The American Scripture

Chapter 835: Authorities

Zhen Fan was a little bit dumbfounded by Christine's anger. What exactly did she want to do? He didn't have any, he didn't know what would happen to him when facing Christine, so Zhen Fan could only let it go. >Let's go with the flow and follow the Dao Fa, and there may be unexpected results that you might not expect.

"I'm sorry!" Liu Yifei looked at Zhen Fan like an angry little daughter-in-law, a bit wronged and worried, and even more nervous. The pitiful look in his eyes made Zhen Fan a little bit painful. The consequences of coming, if I knew this way, I shouldn't provoke this girl, but I really didn't provoke myself so willing? Zhen Fan thought a little selfishly, but he was even more unwilling.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, it's all my cause!" Zhen Fan lovingly embraced Liu Yifei in his arms and gently kissed her smooth forehead and said, "Everything will be fine, don't worry, everything I am here. I will not let my child be without a father, let alone a child without a mother. This will be my first child."

"The first child?" Liu Yifei raised her head to look at Zhen Fan, and suddenly her heart became quiet. Yes, she had Zhen Fan's first child in her stomach. Why should she be afraid? I have never been a person who is only afraid of things, otherwise he would not make such crazy behaviors before Zhen Fan got engaged.

"Yes, I should protect my child, and the child's mother, right?" Zhen Fan kissed Liu Yifei's forehead again, and then let go, "But...I still have to prepare to deal with things over there. , Christine and the Hongkonger. I won't let news like this hurt you, never!"

"I know, I know!" Liu Yifei could only feel full of satisfaction now. Faced with such a thing, she may face it bravely, but after all, she is just a woman and needs a towering tree to shelter herself from wind and rain. Now... Zhen Fan is such a big tree, and her heart is full Calm and happiness.

Zhen Fan let go of Liu Yifei, and then beckoned to Bernard who was following far away. Bernard was standing next to them. But in the situation of the two of them, Bernard had to stay away from them again and saw Zhen Fan beckoning. He hurriedly approached and said, "Mr. Zhen, what's the matter?"

"I need to stay away for a while to deal with the trouble that the Hong Kong person caused. During this time, I will ask you to take care of her. No matter what method is used. It's better not to let people disturb her, okay?

"Yes, I know what to do. What happened last time will never happen again!" Bernard nodded and said, in fact, when he first saw this news, he felt something was wrong. The impact of this incident on Zhen Fan is definitely above. One is his comeback, the other is his family.

"Okay. That's it, I will leave tomorrow morning!" Zhen Fan nodded. Then she took Liu Yifei's hand and walked back slowly. This night, Zhen Fan and Liu Yifei were lying down. Even though they were pregnant women, Zhen Fan knew that as long as he didn't touch her belly, he could be together, as long as he paid attention to his posture.

He carefully twitched Liu Yifei's side and back, feeling the greasy greasiness of the cream, and her somewhat suppressed happy moan. Yes, she felt as if she was filled. This filling is not only a pleasure, but also a full of happiness that cannot be added. This is a double excitement.

Under the stimulation of this double excitement, she finally opened her mind and let go of the suppressed excitement again, and then the moaning sound became louder and louder, until she became hysterical, and finally overflowed all the turbulent juice. Zai Zhen Fan hugged his body lightly and fell asleep faintly.

When the sun shone into the window and the room became warmer, Liu Yifei woke up. Her spirit seemed to be released and her face was radiant. Even if she just woke up, she didn't feel much tiredness. Her body It feels lighter, not the heaviness of being pregnant.

What she didn't know was that Zhen Fan used Taoist techniques to regulate her body again with inner breath last night. This was the second time that he had a good relationship with Liu Yifei, but he gave her a lot of Taoism's inner breath, which gave her a certain degree of transformation, also reduced the danger and difficulty of giving birth to him, and made the fetal position more Of stability.

Touching the side that was still carrying the temperature, Liu Yifei couldn't help it anymore, tears shed. She touched the empty side with nostalgia, but she also knew that he would come back soon. But what will happen after he returns? Liu Yifei cast his eyes to the outside.

The blue sky, the blue sea and the flying birds. Los Angeles, Billy Foshan Village, Mid-Levels Villa.

Several women sat there quietly. Several women were sitting on the sofa. Kristen’s face was a bit ugly. This was the first family meeting where everyone was present. Of course, except for the two children, there was no smile on the people present, because They have to vote on one thing now.

This is a matter about Zhen Fan, so even Zoe was there, but her mouth was smiling. Obviously, she had her own thoughts in her heart, not everyone else, but she still felt that it was her own A good opportunity. So she looked at Kristen with some gloating elements in it.

Don't expect these women to be together towards Zhen Fan. This is impossible. Even if that man is like an ancient emperor, he can't let so many women have one heart and love sisters. In the harem drama, it will always be a very ideal family form, and will not appear in real life.

"Everyone tell me, what should I do?" Christine's voice was a little dry, and his words were a little astringent. "He has a woman out there, what should I do? I am his fiancée, and I have everything I don’t know, I don’t know that he actually had a child outside!"

It would be weird if I let you know! Zoe thought with evil interest, she even wanted to see the woman named Yi Fei Liu immediately, maybe she could form an alliance and have a battle. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. This is an invincible truth. Zoe smiled as he thought about it.

"Damn bastard, he's a **** bastard! How can you not tell me this kind of thing?" Kristen gritted his teeth again, "I have the right to know the truth!"

"Yes, we agree with this point!" Mia nodded and said.

"Which point?" Kristen was stunned, as if he did not express any important points, "Is it because of my right to know? I know you will agree with me, and I know you are mine. Good sister, thank you, Mia, I...huh—" Christine sniffed hard, then wiped it with a tissue.

"Uh, it's about Zhen being a bastard. I always think so. Except... he is my master, I always think he is. Uh, you see, he taught Taoist techniques to let me It feels terrible to become a real person and to live forever..."

"Wait, Mia, what are you trying to say? Isn't that good? You learned his skills and can live longer than the **** devil..." Christine couldn't help but Yes, interrupted Mia.

"It's very simple, because I'm still not satisfied, I have to get more from him, so he now teaches more people, such as Helena, such as you, such as Annie, etc., can't I just be alone Enjoy this? Damn, I should kill him myself." Mia continued.

"Oh, damn, you shouldn't be so greedy, Mia, this is not you, is it? You wouldn't be such a person, would you?" Christine said to Mia in surprise, "I know you are a Kind people would not treat Zhen He's friends like this, would they? Tell me this is not true!"

"No, of course it is true, I think so. He is so capable, and... his skills can only be owned by me. I am her first disciple. Why shouldn't I be alone? Enjoy?" Mia is still stubborn, "Who told him to give me something? He successfully aroused my greed."

"Well, Mia, if you think this way, then do you know? Actually I think the same way. I am also his disciple. Why can't it be me alone? Are we going to have a duel to decide who is between each other? Will you get more or who will come back to enjoy all this? You know, what you think is what I think!" At this time, Helena suddenly stood sneered at Mia, "We Do you want a duel?"

"And me!" Annie stood up, "I don't know what you have to decide, but there is everything about me, no matter what, I will try my best to fight for it."

"Anne—" Kristen looked at Annie in disbelief. This usually very gentle woman also showed the momentum to fight for everything at this time. This made Kristen really unacceptable, and she couldn't take care of it. I was aggrieved at that point, so I quickly stood up to calm the situation.

"Kristin—" Zoe looked at her at this time, then smiled and shook his head and said, "Can't you see it? They just do this to let you see the fact. Okay, sisters, sit down. Well, stop acting, I know what you mean, I can explain it to Christine."

Mia really smiled, and then sat down, keeping her usual quiet again. Helena grinned and said to Christine: "Did you scare you just now? That's a poor fellow!" She also sat down and looked at Christine grinning. She finds that she likes to see this woman look confused, isn't it bad?

"You...what are you doing?" Christine is really a fan of the authorities! (To be continued...) u

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