The American Scripture

Chapter 804: beat

When the man in black appeared, everyone was stunned. = Jicaro smiled bitterly, struggling to sit with Steve, watching the confrontation between the two people in front, shaking his head involuntarily: "The former partner, the enemy now, this world is changing so fast, really I don't know what happened to Preskin."

"No matter what happened to him, as long as he is on our side now!" Steve took a breath, and then spit a mouthful of blood on the ground. "It seems that I really don't know who is between them. More powerful!"

"Pleskin, this is my feeling, this is determined by a kind of momentum!" Gicaro said and looked at Steve, "not to mention that Beasley has spent too much effort now. Even if it weren't, Preskin would be one level higher than Beasley."

"I hope so, so that we can have a chance to survive!" Steve sighed, and then said sadly, "Hey, old man, I'm thinking about a question. This era that belongs to us is probably already It's over. If possible, I want to go back to where I was born, buy a large farm, maybe marry a girl with big breasts, and give birth to children..."

"I know your thoughts, don’t worry, I believe Mr. Milk will have arrangements. If our time has passed, we will be found out wherever we go, unless you can change everything about you, including you. Their hair, skin and even DNA, they won’t let us go easily.” Gicaro said, “When this matter is over. I’ll have a good talk with Mr. Milk.”

"I support you, boss!" Steve did not call Grand Elder Gicaro, the current organization. After being hit hard, they are already in decline, and their role is getting smaller and smaller, so the whole organization looks a little loose and loose. Steve often calls Gicaro the "boss" when he doesn't expect it.

When they were talking about their future, their eyes never left the two of them at all. They are also looking forward to the start of a battle that will impress them.

"You still got it, I thought I took the initiative to escape, you would let me go. But... now it seems to be my fault, I overestimated the relationship between us." Beasley and Pu Leskin said, adjusting his body to restore some strength as soon as possible. He is already facing tremendous pressure. It felt like he couldn't wear it. When did Preskin become so strong?

"Originally... I wanted to let you go!" Presskin shook his head. Saying blankly, "But your fault is that you shouldn't kill the old man and the family of four, so... you must die. It is an atonement for your past sins. I hope God can forgive you. !"

"Do you also believe in God?" Beasley laughed, "Unexpectedly that you would believe in God too? You forget, we didn't believe in anyone at the beginning. We just believe in ourselves and our abilities. That unparalleled superpower. This In the world, whoever has the big fist is the strongest. You were afraid, so you bowed to Zhen, right?"

"No, I'm not afraid. I want to be a real person for once, and Zhen can help me fulfill this wish. You know, what I want most now is to marry a woman like a human and have my own children." Preskin sighed, "Actually, you can do it! But you gave up this opportunity."

"I missed this opportunity?" Beasley sneered, "Stop teasing, Sia, you know I can't be an ordinary person like you, and... have you given me a chance? Did it go to give me a chance that night? It was like sending a beggar? A superb expression? I hate this kind of charity, even if it is death, I hate it, sorry... Sia, it seems that we are between , There will really be one who is going to die under the other's hands!" He was a little excited as he spoke, and roared in a low voice.

With these few roars, the soldiers who were surrounded by him, preparing to resist him entering the town, stepped back involuntarily and then stabilized. They were really frightened by this guy, but even so, they still stood faithfully in their posts.

This is the soldier, probably the soldiers all over the world, in order to defend their people, they will be like this! Regardless, even Gicaro and Steve admire these pots.

"Yes, it seems so now!" Presskin nodded slightly and said to Beasley, "If you kill the old man and the family, we may still have a chance, but now ...There is nothing, you do it first, I will use all my strength to deal with you, and you don't want to leave room!"

"Of course, I also want to know why you have such a strong strength." Beasley suddenly transformed into a larger werewolf, three people taller, every time his huge body took a step forward, You can feel the tremor of the ground. Step by step is like stepping on everyone's heart.

"Oh, shit, this guy didn't give his full strength just now!" Lei, who was on the sidelines, suddenly cursed. Yes, the sight just now gave him a great shock. This guy didn't give his fullest effort, so he stopped himself. A group of people were embarrassed. If he had become like this then... God, this is unimaginable, what the consequences would be, maybe both himself and George had gone to see God.

"Yes, yes, Ray, I think, if not, we might have become this guy's feast now, but now... I am very optimistic about the guy who just came, he is like Batman. Cold, he will defeat that **** werewolf!" George drew a cross on his chest, then raised his gun and pointed it at the front. He didn't know who to aim at, so he could only move left and right.

In the moonlight, the huge shadow of the werewolf's huge body cast down, almost covering Presskin. This kind of shadow is getting bigger and bigger, and Preskin was originally wearing a black dress, under the shadow, he can hardly be seen. But this doesn't mean that Beasley can't see it either. He suddenly rushed forward at an accelerated speed, waved his huge palm, and slapped him in the shadow.

There was a loud noise of "Bang——", huge dust was splashed, and the ground shook a few times. The soldiers were almost shaken to sit on the ground, staggering and unsteady.

A shadow flew out of the shadow, and then fell on Beasley’s huge shoulder, and then tapped it lightly, and saw that Beasley’s shoulder was tilted, and the whole person fell forward and his whole body It slammed onto the ground firmly, making a loud noise.

"Oh—" The soldiers onlookers let out a huge sigh, and then someone was better, "That's it, **** this **** guy, let him go to hell!"

Ray also raised his arms and shouted loudly. Obviously, this gave him another hope of life. This Batman-like guy in black clothes is really strong. Even a monster like Beasley, gently Below this point, I fell into a dog gnawing mud, which was really pleasing. Everyone felt a nasty breath, because Beasley was crushed and beaten just now, and my heart was very aggrieved.

Beasley slowly got up from the ground, then spit on the ground, looked at Preskin, moved his wrists, couldn't help but sneered: "Good skill, more improvement than before, it seems You are determined to let me die here." Beasley rubbed his hands, doing the final preparations.

He had to let go now. Preskin's momentum made him breathless. He snorted, his throat began to growl, his legs crossed back and forth, as if he was accumulating enough strength.

"I'm making progress much faster than you. Do you know why? Because Zhen, he gave me hope and gradually let me get rid of the bloodthirsty problem, making it possible for me to live like a normal person. Do you think Can I give up such a good prospect? No, I want to seize every opportunity." Presskin sighed and said, "What is the biggest wish in our life, you know? That is to make ourselves a real People, now I have to do it, you...but you are going further and further!"

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't need to have mercy on me. Those **** in the White House will let you go after they clean up me? Dream, even if you go to Mr. Zhen, what can you do?" Beasley At this time, he actually called Zhen Fan Mr. Zhen, which shows that his fear of Zhen Fan exists in his heart.

"I don't care what he would but I know what I should do!" Presskin suddenly looked at Beasley, then looked at his wrist watch, nodded and said. "I have to do it, I am blamed, we just chose two different paths."

"Do it!" Beasley didn't talk nonsense.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw Presskin jump suddenly, and the person was already in mid-air. Beasley also roared and rushed towards Presskin in the air. Where did he know that he was just in mid-air. He was kicked in the head by Preskin, and suddenly his head fell back, a mouthful of blood swelled out, his teeth also flew into the air, and fell down with the figure, but before it fell to the ground , Preskin's body in the air suddenly accelerated, and fell sharply, hitting Beasley's heart with a kick. With a loud impact, Beasley's body fell heavily on the ground again. Go, this time I fell heavier than last time.

Beasley’s mouth was bleeding out mouth by mouth, and his body was slowly getting smaller and smaller, and in the end it was just a normal human body, but his eyes slowly drifted away. . There was a dying struggling sound in his throat. The soldiers who had thought that there would be a big battle were all stunned at this time. They watched Preskin walk by, hugged Beasley's body, and then relaxed. He jumped onto a nearby hillside, and then jumped again, and disappeared into the night sky. (To be continued...)

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