The American Scripture

Chapter 819: signature

"If you need to sign or something, I can satisfy you, but... don't mention anything about learning, my first priority is not to accept students, so you should stop talking!" Zhen Fan sat on the deck chair on the other side of the beach I lay down comfortably and looked at the men and women around me, and refused their request with one bite.

Jamie shrugged and smiled at the other people. This was obvious. Obviously this was what he expected, so he was not surprised by the result. And Jolie Martinez was a little depressed.

"Mr. Zhen, I'm sorry, I know it was my problem before, I want you to apologize..." Jolie Martinez thought for a while and said to Zhen Fan, "But...this shouldn't be your reason for rejection ! We are very sincere to learn from you, and we can pay you."

"What price can you offer?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed. "Can you afford such a yacht?" Zhen Fan pointed to his yacht in the sea, which was much larger than the yacht they had driven. It looks much more beautiful, and the price is definitely much more expensive.

"You are difficult for a strong man. You do not have the manner of a gentleman!" Jolie Martinez's plump **** fell together, facing Zhen Fan, she was a little bit angry, but they were right. , He is not short of money at all, why should he mention this?

"Well, you guys, you all know my decision, so... what is your own decision? Either you still stand here and watch me, or just play with your own happily. Are you here? For fun? Why bother to have trouble with yourself. Speaking of these things that make you unhappy?" Zhen Fan said to them, "Gentleman demeanor! Gentlemen!"

When everything is said, Jamie nodded and said, "You are right. Mr. Zhen, but we don’t have paper and pens now, so... can you wait a moment, we go to the yacht to fetch these things, you Sign us again, and to be honest, we have great respect for your performance."

"It's okay... I'll always be here. I'll be here at night. We have planned a bonfire and camping on the beach at night. Of course, if you continue to stay here. You can also participate." Look at these people. It was quite sincere, so Zhen Fan also extended an invitation to them.

"I'll get the pen later, can you sign here for me?" Anita suddenly swung her crotch at Zhen Fan, and stretched a long leg in front of Zhen Fan. Said with a wink.

"Of course. I can sign you here without a pen, and it's waterproof!" Zhen Fan did not refuse the stretched legs, and agreed without thinking.

"Really?" Anita originally wanted to make a joke, but Zhen Fan actually agreed, so she stretched out her thigh happily and swayed in front of Zhen Fan, making a provocative action. . However, Zhen Fan slapped him on his thigh with a "slap".

"Don't shake it. If you shake it again, I can only draw a map on your thigh!" Zhen Fan said silently.

"Haha—" Jamie and others all laughed. It made the courageously teasing Anita a little embarrassed, her face turned red, and she honestly did not move, stretched her leg to Zhen Fan’s eyes, and still let him look up and down on this beautiful leg. , I felt a little bit shy.

Zhen Fan suddenly stretched out his palm and gently rubbed the front of her thigh. This action was obviously frivolous. Not only Jamie and the others were stunned, even Anita herself couldn’t help being stunned, but his hands seemed to have magical powers, which made her feel very comfortable and itchy. To my heart, I couldn’t help it. A groan was about to come out of her mouth, but she had to hold back desperately.

"Oh, it's..." Jolie Martinez couldn't help but wanted to say something, but still didn't say it, because she actually heard Anita's moan coming out of her mouth. After all, she couldn't bear it, and let out a very satisfying moan, a bit like the seductive voice that was all over her body.

"Oh, shit, she actually did!" Joly Martinez cursed secretly in her heart, she is really a slutty woman, she can get it all.

While she was still slandering Anita, suddenly Zhen Fan’s fingers slid on Anita’s thigh. This sliding made the feeling of numbness even worse. Anita squeezed out of her heart and made her There was a very loud groan, which was more seductive than the previous faint groan, and her thighs actually shook slightly.

"Oh, God!" Anita actually felt a certain amount of dampness on the inside of her thighs, and a water stain was spraying out, a bit spreading. This really embarrassed her. When Zhen Fan finished drawing on her thigh, she hurriedly retracted her leg, almost fleeing.

"Oh, God, oh, God, can this... actually be able to sign like this?" At this time, Jamie and others also turned their eyes to her thighs, and saw a few black writings appear on her thighs. It looks like it is in Chinese, not English. Obviously this is Zhen Fan's Chinese name.

They value Zhen Fan's Chinese name more than his English alphabetic name. They regard this as a feeling of being valued and respected.

"Try to wipe it with sea water to see if you can wash out these words!" Zhen Fan made a suggestion to Anita.

Anita blushed, nodded, and walked a few steps toward the sea, then suddenly stopped, and smiled slyly at Zhen Fan: "If I wash out these words, then... are you? Should I sign my name again?"

"Of course, if you can do it, there is no problem!" Zhen Fan nodded and gave her an affirmative answer. When he signed the contract just now, he also clearly felt that the inner side of Anita's thigh was shaking slightly. It is estimated that the girl's physiological reaction should be very strong.

Anita walked into the sea and scrubbed the writing on her thighs with sea water, but she really couldn't wash it off, as if she had been tattooed. Such characters became a whole with her. She couldn't help but exclaimed happily, "Hey, I really can't wash it off. It's amazing! Is this using paint?"

Of course everyone knew that the girl asked another stupid thing. Even if the paint is not dry, it can be washed off as long as it is washed with water. So Jamie rolled his eyes at her and shrugged at Zhen Fan helplessly: "You can ignore her words."

"Of course, how could I care about her?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, and said to Jamie and the others, "Aren't you going to get paper and pens? Are you going to wait until night?" Zhen Fan Smile at them.

"No...if you can, why not sign us like Anita? I can sign on my back and let me know that your experience is always behind me to inspire me!" Jamie said with a grin Then he turned around and turned his back to Zhen Fan, "Mr. Zhen, can I?"

"Of course, why not? As long as you feel that there is no problem!" Zhen Fan said, and then learned to sign Anita, first rubbed Jamie's back with the palm for several times, and then put his fingers on it. After a while, Zhen Fan's name was written on it.

Amazingly, Zhen Fan's name appeared again on the back, and it couldn't be erased. Although they knew that this hand was amazing, they all played magic tricks. Since Zhen Fan didn't want to say it, they knew that they could never ask. Then came Dunn, then Diago, this guy was a little weird, he smiled at Zhen Fan.

"Mr. Zhen, as compensation, I mean I don't mind if you tuck my shorts into Qiaoli's bra. To be honest, I think it's very symbolic..."

"You're such a bastard!" Qiao Li glared at Diago and cursed. Seeing Zhen Fan smiling beside him, she couldn't help but glared at him, "You too!"

"Well, I admit that I am." Diago pretended to helplessly spread his hands, "But... **** always get some more benefits than others, right? Mr. Zhen, I can use my shorts. Become your props and make an extra request? Please!" He said sincerely blinking at Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan remembered that scene and couldn't help but smile, and said to him: "No, let’s talk about what your requirements are. Maybe I can meet you!"

"Of course, it won't be difficult, that's...Can you draw another picture on my back and then sign your name?" Diago said with a grin, "whatever you paint?"

"Well, I promise you, no problem!" Zhen Fan smiled, then picked up the pen and started drawing on his back. Everyone watched Zhen Fan draw him. It’s not that difficult to paint. Zhen Fan drew a mission head portrait on his back. It was Diago’s own head portrait, very vivid and very similar, and it was the same when the swimming trunks were gone. Looks shocked.

It's really similar. When everyone saw this expression, they suddenly remembered the expression of Diago's swimming trunks when they disappeared. It was really very similar and couldn't help laughing for a while. Diago couldn't see it himself, thinking they all thought the painting was good, so he twisted his **** and jumped in a circle with pride. This made everyone laugh louder.

"So...I'm here now, can you sign me here, can you?" Suddenly, Jolie Martinez blinked her eyes charmingly at Zhen Fan uncharacteristically, whispered something, and pointed her finger. The skin on his chest. (To be continued...) R1292


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