the sarcophagus, and is hidden by a huge rock. This rock is like a huge rock extending from the underground palace.

Zhen Fan didn't hesitate to drill in along the crack, just enough to accommodate two people in parallel. Zhen Fan faintly felt that there was something waiting for him. This is a kind of adventure, but also a kind of bewilderment, making Zhen Fan swim towards the surface without asking himself.

The sea is part of nature. Zhen Fan integrates himself into the sea, so the sea is no longer a problem for him. He can reach where he wants to. And Zhen Fan also felt that this trench might be related to the waterhole in the temple of Tulum City before. And the lake on one's own territory in the African desert is the same, with great power.

The depth here seems to be deeper than the deepest abyss of the Mariana Trench. The deepest part of the Mariana Trench is about 6.8 miles, two kilometers deeper than Mount Everest. And there seems to be an ancient atmosphere here. This made Zhen Fan suspicious. It's just that the more he goes down, he seems to feel that the pressure he faces is greater, knowing that here is one thousand one hundred times the pressure on the ground. No one can sneak in here, even with advanced equipment.

And just when Zhen Fan felt a strong suction force, he finally saw that there was a palace under the deepest seabed, but this palace also looked very huge. And this palace can still preserve the perfect structure under such pressure. It's incredible. You must know to resist pressure a thousand times more than the ground. In this way, it is absolutely impossible to maintain a complete structure, unless something extraordinary is protecting it.

The closer to this palace. The more Zhen Fan felt a familiar thing, yes that was energy. A powerful and unparalleled energy that makes people give birth to an unmatched energy continuously diffuses out of the palace, making Zhen Fan feel like he can't help being sucked in. But he persisted. Very calmly swam towards the palace.

To the bottom of the sea floor. Zhen Fan stood calmly, because the ground here is very flat. It's like the flat ground of a palace. Zhen Fan walked on it, just like walking on a real ground slate, surrounded by tall stone pillars, which looked very majestic, and there was no need to take the underground palace on the sunken ground.

Gradually approached the end of the front palace, which was a throne. Sitting on it was a giant, wearing a gorgeous Pharaoh's robe. This person was almost two the size of Zhen Fan. Although ordinary people could not see anything in the deep sea, Zhen Fan could see clearly. The same light as if it were on land, so clear.

Zhen Fan felt that that person was alive and definitely not a dead thing. When Zhen Fan stepped into this palace, the man had already sat there waiting for him. So he approached step by step, and the distance between the two was only the distance of the throne, Zhen Fan clearly saw the man. He wears a golden mask and helmet, holding a long sword in both hands, and a golden armor on his body. It is somewhat similar to the portrait of Ramses II on the fresco, but there is still a big difference. The man did not seem to move. Know that Zhen Fan said: "You are Ramses II?"

The sound does not need to come out through the mouth, he uses thoughts and energy. He could feel that this person was probably the disappeared Ramses II, a terrifying energy emanating from his body, making Zhen Fan actually feel the pressure. This is the pressure he has never felt.

The voice went out, but there was no response. When Zhen Fan frowned, he continued to move forward and stretched out his hand to uncover his helmet. Suddenly the statue-like figure moved, and his long sword slammed towards Zhen Fan. The two were very close, and the sword came suddenly, and Zhen Fan had almost no time to dodge.

But the long sword was stabbed wrongly. Zhen Fan had already reached behind him, and stretched out his hand to grab his helmet. But when the hand touched the helmet, the long sword stabbed again, so fast that even Zhen Fan was a little caught off guard. Then the man stood up from his seat, took a step, and kept a distance from Zhen Fan.

This man is almost Ramses II, Zhen Fan seems to know without even thinking about it. His body shape different from ordinary people is recorded in history books. There is also his sword, his whole person carries a huge energy, and when he fights with himself, he will not fall under the wind.

"Oh" This guy made a retching sound, and rushed towards Zhen Fan. Each of his swords had a kind of energy that turned the river over. And Zhen Fan was as erratic as a small boat in the waves. Even Zhen Fan didn't dare to block his sword casually. But Zhen Fan also felt that this guy's abilities were not as good as his own. So he can deal with it calmly.

No wonder this guy is invincible. With such ability, it is possible to conquer some more countries. Just why would he sink to the bottom of the sea willingly? And also caused a huge earthquake, buried the palace in the depths of the sea. Because Zhen Fan has seen that the style of this palace is the same as the construction style of the underground palace on the ground that has been submerged by sea, so they must come from the same place.

Maybe I felt Zhen Fan's strength, maybe because he had never met someone more powerful than himself. Therefore, after a rush, the giant felt that he could not defeat Zhen Fan, and suddenly threw the long sword out, and the long sword suddenly emitted a ray of in this deep sea, it was The golden light was prosperous, and the long sword suddenly became a white snake like a giant python. Pounced towards Zhen Fan.

Obviously, this long sword is a spiritual creature. Iramesses II has nourished for thousands of years, and may have the intelligence, able to use energy to transform into things. This Zhen Fan can also do it, the magical thing, the strength is suddenly much stronger than the long sword. It is not so much a huge snake, as it is a huge electric eel. The deepest and lowest eel that ever lived in the Arctic Ocean. It's just that the size of this eel is much larger.

In front of it, Zhen Fan is nothing more than the ratio of sardines to whales. Coupled with the huge energy strangling at himself, this made Zhen Fan feel unprecedented pressure. Yes, before that, if Zhen Fan could still deal with it easily, then the pressure brought by this electric eel now makes Zhen Fan feel very heavy.

Lightning flashes around Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan reads the magic tricks and uses Taoist Diamond Guardian supernatural powers to protect herself, and immediately adds a layer of shield as thin as white mist on her body. But the electric eel’s lightning strikes on that layer of cover, constantly making a "chicking" sound. Every hit can make Zhen Fan feel the fluctuation of this protective cover. If this continues, sooner or later this protective cover will need After being penetrated by this electric eel, even if Zhen Fan is tyrannical, he will inevitably get injured. The giant beside him made a cheerful "hehe" sound. (To be continued.)

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