The American Scripture

Chapter 1457: Gunfight

Hot recommendation: ,,,,,,,

Listen to the jazz slowly, and then spell coffee. Zhen Fan's usually lazy temperament is slowed down by the unhurried pace of life in Paris. Yes, you rarely see pedestrians in Paris in a hurry. Many people are very leisurely, but the unique French accent and rhythm of the French make speaking a bit fast. But they definitely do things slowly, trying to make things more perfect.

Zhen Fan finished his coffee and walked out of the cafe. At the door, a girl in a white dress with patterns stood at the door and smiled at Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan nodded to her. The girl was indeed very beautiful. After a while, another young man came over and left with the girl arm in arm. But when the girl left, she smiled at Zhen Fan again. Zhen Fan nodded to her again.

On the streets of France, there may be girls smiling at you, but you must not be affectionate. Although it is a romantic city, it’s not that pretty girls will come over to chat with you and show your affection if you just walk on the street. , And then the two went to the hotel together. This is not the case, so at some point, don't be wrong.

The summer night in Paris is very refreshing, because there is a little rain in the sky, not big, but enough to drive away the summer heat. Walking slowly like this, you can see men and women holding umbrellas on the road. Often the skirts can still bring up a layer of ripples, stirring up this Paris night.

There was a "bang", first, then the second. Then there was a continuous sound, which sounded like fried beans, and then there was the screaming of women, and the sound of crazy loud calls for help. There are also the sound of cars slamming against the ground and the sound of chaotic footsteps.

These sounds are intertwined, as if the curtain of a drama has been opened. The voice is still coming. Someone is loud, but this night is no longer quiet. The sound came from far away, and then the stern sound of police sirens cut through the night sky, adding a tense atmosphere to this unquiet night.

A person hurried past Zhen Fan and shouted to Zhen Fan who was walking leisurely: "Go back to the house. Go back to your own home, hurry up." He didn't pay attention to what Zhen Fan did. Ran over in a hurry. This person actually spoke English, and Zhen Fan was taken aback. Then he was relieved, he treated himself as a Chinese traveling to Paris.

However, as this person ran past, people continued to rush from Zhen Fan, and the streets were already in chaos. It hasn’t been long since France experienced a tragic terrorist shooting, and now it’s happening again. This makes many people very panic, and even shoes that ran away.

"Go, go, it's a shot!" Someone yelled at Zhen Fan, waving while running, while others rushed into the nearest coffee shops, bars and other places to take shelter. At this time, the police car also whizzed past Zhen Fan. The chaos on the streets seems to have changed from a romantic city to a horror city in an instant.

"Hey, come here soon... the police have passed, hurry up, here is much safer than the street. A gunman escaped, maybe he should meet!" At this moment, the door by the street suddenly opened. A Chinese-speaking Chinese waved to Zhen Fan. He poked his head out of a bar.

Zhen Fan flashed in. The man took Zhen Fan by the hand, walked into the bar, and then asked him to sit down. Many people have been accommodated in the bar. Some were shaking their bodies in fear, some were praying silently, some were sobbing quietly, and some were sitting there silently, as if they were stunned.

There is already news of the shooting on TV. The picture is a bit shaken, and you can see the scene of the gun battle between the police and the gunmen on the street. The gunshots of "Papa Papa" sounded continuously, it was like returning to the war scenes of World War II. People screamed from time to time.

"My God! It's terrible!" A girl's voice rang from the side. Zhen Fan scratched her head and couldn't help but was taken aback. It turned out that it was the girl at the door she saw after she left the cafe. Quiet and beautiful. Very eye-catching. She clenched her hands into fists and held them to her chest, looking at the TV screen sadly with her big flickering eyes.

"Everything will be okay!" The man next to her stretched out his hand, embraced the girl's shoulder, and then patted gently. He wanted to comfort the girl and stabilize the girl's emotions. "The police have already started the action. will be fine soon, and we will be able to go home soon."

The girl nodded and couldn't bear to watch. When she turned her head, she saw Zhen Fan sitting next to her. She couldn't help but smile at him again, but she was indeed still in a sad mood just now, so she Laughing looks a bit like crying. Zhen Fan also nodded at the girl and smiled slightly.

All eyes are on the TV. It's just that some people are already a little disturbed. Because both the preemptive picture and the hunt picture appeared on the TV, each taking up half of the screen. In the hunting scene, you can see clear street and vehicle number plates. Many people looked at all this in amazement and thought it seemed a bit familiar.

"This is our street, my God, this is the street we are on." Someone finally realized what the source of the error was, and shouted, "My God, they are facing us. Come here. Attention everyone, they are walking our street, God, God bless!"

So the crowd began to riot. Some people tried to leave, but they were persuaded to leave, because if they left like this, they might be targeted by the suspect. It's safer to stay in a bar instead. The tumultuous crowd gradually calmed down again, and everyone held their breath and watched the TV screen.

Because it is an air show, Paris has gathered exhibitors from all over the world. It can be said that these people chose to launch an attack at this time and were carefully planned. They did not choose to attack at the opening ceremony tomorrow because tomorrow’s security must be very strict. They may be stopped by the police before they reach the location of the attack. Today is the night before the opening ceremony. Exhibitors and visitors have already arrived in Paris, and the night is the time when people are most relaxed. At this time, choosing the target of attack can have unexpected results. Now it really is like this.

"At the scene, we can see that the police are launching a gun battle with the suspects, but what we can be sure is that two suspects have drove out, not one, but two suspects are at large. The police are pursuing them. They are now stuck in the road. There are three other suspects. They are wearing black body armor, using ak47 automatic rifles, with fierce firepower...Well, we can see the scene of the police chase, which was taken from a helicopter. The suspect was blocked on a road ...The cafe is next to them, and their car rushed past...God, they packed into the cafe..."

While the anchor on the TV was constantly commenting, a fast-driving car on the street suddenly rushed towards this side, and then heard a loud "boom". Suddenly the whole bar seemed to be shaking. Then I heard the sound of rapid shooting.

"Ah--" someone screamed and rushed out of the bar and ran across the street. Suddenly the people in the bar flee madly, and some were pushed to the ground, stepped on, and screamed. The suspect's car rushed into a cafe not far from the bar. Then he started shooting.

Zhen Fan didn't go out the first time. He just sat there, watching the Chinese boss who was looking at the people fleeing hastily. The police car roared at this moment. Most of the people fled to the police. But two others were shot down by the culprits.

A white skirt flew up in the air, and then fell on the street. Zhen Fan was taken aback, and he was sensitive to discover that the girl who fell was the one who had just smiled at him. She was knocked down to the ground, and when she escaped in a panic, she was squeezed by the crowd and was hit.

At this distance, the police did not dare to risk rescue, because the firepower of the culprits was fierce. The girl slowly turned half of her body and twisted lying on her back, her body twitching constantly. Zhen Fan, who wanted to be an ordinary bystander, couldn't sit still. He couldn't bear to leave such a beautiful life like this.

Stand up and walk outside. The Chinese boss yelled to him: "Don't go, don't go, it's dangerous outside, it's better to stay here." His judgment is very good, and it may be safer to stay here than outside. But Zhen Fan went out anyway, and before the Huayi boss's voice fell, he was no longer in the bar.

Zhen Fan rushed to the street like that. It is strange that there was a fierce gun battle on the street, and he broke in between the police and the gangster. Someone on the police side was already shouting: "Stop fire, stop fire, someone rushed over, don't shoot." But the firepower of the gangster did not stop.

The strange thing is that although the culprits were shooting constantly, and the target of the shots was Zhen Fan and the girl, only the bullets were shot on the ground and splashed with stones, but Zhen Fan and the girl were never injured. . In this way, Zhen Fan picked up the girl and retreated calmly from the street.

"Someone is injured here, please send an ambulance right away!" At this time, the police began to call the ambulance, and at the same time they opened fire on the gangsters again. This time, their accuracy was much stronger, and the two gangsters were hit one after another. (To be continued.)

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