The American Scripture

Chapter 1446: A punch in the nose

With a sound, the frogman emerged from the bottom of the water, then turned over and entered the speedboat. Then another frogman crawled in. The two of them sat on the speedboat and panted. Then they looked at the commander on the speedboat and shook their heads and said, "We searched all the places, except for the big rocks, we found nothing. ."

"Go back, go back and report to the general!" The commander waved his hand, and the speedboat galloped toward the barracks. A white wave was raised on the sea. Not long after, two more speedboats headed towards the barracks. Soon the shore will meet. The group went ashore in frustration, and this time they had nothing to gain.

"This is the third day. There is nothing here, no face and shit, Miss Christina Weeden, I spent three whole days here, and I didn’t find anything. This is very abnormal. Legend has it in the underground palace. There are a lot of treasures, the chief of police in Yunchun must know this, so he plans to monopolize it, but who doesn’t know? Now...I need an explanation, why there is no treasure, and no Zhen appeared? Are you kidding me? General Capo angrily yelled at Christina in the military tent, "Perhaps Zhen has already obtained the treasure and then blasted it down? This will be the only explanation, you know?"

Christina couldn't help but smiled contemptuously: "General Capo, obviously, you also want to swallow the so-called treasure. Tell you, if Zhen has any accident here, you must know that it will be a huge Diplomatic whirlwind, and you... will be the scapegoat in this whirlpool. No matter what you think, we can’t get the treasure and we can’t ship it out. It’s impossible for your immigration office to let us carry it like this A lot of treasure left your country. So... don’t think so, it’s dangerous. If there is no treasure, you can still get a five million dollar bounty. If you work harder. Find my boss. !" Christina snorted as she said and turned around and left the barracks. Then he walked towards the highest point of the dune very irritably.

"Damn it." General Capo slammed the quilt to the ground, but because of the sandy soil, the quilt did not break. So he stomped on it again, "click", the quilt was torn, but his boots were pierced, and blood immediately ran out, "Grass, grass. Damn!"

"I heard the general's anger." When Christina was standing at the highest point of the sand dune, there was a voice behind her. She turned her head and saw that it was Tommy Atkinson. He walked towards Christina, while Walked and said, "Are you sure he won't give us a shot when he is angry?"

"I hope this is the case. He will only appear when this happens. I don't know where he is now." Christina sighed helplessly. "But I can assure you that General Cabo will never do anything to us. He just wants the treasure. But obviously, he can't get it. The people at the naval base here tomorrow will It will come, he has no chance, that's why he became so angry."

"I hope you are right. Maybe we can get out of here smoothly only when the U.S. forces come over." Tommy Atkinson couldn't help but sigh, "I don't even know where Janice Foer is. If I must be unwilling to leave like this." Tommy Atkinson sighed. Looking at the sea.

"So... do you plan to stay? Until you find Janice Forr or her body, then go back?" Christina said to him mockingly, "Perhaps you can be alone for the rest of your life. In a **** country, have to face people like that police chief and generals like this? People like them are everywhere here. If this is the case, I can only wish you good luck and feel for your courage admire!"

"I...I just sighed!" Tommy Atkinson obviously didn't want to live like this for a lifetime. So he kept talking, trying to change the subject, "The great American military might use advanced submarines to find something. I look forward to it very much. Maybe tomorrow will be a different look."

"Perhaps!" Christina walked toward her camp with disdain, and said loudly. "You can go home tomorrow, and enjoy the thrill of the rest of your life after the disaster. This will give you a different mood and life experience. Don't think about Janice Foer, she may be dead long ago."

Tommy Atkinson stood in a daze on the sand dune, watching Christina's back disappear to the edge of the sand dune, and couldn't help feeling a little dazed. You can really leave here tomorrow, so should you stay or leave? Maybe Janice Foer would have died long ago, as Christina said. I will bring this unfortunate news to her family, and I can also make a cloak mound, God...cute girl, just left.

Tommy Atkinson was already assuming in his heart that Janice Fur was dead. He is looking forward to the arrival of the American army tomorrow, and then he can leave this **** place.

Early the next morning, General Capo personally went to the camp of Christina and Tommy Atkinson and called the two out and said: "Your mission is up to today, you can leave. Leave far away. Here." This guy looked very unhappy today, obviously, he had to do it again.

The advanced submarine and staff of the US military carrier will arrive at more than nine o'clock in the morning. In this case, if he does not let Christina and Tommy go, he will definitely be criticized by the US military, which is not good for his career. So he had to let them go.

"I have to wait for my boss, General, I can't leave here yet!" Christina said to General Capo, "I still have my mission, that is... the boss appeared, even if he died here, I have to wait until I see him to leave, do you understand?"

"Damn, don't tell me anything about the boss, he was dead long ago and he fed the sharks. Hurry up and pack your luggage and go, don't get in the way of my eyes. Soldiers, screw out their things and put them in them In the car, drive their car over, hurry up, I don’t want these two guys to stay here for a quarter of an hour, let them roll away, if you don’t obey the order, kill them. Then throw them into the desert. , Let the wind and sand bury them, or let the beasts eat them, maybe they will become corpses, but anyway, let them disappear in front of my eyes, hurry, hurry!” At the end, he felt a little violent. . Keep waving his hands.

A few soldiers rushed over and they screwed out the contents of the two tents. At this time, a soldier drove their car out and threw the things into the car. A soldier opened the car door and said to Christina: "Please, we will **** you out of here, hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, I'll get in the car, and we will leave!" Christina knew that she couldn't force it now, maybe this guy would really do that if she was crazy. I am missing in the desert, no one can rely on. So I sat in the cab. Tommy Atkinson sat in the co-pilot, and he looked around nervously as soon as he got in the car.

"We will leave, say yes, we will definitely go, don't let your people follow me, I can't believe you." Christina put a **** to General Capo, and then started the car, speeding as soon as I stepped on the gas. He rushed away from here, and galloped toward the road when he came. The rolled up sand suddenly raised General Capo's face.

"Damn woman." General Capo cursed.

"General...Do you want us..." A lieutenant colonel next to him said to General Capo, doing a wiping motion. The eyes cast a look like a wolf. Obviously, this guy may often help General Cabo do this.

"Forget it, I don't want to make extravagance now. Let them go, they are small people. It doesn't prevent us, don't cause trouble, after all, they have too much relationship with that **** rich man!" General Capo said As he spoke, he cursed again, "Grass, this **** task, I thought there was oil and water to fish!"

The car galloped in the desert. About fifty or sixty miles from the barracks, Tommy Atkinson finally recovered. He complained to Christina and said: "You shouldn't scold him, you can't go to provoke someone who is going crazy Lion, this will kill us both here."

"I should greet all his family members." Christina snorted, "After returning to you go yours, I'll go mine, we have nothing to do with each other. If you don't have money, , I’m happy to sponsor you a plane ticket so that you can go home to meet your family. That’s it."

"Of course, I think so too. I will go back, and I will not stay in this crazy country. I have had enough these years. I have doubts about my purpose of coming here. I shouldn't be so. She’s paying for a woman without getting anything in return. I know why Janice is running around frantically, she is running away, she is using her job to numb herself. She is a coward, I have had enough!" Tommy Atkinson suddenly nagged like he was venting, "Everything is your boss, that **** rich man... He thought he was rich, and he had something that women couldn’t refuse. His ability to seduce women everywhere? Go to hell, grass, let him go to die!"

"You're scolding my boss, don't want me to hear nothing!" Christina suddenly stopped the car, then leaned over, opened the co-pilot's door, and faced Tommy Ai. Jin Sen said, "Get out of the car and roll down by yourself. Don't let me be rough, although I will not beat you up for the sake of shared adversity. Hurry up, get out!"

"What? You want to beat me? You still want to beat me? I will make you look good, and see who will let him go!" Atkinson screamed, like going to pull Christina, with a "bang" on his nose He got a punch, and suddenly his nose bleeds. (To be continued.)

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