The American Scripture

Chapter 842: ending

Zhen Fan made a call to Melissa, and Melissa arranged for a lawyer to come to Hong Kong, and she also arranged for Zhen Fan to be responsible for this matter. As for the lawyers, some came from the United States. , There is also a large team of lawyers hired locally in Hong Kong. Their task is actually very simple. They are to label this independent faction as “racial discrimination”, and completely make their reputation inaudible and make people all over the world. Know what their real faces are. &&{}

Zhen Fan drank a cup of coffee in the police station, and after a few words with the chief of the police station, he left. They didn’t dare to keep him because Zhen Fan’s influence would not allow them to make a mistake, so they simply let he is gone. The pro-independence was not so lucky. The most annoying for the police is this kind of person, who was handcuffed and then temporarily imprisoned. The bail has reached two million Hong Kong dollars. Basically, this guy will not have any freedom before the court.

The next day, Zhen Fan met the team sent by Melissa at the hotel. It was a tall, middle-aged American man named Phil Benzema. He and Zhen Fan understood the situation, and he spoke Mandarin very well. After hearing what Zhen Fan said, he said to Zhen Fan: "Are you sure he will say that in court?"

"Of course, he will, don't worry!" Zhen Fan nodded to Phil Benzema, "I can swear by my reputation, he will do what I say!"

Phil Benzema immediately smiled and nodded, and said respectfully to Zhen Fan: "Then it will be fine. I promise to let this guy squat in prison for several years. And let you say that. The reputation of the so-called pro-independence groups has become inaudible, and they only deserve that reputation!"

"Then... I wish you all the best, I don't want to appear in court. You can solve this problem." Zhen Fan said as he motioned to them to leave. So Phil Benzema left the hotel with his team. It seems that I came here just to perform a very simple task.

Just after breakfast the next morning, Zhen Fan saw Ying Hanxian at the door of the hotel. He stood there respectfully waiting for Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan checked his watch. He arrived very promptly, not much. less. It happened to be 8:30 in the morning, so I walked out of the door of the hotel and said to him: "Call Wu Qihan. Just say I'm coming."

"Yes, Mr. Zhen!" Ying Hanxian nodded firmly, and then called Wu Qihan. And Wu Qihan also seemed to call, so the two agreed on a location. Meet at Wu Qihan's office.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Wu Qihan became a little anxious. He knew that not long after Ying Hanxian called himself yesterday, Zhen Fan got into trouble in Central, and the independent faction that conflicted with Zhen Fan was the team he supported behind the scenes. , Now that Zhen Fan has sent a strong team of lawyers, this is what he is worried about.

As she was speaking, she heard the sound of knocking on the door. The **** and beautiful female secretary pushed in and greeted with a gentle and charming voice: "Mr. Wu. General Manager Ying is waiting for you, and the guests are nearby. Would you like to do it now? See them?" She was provocative towards Wu Qihan in a very provocative voice.

"Let them come in now." Wu Qihan waved his hand, not at all in the mood to choose anything with the female secretary. He drove the female secretary away like a fly, and then adjusted his mood. Feel at ease. To coerce others depends on strength.

Soon the female secretary brought in Ying Hanxian and Zhen Fan. As soon as Zhen Fan came in, he saw the fat man sitting on the boss's chair, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Welcome Mr. Zhen!" Wu Qihan didn't put his posture very high. He stood up, walked towards Zhen Fan quickly, and then stretched out his hands, intending to shake hands with Zhen Fan affectionately.

Zhen Fan did not stretch out his hand, but smiled, shook his head and said, "Wu Qihan, I know you, and I also know that the person who conflicted with me today has something to do with you, but it doesn’t matter, I have already sent My team of lawyers is here, and soon you will be exposed with your scandal!"

When Wu Qihan heard this, his complexion suddenly became difficult to look, and then he became fierce, his eyes flashed with the light of a wolf, staring at Zhen Fan firmly, and sneered: "Really? Mr. Zhen. Originally I planned to The two of us worked together well, but now it seems completely unnecessary.

"Of course, I didn't intend to cooperate with you this time, but I want to get to know you, what kind of stuff a person who has supported the independence faction for a long time will look like. It seems...similar to what I thought. So...wash your **** and get ready to go to jail!" Zhen Fan said, turning around and leaving.

"Stop!" Wu Qihan suddenly yelled. He has never been threatened like this before, especially when Zhen Fan's handle is still in his hands. He will never allow such unscrupulous challenges to his authority. "Want to leave like this? Don't even think about it!"

"Did you stay with me? Or are you planning to use your underworld behavior against me?" Zhen Fan looked at Wu Qihan mockingly, "Do you think you can bear the consequences of all this? "

"Haha, you are really naive!" Wu Qihan laughed, "Even if I don't keep you, but I can ruin you, Ying Hanxian, do it now and send the photos in the space, I want him to have nothing. "When Wu Qihan said this, his face was a bit sullen.

"I'm sorry, boss, I have deleted the photos in the space!" Ying Hanxian on the side smiled strangely at Wu Qihan, "And I also handed in the black accounts we had done before and some things that left evidence. To Mr. Zhen. So you better listen to him."

"What?" When Wu Qihan heard it, his whole body was shocked. He looked at Ying Hanxian very strangely and said angrily, " are a guy who eats inside and out, what benefits does he give you? Let you do this You betrayed me? You have to be unlucky if I go in, and I want you to kill me now!"

"It's okay, boss, I should have cut all the time, so don't be polite!" Ying Hanxian smiled happily and said to Wu Qihan, "By the way, I secretly photographed you and that beauty. You never knew that there is still a pinhole camera that I prevent in this office?"

"You--" Wu Qihan was angry, and suddenly rushed to his desk, opened the drawer, took out a pistol from the inside, pointed at Zhen Fan and Ying Hanxian, shouted loudly, "Asshole, you two Don’t want to leave here today, I want you to disappear from this world so that you will know how good I am!"

"You won't do this!" Zhen Fan smiled slightly, then said to Ying Hanxian, "I'm leaving, goodbye, but maybe it's goodbye, you will spend your whole life in prison!" Said, one side left the office, but from beginning to end, Wu Qihan didn't shoot him.

It's not that he doesn't want to shoot. He thinks that there is nothing wrong with killing someone in his office. He can do it beautifully, and he can hide it from the police. He has done this before. Although Zhen Fan is a bit more famous, he is very confident in himself.

But what was frightening was that he couldn't move his hand, he couldn't pull the trigger, and he could only watch Zhen Fan leave. When Zhen Fan left, she looked at the glamorous female secretary who brought him in, blinked at her teasingly, and said with a smile: "Get ready to quit, beauty, you shouldn't waste your figure there. A man with a fat body, he can't satisfy you!"

"Ah—" The female secretary was taken aback, and when she pretended to scream in surprise, she saw that the eyes of the people around her were a little teased. Obviously they all knew what happened to her and the boss, so just change With an expression on Zhen Fan’s jealous forehead, he said, "You are a celebrity, you can't molest others like this!"

"Celebrities are also human beings, well, I'm leaving, I should change the court soon!" Zhen Fan said and left. Not long after Zhen Fan left, he suddenly heard two dull noises from the boss's office. The voice of screamed everyone. Before they could react, they saw Wu Qihan rush out of the office and shouted, "Someone wants to kill me, somebody wants to kill me, come on, come Call the police!"

So the whole office building became Obviously the two dull loud noises just now were gunshots, so someone called the police and someone rushed over to the boss to express their loyalty, and the beautiful girl The secretary also wanted to come over to join in the fun, but suddenly remembered Zhen Fan's words, he hesitated, just screamed there: "Call the police, call the police!" But he didn't move at all and just yelled there.

But before they yelled twice, they heard a rush of footsteps, and suddenly broke into a group of policemen from outside. The man in the lead raised a court search warrant and said to Wu Qihan: "This is Search warrant, now we suspect that you are related to multiple murders, please assist us in our investigation. Search his office, there was gunshots there just now."

"Why? I was a victim just now. Someone wanted to kill me, but I took the gun and was killed by me. All the employees here can testify for me, don't you think?" At the end of the speech, it was almost greedy. Screamed.

"This... I seem to have heard two gunshots, but... I don't know, I didn't see what happened inside. The door of the office is closed. It seems... I heard that the general manager said that he has arranged a Camera, I don’t know where he is hiding, maybe you will find it!"

Wu Qihan suddenly remembered this paragraph, but was still neglected. He suddenly felt in a trance and fell to the ground. (To be continued...) u

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