The American Scripture

Chapter 837: Arrived in Hong Kong

Hong Kong International Airport, more than four o'clock in the afternoon. <>It was raining lightly in the sky, and Zhen Fan appeared at the airport alone. No one knew about his arrival, except Chenghu. Cheng Hu specially picked him up in Hong Kong. When he was out of the airport, he was still photographed of Cheng Hu and Zhen Fan getting into the car together, which was then posted on the Internet.

"He showed up at the airport, and I knew he was going to extinguish the fire urgently!" Ying Hanxian said proudly to his boss, Wu Qihan, the president of Banglong Company, "Our people took pictures of him, and I have been Send someone to follow Chenghu, and I know that as long as Zhen Fan comes to Hong Kong, Chenghu will definitely pick him up."

"Are you sure to let him lower his head to accept my terms?" Wu Qihan's body is a bit huge. Because of his obesity, he gets up from the leather chair a little slow, and Ying Hanxian quickly stretched out his hand to help him.

"Of course, I was ready." Ying Hanxian said with a grin, with an expression in his grasp. "He thought that if he took away the memory card from the phone, he thought everything would be fine. In fact, ours People upload them to their online space after shooting, but it hasn't been announced yet!"

"This thing is done right, right... Is his background investigation clear?" Wu Qihan walked to the glass window and looked at the flow of people and cars outside, with a condescending atmosphere. He was a Hong Kong triad leader who changed his career to become a Honglong company. The company has a lot of business projects. Recently, he also established a movie company. He also wants to make a profit in the entertainment circle. One is to make it easier to play female celebrities. But investing in movies can use some special methods to allow stars to use services for them and become money-making machines.

For example, Zhen Fan's incident was one of the ways they used it. Threaten you with things that are unfavorable to you until you promise them to cooperate in making movies. This way of making movies is nothing but free service. There will be no remuneration at all, and he can do it again and again. Use the resources in hand.

This is the element of his development in the entertainment circle, because he is the boss of the underworld. He knew he was blackmailing you, but he held the handles of those stars in his hand, let's talk about it. Nor can it conflict with the underworld, because in the end the disadvantage is still oneself, so most stars choose to swallow their anger.

"It has been investigated. He is very popular both domestically and internationally. But... there should be no background support. I heard that he has a winery in the United States. He is the owner of h?c?d wine. The kind of people with money, but they do well in the entertainment industry. This is exactly what we want to take advantage of." Ying Hanxian smiled triumphantly, "They don’t have any complicated background, not to mention that this is Hong Kong. How is it that we have the final say?"

"The boss of h?c?d?" Wu Qihan frowned. He knows h?c?d wine, which is very popular in the upper class of Hong Kong. Moreover, the supply of goods is still very tight, and the value is very high. If it is the owner of this wine, there will be no shortage of money, and the influence will certainly not be low. I don’t know if it is a good thing or a bad thing to have enemies with such a person. ? This is the reason why Wu Qihan hesitates.

Seeing that the boss hesitated, Ying Hanxian made his contribution eagerly, and quickly said: "Don't worry, boss, even if he is rich, he is still in the United States. Even if he is powerful, you are not the boss in Hong Kong! Don't worry! Isn't he? We are not here to fight for the boss, we are here to beg for money. Even if she is a little wronged, she can only swallow her voice, I think he probably won't make himself too embarrassed, it will affect his image more. Big?"

"It's better to do this, remember... as a last resort, don't take out the photos. We are businessmen, and he also has a certain status and reputation. It will not do me any good to make a big noise!" Wu Qihan nodded. "Also, don't make this matter public, just operate it secretly."

"Yes, boss!" Ying Hanxian hurriedly nodded and bowed, and agreed. Seeing Wu Qihan had nothing to say, he hurried out quietly. If things can be done this time, his position in the company will be greatly improved, and he may even take up the position of vice president. When he thinks of this, his heart becomes hot. He wanted to be able to contact Zhen Fan immediately. He felt that he was full of good cards, and he was not afraid that Zhen Fan would not submit.

Not long after the light rain lasted, it turned into heavy rain. Chenghu drove the car to a hotel and made the car good. Chenghu and Zhen Fan walked in. Chenghu booked a room here. After sending Zhen Fan into the room, yes. He said, "I will pick you up for dinner in an hour."

"Okay, you are busy, I will settle this matter myself!" Zhen Fan said to Chenghu, "By the way...have you found out who Ying Hanxian is?"

"It's a department general manager of Honglong Company. He should be in charge of the business of Honglong Company's entertainment company. They are an entertainment company called Pan Asia that has only recently been established. They have made some movies, and they all use or Forcing some celebrities to cooperate with them is their main means of making money.” Cheng Hu said, “and...they have released several relatively influential films within a year, and they can also attract some second-line females. The star enters the water. The energy is great. I heard that the boss of Honglong Company was the big brother of the Red Star Society, one of the biggest underworld in Hong Kong!"

"The underworld has changed career?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile. "Or do you plan to put on a legal cloak and continue to do some illegal things?"

"Of course it's the latter. Judging from their methods of action, they will do whatever it takes. Do you want me to notify the police?" Cheng Hu looked at Zhen Fan and said, "I have a good relationship with the police station here. They can help persuade the bastard." It is obvious that Chenghu was also a taboo against the former gang boss.

"Forget it, it's nothing, don't disturb too many people!" Zhen Fan shook his head, "I will solve it myself! Uh, what else do you want to say?" He looked at Chenghu back. She couldn't help but smile as she didn't want to leave.

"I heard that you paid to the entertainment industry. I always thought it was a rumor. Is this... true? I wouldn't believe it before I saw your official announcement." Cheng Hu looked at Zhen Fan in confusion. With a smiling face, he couldn't help but pat his head, "Isn't it true?"

"Uh, I have this plan now, but I will not officially release the news until the script is completed." Zhen Fan nodded. He will not hide Chenghu. Since Chenghu asked, he told him, "It is directed by Bit , And Robles, Johnny, Emma, ​​and Lawrence participated. Now at least these people... And Angelina, she said she wanted a guest appearance. This is her second guest appearance in my movie. In fact...I only have two movies in total, and one is still being planned!"

"You really... don't you have a place for me?" Cheng Hu couldn't help but smile, "Give me a role, and I will also make a cameo to lay the foundation for our future cooperation!"

"You? Just forget it!" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, and patted Chenghu on the shoulder. "Aren't you really going to be a guest star? Forget it, if you want to cooperate, we will work together to make a movie in the future. The two of us!"

"What you said, I assume you agree!" Cheng Hu pointed at Zhen Fan and laughed, "I will definitely not let you down, I will find a suitable script, and...just the two of us, we will shoot together A movie that hits the Oscars. You know... I'm very longing for a golden figure. Can you recruit a heavyweight director? Hollywood, such as Bit... or James Carmel and others! "

"Come on, it's not that you don't know that you don't suit their style. It's okay for us to cooperate in an action film. I am afraid that many people will not be used to it. Okay, that's it. Said, "Just come on time! "

"Okay, see you later!" Cheng Hu said and went out, but after a few steps, he turned back and looked at Zhen Fan with a smile, "Would you like me to find a few people to accompany you? It was too deserted for the two of us to eat!"

"Whatever. You can arrange it!" Zhen Fan nodded, and the two said goodbye.

This hour, Zhen Fan did nothing but rested in bed. When the sound of knocking on the door came, he got up, combed his hair briefly, then opened the door and saw Chenghu Not only did I see Chenghu, but also the group of people behind him, including men and women. Obviously, Chenghu invited friends who had a good relationship with him. Zhen Fan glanced roughly, about seven or eight.

Cheng Hu’s introductions are some Hong Kong actors who combine old and new, Zhen Fan doesn’t know much, but only remembers a relatively famous actress named Tong Xingjiao, who looks pretty good It's more delicate, but Zhen Fan remembers her because of the photo door she broke. Some large-scale photos made her famous, and then she fell into disrepair, and there was no chance of appearing. But appearing next to Chenghu made Zhen Fan a little puzzled.

Cheng Hu introduced one by one, those actors were very polite to Zhen Fan. After all, Zhen Fan’s status and reputation are there, and they are not comparable to them, and many people also want to build a good relationship with Zhen Fan. Plans to facilitate cooperation in the future. So there are humble compliments and polite greetings along the way.

The group of people left the hotel, and then to a two-story restaurant that didn't look very eye-catching. There have been people waiting there for a long time. The young waitress in Hanfu looked very beautiful and politely introduced Chenghu and his party into the inner room. There was another world inside, and the decoration was very luxurious.

When I entered a room, a table was already set here, but it was not like a large round table in a usual hotel, but a home-cooked meal of the ancient rich and wealthy, which was divided into main and second tables. The main seat is two tables, which are relatively short, and people sit cross-legged or kneeling. There were five tables on each side, one for each, all kneeling down. (To be continued...) u

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