The American Scripture

Chapter 806: Such a life

It’s strange that everything that happened in the border town did not appear in the newspapers, but there were still videos uploaded to the Internet, which attracted many reporters who wanted to find out and flocked towards the town. Residents are happy to welcome guests from all walks of life, and some even open family hotels, and vividly describe what they saw that night.

Of course, there is no positive evidence for all this. Of course, it’s not that I didn’t find anything. At least some reporters found some bullet shells in the outermost places. These were left over when the army collected the bullet shells. After all, they were too rushed to clean up here. Very clean.

Although there are many doubts, the reporters don’t have any other evidence, so the reports are all catching the wind, and they have been warned by the army and the police. If this fabricated thing is not stopped, then a lawsuit will be filed, so this is a public opinion. The storm gradually subsided.

Zhen Fan watched the vague videos on the TV. Because the residents of the town were isolated by the army and were far away, the effect of the shooting was basically a mess. He couldn't see anything at all and could only vaguely. I saw some fire and heard some gunfire.

"It doesn't mean anything at all!" Zhen Fan turned off the TV, then turned to look at Preskin and said, == "I will introduce someone to you later, I believe you have met this person before. , It’s Mia Grant, she’s also my disciple now, but she’s been in your profession much earlier, although she hasn’t got energy from meteorites, but her Taoism is very profound. You can start learning Taoism from her. , When she can’t teach you, you will come and learn with me again. This is a process. Of course... I don’t want you to underestimate Mia. With your current ability, none of her is her opponent!"

"Yes, Master!" Presskin was more cautious. Since he is determined to separate the past, he will treat the present very cautiously, "It's just... I'm afraid of causing trouble to Master!"

"It's okay, leave those external troubles to me!" Zhen Fan nodded, then stood up. Checking his watch, "They should be back. I will introduce you to you later!"

"Yes, Master!" Presskin saw Zhen Fan stand up. He also quickly stood up, and then looked respectful, even a little cautious. This made Zhen Fan a little amused, raising his hand to signal him.

"You don't need to be so nervous. Although we are a teacher-student relationship. But I hope we are friends, just like Mia and Helena. What we need is a friend, not an obedient child. Our hopes are too far apart. Friendship, peace and intimacy are the key to our being together."

Preskin gave a smile, he was a man who had lived for many years. How can you not know human nature? The reason why he is cautious is to hope that Zhen Fan will not care about the stigmas of his past. Thinking about it now, it really makes people feel a little bit self-confident.

Since Zhen Fan has said so now, if he looks like this again, it would be deliberately artificial and it would be offensive, so he nodded naturally, and then looked up and saw the iron door of the villa slowly It turned on automatically, and three cars drove in. One was driven by Christine, with Anne and Claire sitting in it. They also picked Claire back home from school. There are two others, Helena and Mia.

Praskin was actually shocked before entering this villa, because he could not see the villa close at hand, until Zhen Fan revealed the villa hidden by the formation, he saw it. This hand shocked him. When he entered the villa, the energetic and comfortable feeling immediately made his heart beat. This is definitely the best place to exercise his abilities. When I knew that it was just a Taoist formation set by Zhen Fan at will, I was secretly grateful for my wise decision.

Now he saw a group of women and little girls coming from the garage. What surprised him the most was Mia walking in the middle. He knew this woman. He didn't feel any ability in her at all, just like a Ordinary people, but when Mia felt that she caught Preskin’s gaze, an instinctive reaction made Preskin a little breathless. Obviously, Zhen Fan was right. Ya is better than him.

Even if it wasn't Mia, or the woman beside her who had been talking to her and laughing, she also put a lot of pressure on herself. It seemed that Zhen was indeed an awesome place. Of course he also knows Christine.

"Let me introduce it!" Zhen Fan stopped after seeing this group of women walking into the hall, and looked at Zhen Fan and Preskin. Obviously, she was waiting for Zhen Fan to introduce them. Not everyone has seen Presskin, but Mia only looked at Zhen Fan. If he didn't say it, she would not say it.

"Xia Presskin, my new apprentice, Mia, leave it to you. You are considered the best Taoist cultivation base here. You have to teach him the basic Taoist cultivation methods." Zhen Fan said to Mia.

"I know!" Mia nodded. Since Zhen Fan agreed to accept him, she must be responsible for the basic teaching herself. She would not be surprised at all.

"Mia Grant, you know, this is Helena Jenkins, Annie, Zhen Fan introduced one by one. And my wife Christine, you must know, if you like watching movies, because... Then There are some people like you!" Zhen Fan made a joke.

"Yes, vampire, I know, but...I'm almost gone now!" Presskin smiled bitterly, then shook hands with them one by one.

"Are you Preskin?" Annie asked, then shrugged.

"Yes, but... I'm not a vampire, I promise, that has become history!" Presskin put up his hand, ready to say it like an oath.

"No, I just ask casually, I'm not interested in these!" Annie said and took Claire upstairs. Claire said to Zhen Fan as she went upstairs, "Uncle Zhen, I brought a gift for Maria, where is she now?"

"On the rooftop upstairs, with Elsa!" Zhen Fan looked back at Claire and said loudly.

"Okay, is Elsa going home? I even brought her a present!" Claire's eyes narrowed and smiled.

"Of course, you'd better go and give it to her now. By the way...Why don't you have a gift from me? Does Claire dislike me? It's a bit sad!" Zhen Fan deliberately pretended to be very painful and covered it with one hand. My brows are frowning when I hold my chest.

"Of course... how could I forget, but I have to go upstairs first!" Claire said, jumping towards the upstairs, the sound of her jumping all the way, and her Counting sounds.

"Very beautiful little girl!" Presskin said with a smile at Claire's back. Now his mood is really changing, and he slowly becomes more fond of such things.

Zhen Fan nodded and smiled: "Yes, she is very popular. Hey-Mia, prepare one more dinner! Mia-prepare one more dinner, we have guests!"

"Well, I heard it, is your voice urging Elsa to leave work?" Mia's voice came from the kitchen, "Or, you will prepare the next dinner, and... you still Forgot someone, why haven't you asked Melissa? She hasn't come home yet!"

"I asked. She was going to eat in the studio. She was born a workaholic. Now I remember that I usually work so little that she can't live without that place now!" Zhen Fan smiled. "But... I like the secretary and assistant who is desperately making money for the boss."

"Well, I will tell Melissa the next day!" Helena's voice came from inside. Then there was a burst of laughter from the women, which came out of the kitchen.

At this time, another voice came from the stairwell. A woman went down the stairs, and then she waved to Zhen Fan: "I'm leaving, boss, when can you take the initiative to let me stay and eat a meal?"

"I just asked Mia to prepare an extra portion!" Zhen Fan shrugged, and then smiled helplessly, "Or... tomorrow's dinner, I count you more?"

"No, I have a date tomorrow night." Elsa smiled, and walked out, putting the car key in her hand, "I will have a big meal, and red wine, maybe there are roses, although I I don't like that stuff very much, but... at least it proves that someone is already pursuing you, doesn't it?"

"That's vanity--" Zhen Fan said loudly behind her.

" I agree with this sentence, every woman knows it, but we just don't have immunity to that stuff, this is natural, goodbye, Mr. Zhen!" Elsa turned back and said , Turned the corner, walked toward the garage, and then heard the sound of the car starting, and a Ford drove out.

"You--" Presskin paused, and then there was an expression of disbelief on his face, "Are you always like this? How do I watch TV...your Chinese masters and apprentices are... …"

"They're all respectful, aren't they?" Zhen Fan smiled, "Just feel free. This is the essence of Taoism. Don't let yourself be too rigid. I like such a relaxed and straightforward life. I think it belongs to Taoism. The proverb is the same-do nothing, do nothing, and let it present its most natural state. You will understand slowly, but... By the way, do you like this kind of life?"

"Of course...I can stand in front of you now, instead of being chased by people like Beasley, because I want to go back to this kind of life. It... feels really amazing, I like it!"

"Better like this!" Zhen Fan looked at Presskin, then nodded, "For unnecessary trouble in the future, I have to modify it for you, change your appearance, and let you use a new face. And identity appear." (To be continued...)

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