The American Scripture

Chapter 808: Miles Simon

Anyway, now Preskin looks like a ten-year-old young man, and even Claire just calls him his brother, which makes him a little embarrassed, but after figuring it out, there is nothing, Rong To experience a new life with this face, is it not a new attempt?

"I will apply for a certificate for you. You need a certificate to hide your identity. I can do it. I will ask Milk to do this. And... If you can, you can take the exam. Maybe you can. Try a nearby community college, anyway you have to have a cover. %% As for your residence..."

"I will do it myself!" Preskin said quickly. He is rich, and he still has some diamonds. These things were of no use to him before, but now that he is to be a human being, it is more useful. "I still have a batch of diamonds, which I can exchange for money!"

"Leave it to me. It's not appropriate for you to change money like this now!" Zhen Fan smiled when he looked at him, then cut a piece of cattle and put it in his mouth, chewing and saying, "You can buy a set separately A house, or an apartment on the outskirts, I will choose a few places for you and let you decide. And... your age is just right to avoid official attention, they will not suspect that you are Preskin, this is age the benefits of!"

It turned out to be like this. Preskin was a little grateful for Zhen Fan’s arrangement for him. Just as he was about to say a few words of thanks, he heard Zhen Fan say: "Don’t say anything like thank you, since you are now my disciple. Now, it’s a family and learn to live among the crowd. Of course, community colleges are just a cover. You can go to the clinic to volunteer, but... I will give you a salary. And it’s not low, otherwise the union will not let it go. Pass me!"

"Thank you!" Presskin smiled. This arrangement is really thoughtful. It shows that Zhen Fan has already begun to plan for his retreat. This makes Presskin very grateful, "Don't...I am I really want to say this, for so many years. No one has ever been like this...I mean it has done this for me!"

"What a poor child!" Annie said, and it seemed that she really regarded Preskin as a teenager, and she couldn't help but said with sympathy. Looking at him with a pitiful eye and saying, "You can come here often for dinner in the future, anyway, so many of won't be very troublesome!"

"I... can I?" Presskin looked at Zhen Fan and then at Mia. In fact, he still yearns for this kind of normal life in his heart. Someone chatting with someone, doing some things together, or eating dinner together, this makes him a little touched. He has been separated from the normal life of humans for so many years. It is indeed one thing to reintegrate into the normal life of human society. This is a difficult thing, but it is also a happy thing.

"Of course. Why not?" Zhen Fan said, then wiped his mouth. Put down the knife and fork and said, "I'm done eating, okay, today you will live here for the time being. We still have guest rooms. Tomorrow, I will take you to find a house. I have to call Dan Milk. Get your ID card ready!"

When Preskin wanted to say thank you, Zhen Fan had already walked into the living room, dialed Milk's phone, and then the phone was connected, and he heard Milk's voice: "Hey, Zhen, it's me, Dan . It’s nice to call me. When I was about to call you, it seemed that we had a good understanding.

"Well, first, what do you need my help?" Zhen Fan shrugged helplessly, then walked to the set of sofas facing the floor-to-ceiling glass and sat down, far away from the kitchen, where you can feel free Speaking without worrying about the women, so after he sat down, he simply curled up on the sofa in a very comfortable position.

"Well, let me talk about it first, but this time I really don't want to ask you to do anything, but... I want to say thank you this time, Gicaro and Steve both told me The experience that night, yes... Presskin really has fallen to your side?" This old fox is still trying to follow Zhen Fan's words.

"No, he is not here, because there will never be a person like Preskin in this world. Of course... this is also something I am about to tell you. Can you help me get an identity certificate? Is it? It's like Mia's!" Zhen Fan said to Milk with a smile.

"Well, I knew it was such a result!" Milk agreed readily, but he didn't hang up the phone right away, but he kept saying, "The battle that night was intense..."

"I know, someone told me!" Zhen Fan smiled. Preskin had already told Zhen Fan all the experience and also mentioned the injury of Gicaro and Steve. What do you want to say? If it is for Jicaro and Steve's injuries to ask me to go to the treatment, just say it quickly. Besides, Jicaro is my friend. No friend was injured, but I was not saved The truth!"

"I know you can guess it. Yes, it is the injuries of Gicaro and Steve. Their injuries are not suitable for examination in the hospital, and the conventional medicines in the hospital have little effect on their treatment. , So...Of course, this is not an exchange of benefits. Even if you can't be treated, I will help you get your ID. I was born to do this, so you are my friend..."

Milk returned these words to Zhen Fan, this old fox, he seemed to be thinking of Zhen Fan, but he knew that Zhen Fan would definitely be able to heal Gikaro and Steve. Now he is really worried. Gicarlo and Steve are trapped in the basement of his villa. Their injuries make him helpless, because they have never suffered such serious injuries. This is the first time. Hope it is the last time!

"Goodbye, I'll be over in a while!" Zhen Fan said, and suddenly added, "Wait a minute, I have to think of a name, hey, Sia, you said that if you change to a new identity, you will What's your name? Then your parents' names...and your birth certificate..."

At this time, Preskin had finished his dinner and was a little full. He had never eaten so full before. The feeling of filling his stomach with food was really good. It was much better than the hot blood. , One is in the sky and the other is underground. Now he sees that there is no blood anymore, only disgusting. Yes, it is disgusting, this feeling has already appeared in the previous month.

"Name?" Sia Presskin walked over to Zhen Fan, followed Zhen Fan's hand, sat down, looked at Zhen Fan and said, "To be honest... I haven't prepared a name yet. , Even... I just accepted my new identity, you caught me off guard!"

"Myers, how about this name? There must be a good surname that is easy to call, uh, I think Simon is very good, so my name is Miles? How about Simon?" Zhen Fan suddenly looked up and sat on the opposite sofa. Preskin said, "It happens to match a young face like you. Miles, I think it’s so cool for you to fall in love with this name!" He waved his hand for himself. The name was triumphant.

"It's not nice at all, I think it should be called Paul, Paul Walker." At this moment, Christine walked over, holding two cups of coffee in his hand, one to Zhen Fan and one to Preskin. Preskin stood up flattered, only to sit down and laugh after Christine had coffee.

"I think it's pretty good too!" Presskin nodded.

"Are you commemorating Paul? want him to be the focus? Don't listen to her, she doesn't understand you at all, of course...I don't know you enough." Zhen Fan said, picked up the phone and found there I haven't hung up the phone, so I was stunned and couldn't help asking, "Hey, Dan, did you hear what we just said?"

"Yes, I heard it, I think it's good!" Milk's grinning voice came from over there.

Zhen Fan pressed the hands-free button, and then said to him: "Well, Dan, now we can all hear what you say, you give me an answer, which name is better!"

When I heard it over there, I suddenly stopped talking, and after a while, Milk’s voice came: "Well, if you have to choose one, I will choose Miles Simon, if you can help me! I hang up! Now, waiting for your arrival at home, you'd better hurry up, they won't be able to support it for long!"

When Zhen Fan wanted to say something, the phone made a "beep" sound. Obviously, the old guy hung up very quickly. Zhen Fan shrugged at Christine: "This is not cheating, so... Miles Simon, are you interested in visiting Dan Milk's house with me? That is your old man. The enemy's home!"

"Of course, I also want to see for so many years, I really don’t know what kind of mood it would be like to meet!" Presskin smiled and stood up and walked a few steps. Put the coffee on the table and looked back at Zhen Fan standing up, "So...I will be Miles Simon in the future?"

"Of course, this is the result of your own choice!" Zhen Fan said, but this sentence seems to be difficult for a strong man. When did Preskin choose by himself? It was the result of his dispute with Christine.

Zhen Fan put down the coffee cup and said to Christine, "I am the winner!" and blinked.

"I really don't understand why a foreigner can name Americans? It's like Americans want to name Chinese people. This is terrible." Christine doesn't give the winner any face. I’m afraid you don’t even know the meaning of the name, right? Miles Simon? Well, I feel sorry for you, Preskin!" Christine disapproved of it and took a cup of coffee. On the sofa.

"She's jealous!" Zhen Fan said to Presskin while walking to the coat rack and taking off his coat.

"I didn't say anything!" Presskin shrugged his shoulders with a smile, his clothes looked innocent. (To be continued...) u

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