The American Scripture

Chapter 817: Magic lover

It was not the carnival that came from there, and the exclamation of the woman from the parachute that was pulled down into the air by the speedboat. It all showed that this is just a group of guys who are on vacation, maybe they came out to play like Zhen Fan. However, their yachts are much smaller than Zhen Fan's, and are more suitable for families to go out to sea.

"That's not an enemy, you have to learn to judge, what is an enemy and what is your friend!" Zhen Fan said to Maria, and then saw the woman on the parachute waving to the people on the island , And made a loud greeting, but because the noise was so loud, people on the island could not hear it at all.

"I can't catch a fish!" Bit was upset by this sudden invasion, threw his fishing rod aside, then got off the reef and smiled at Zhen Fan, "It seems that our lives have been disturbed. I'll help them barbecue. The fish can't be grilled. I haven't caught one in so long!"

"It seems that we are really going to be disturbed!" Zhen Fan shrugged and smiled at Bit. "Those guys are here. It seems that there are five people, three men and two women, all young people, probably the rich second generation. Right!"

"Yes, it should be the children of rich people who can use such an expensive yacht!" Gary smiled on the side, "Young people who can make a lot of money on their own will be very reserved, absolutely not like this. .

As he was talking, they saw the three men and two women park their yachts near the reef, and the girl who used the parachute in the sky also gave the hook, and fell freely to the island, which seemed to be a combination of three men and three women. They jumped into the water and walked towards the beach. Then he waved to the people on the beach.

"Hey, hello, it's a coincidence. We are also going to play in this place!" One of the golden-haired youths waved to Zhen Fan and the others, and then cast his gaze to the distant beach where a group of beautiful Of women, some in bikinis, and a terrible old man hiding somewhere to peep.

"You can go there so that we can not interfere with each other!" Bit pointed to the other side of the island, "That place is very good. It is almost as good as here!"

"Hey, wait, are you... Fan? Mr. Zhen?" Suddenly a girl with chestnut hair looked at Zhen Fan. I recognized it carefully, and then laughed, "Are you?"

"Yes, I am Fan Zhen himself. I thought I hadn't made a movie for so long. No one remembers me anymore!" Zhen Fan shrugged at the girl. "It's nice to meet you, but ...The people here seem to be a bit too crowded." It's not because the girl recognizes herself that Zhen Fan will let them get together.

"I know, but... I know you not because of the movie, but because of magic!" The girl said excitedly, and then suddenly snapped a finger at Zhen Fan, and suddenly a poker card appeared in her hand. . "That's it, this is magic. To be honest, I have worked hard to reach your height, but... that's too difficult!"

The girl is wearing a bikini. In this case, she can also make a card. This shows that the girl always carries her props with her. It seems that he is really obsessed with magic.

"Oh, damn, I should have thought of it a long time ago, if a wealthy Chinese like you, if not Fan Zhen, who would it be? God, I almost missed it." At the beginning of the question. The young man also yelled, "Damn it, I almost missed you, hello, Zhen, this is Jamie Brown, this is Jolie Martinez. Well, these two great boys are Dia Ge, Dunn. And our fairy Anita." This familiar guy introduced Zhen Fan to the people on his side.

"Oh, my God, who did I see? Johnny and Robles, I know them, and Bit, then Gary must be next to him, my God, how lucky we are." At this time, we finally walked to the beach. The girl who came up suddenly exclaimed at the group of people, and then she giggled without grace.

"Do we look like gay?" Butt glanced at Gary, then shrugged.

"No, you look like it!" Gary turned his eyes back, and then walked to the side alone, drinking his own wine. This was h?c?d from Zhen Fan's yacht. , So he always wants to drink by himself secretly, which feels very good.

"Well, young man, I don’t care who you are, but... this place made us come first. If you want to join, you have to ask the women over there. They are the masters here, and I’m going to sleep. , On this desert island, I feel that we made the worst decision. It is estimated that the Jurassic dinosaurs perished like this!" Johnny said.

"What are you talking about? How did the Jurassic dinosaurs perish?" Robles also followed Johnny, asking his last question with some confusion.

The group of young people facing Zhen Fan laughed. These two big stars are really interesting, but their goal seems to be on Zhen Fan, so the young man named Jamie Brown intends to continue with Zhen. Where to chat.

"I know we are bothering you like this. I'm really sorry, but... Zhen, for God's sake, we want to learn from you, or you can open our eyes to us. We are actually... Someone who performs magic tricks! Do you think so?" The last sentence was turned to the four people behind him.

"Yes, we like magic very much and often perform on the street." The girl named Jolie Martinez nodded quickly, "We have seen all your magic, on the Internet, over and over again, From Chinese performances to impromptu performances on the beach, the end we were very depressed!"

"Yes, we are confused, because we can't copy your magic anyway, which makes us very shocked!" Jamie Brown said a little frustrated.

Zhen Fan hurriedly reached out his hand and made a stopping action, and then said: "Well, guys, I didn't know you before. I have been out of that circle for a few years, also know, the magician The secret cannot be revealed, even if it is revealed by yourself, then the magician’s performance will come to an end. What's more... I don’t think street magic performers can afford such a good yacht!" The last sentence When speaking, Zhen Fan deliberately cast his eyes on the yacht on the other side of the sea.

This sentence made Jamie Brown a little embarrassed. He smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Zhen, it was my fault, but this yacht is really not mine, he belongs to my father. And our performance is indeed We can't afford such a high cost and can only maintain our daily lives."

"Okay, guys, I have to go over there. Are you planning to go over there? Maybe you can ask the women. Didn't you just say that? They are the masters!" Zhen Fan shrugged. The women are indeed the masters, and they agree. This is a manifestation of gentleman's demeanor.

Jamie Brown nodded, and then walked towards the beach with a few people. Zhen Fan sat on the beach with one hand on Maria’s neck. Both of them were lying on the beach like this, his eyes Turning to the side, watching those people seem to be negotiating with Christine. Another girl holding a parachute also walked over, obviously the girl who had landed from the sky just now.

"They are not enemies!" Maria turned her head to look at Zhen Fan, "Why are they invading our territory?"

"This is not our territory, this is a beach, it is an island, everyone can come here, they are just a little bit later than us!" Zhen Fan smiled and nodded Maria's nose, which made Mary Ya couldn't help but wrinkle her little nose, turning her face away with a disgusting expression.

Two people, one big and one small, lay on the beach. Zhen Fan closed her eyes to sleep, while Maria turned around from time to time. She was very restless, but was caught by Zhen Fan's arms and couldn't run away.

"They're here, Dad." Maria shook Zhen Fan, who was closing her eyes and rested.

Zhen Fan opened his eyes. Sure enough, the few people came over and saw Zhen Fan lying on the beach. Jamie Brown also sat down and winked at Maria beside Zhen Fan.

"Dad, he winked at me, should I give him a punch?" Maria said to Zhen Fan. These words made Zhen Fan unbearable, and she laughed out with a "pounce" ~ Then opened his eyes and hugged Maria, "No, no, he is showing good to you, this is a friendly expression."

"But... but why did Lawrence wink at Miss Melissa just now, but she made this gesture?" Maria actually raised a **** in front of Zhen Fan. Suddenly Zhen Fan was sweating profusely, and quickly patted her little butt, "Go find Mama Christine!"

"Well, every time this time comes, you have to drive me away!" Maria puffed up her small mouth, and then ran towards Christine's side, there was Claire over there, and she had some Restless, I don't want to sunbathe here with Zhen Fan.

"Very cute, you will have children!" Qiao Li Martinez smiled at Zhen Fan, "I like such a lively little girl, very smart!"

"Don't use this to trick me, do you want to watch magic?" Zhen Fan shrugged at Jolie Martinez, "It's very simple, I can change the playing cards you hide in your bra to me. Come, do you believe it?"

As soon as Zhen Fan said, Joli Martinez's eyes lit up. No one knew what she had hidden the cards in the bra, and they didn't even know they would do it. But Zhen Fan only watched his performance once and knew it, really amazing! (To be continued...) u

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