The American Scripture

Chapter 848: be honest

There is a toll booth in front, and from here you have officially entered the national park. $$&() is 20 dollars per car, not calculated by head, so Miles in front has got off the car, spent 40 dollars to buy two tickets, and then the two cars entered the formal journey.

At this time, there were many huge cedar trees along the way, some even for thousands of years. Zhen Fan talked to Miles through the walkie-talkie and asked him to hear the car next to the road. Then he took the lead to get off the car and then move towards the huge ones. The fir tree walked. He could feel the age of these cedar trees, all over a thousand years old. Zhen Fan stretched out his hand and pressed it on the big trees, and a spirit of energy slowly flowed from the trunk to his palm, and then followed his heart. You can absorb these spiritual energy by using Taoist mental methods. Reiki is not a lot, but it is very beneficial for Taoist beginners.

"Come and try, use Taoist mentality, and feel it!" Zhen Fan smiled at Miles, "This is good for you!"

Myers walked over in confusion, then put his hand on the tree trunk, and exercised the Taoist mentality. He immediately felt a ray of aura flowing from the tree trunk, and he was shocked. Then the Taoist mentality flowed and moved this. The aura was absorbed, and the aura of a thousand-year-old tree was enough for Miles to cleanse the energy in his body into more refined Taoist energy. After buying this hurdle, Miles will become a real Taoist magician. The energy of those meteorites he had absorbed before has become Taoist energy and can be used by Taoist magic techniques.

"It's amazing, it's really great. I can come to practice here, Master!" Miles shouted excitedly, his yelling caught the attention of others. Then they got out of the car one after another, and even the two little guys came to watch the excitement. Even Helena and Mia felt very magical.

It is certain that the trees of a thousand years have aura, but this kind of aura can make people wash the hair and cut the marrow, and be able to use the Taoist mental method to refine it into the essence of Taoism, which surprised everyone.

"Look, this... this big tree..." Suddenly Zoe pointed at the thousand-year-old giant cedar and exclaimed, and then saw that the branches of the big tree were slowly shrinking and withering. stand up. The emerald green needles turned gray and yellow, and the wind blew gently. It actually fell down one after another. A thousand-year-old tree just withered. The speed is incredible.

"Master...this..." Miles looked at Zhen Fan and said in amazement. He had no idea that it would be like this. It seems that this thousand-year giant cedar has changed precisely because of itself.

"Once you lose your aura. This big tree has gone to life. So you are using its vitality to refine your abilities, so... do you still want to come here to practice?" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled. Miles, "Everything has its own practice, so we are still a bit selfish when we deprive others of practice to perfect ourselves! Let's go, although the spiritual energy is gathered here, it is not the best place to practice!" Zhen Fan He said he walked towards his car.

Miles was stunned for a long time, and looked at the big tree with some guilt. If it was before, let alone a thousand-year-old tree. Even if it is a thousand-year-old spirit, he will be destroyed if he is destroyed, and he won't care about it at all. Daoxing had begun to take root in his heart, and he was already very concerned about the life and death of these creatures.

"Let’s go, Miles, don’t think about it so much. It has fulfilled you. This is its fate and your fate. Don’t care too much. Let’s go. We have to rush to the Grand Canyon as soon as possible. Yeah!" Zhen Fan was sitting in the cab, speaking loudly to Miles, urging him to get in the car and lead the way.

Miles suddenly woke up, then quickly sat in the cab, and said with his head to the crowd: "Hurry up, we have to get to the Grand Canyon before the night arrives, hurry up, ladies!"

So the whole group got into their cars. The car continued forward and continued north along the 180th Highway. Everyone was shocked by the situation just now. Mia and Helena knew that this was the effect of Taoist magic and absorbed the aura of the big tree. Zhen Fan did this, just to hurry up and get Miles' repairs on the right track.

Miles felt ashamed in his heart, but he soon thought about it, so he felt a little sacred in his heart, as if someone had sacrificed for the pilgrimage, but the object of the pilgrimage had become him. It's just that the two girls, Elsa and Tessa, feel a little strange.

They just saw the appearance, saw Miles put his hand on the big tree for a while, and then the big tree quickly withered. It seemed like a coincidence, and Zhen Fan said some strange things. , So that they don't understand, this made them both feel a little worried.

The two people exchanged eyes for a while, and Elsa said to Mia weirdly: "What happened just now...I don't know how to say it, is it because of Mr. Miles..."

"Yes, you feel weird?" Mia turned her head and smiled and looked at the two of them. "Don't worry about these things, he is just like us, an ordinary person, but... a bit special. You won't Speak out? Otherwise, the police will come here!"

"Of course not!" The two shook their heads together, and then Tessa said, "That...Mr. Zhen can't do this too, right?"

"Haha, what do you think, you must be thinking in your heart, are we a group of X-Men, I really want you to think like this, but unfortunately we are not!" Mia couldn't help laughing, and then said very easily, "Everyone I think I am a superman, but after all, there is no such person in this world!"

Mia's words made the two girls feel a little quieter, and when they watched Miles, they felt a little different. Tessa, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also deliberately exposed her thighs. Obviously she was wearing a short skirt deliberately today, but this short skirt was originally used to seduce Zhen Fan, but she did not expect it to be used for Miles. Body.

I didn't know that Miles didn't look at her two thighs at all, and drove her own car seriously, which made Tessa's expression a bit resentful, and also made the women sitting behind laugh at the same time.

"Hey, guys, we are now on the hardest road!" Suddenly Myers said aloud. It turned out that the car had already reached the precipitous section of the cliff. There were many road curves here. Moreover, the road is narrow and urgent. Highway 108 runs to the bottom of the valley, and you can look up at all kinds of strange peaks and rocks. There is a gray-blue mountain all over it, which is very strange. Going further, a river appeared on the side of the road, and large granite stones appeared on both sides.

When entering this kilometer, even Tessa didn’t dare to show off anymore, she just grabbed the handle of the car, she didn’t dare to look at the cliff outside, and Elsa was also holding her breath. , Constantly reminding Miles. Mia and Helena looked very relaxed. They both cast their eyes on these cliffs. Obviously, the beauty of the scenery here also made Mia reopen a door.

She used to stay only in clinics or villas. She rarely came to such places. At most, she went out to sea with Zhen Fan. She had never experienced this wonderful natural scenery, so she had a little heart. Suddenly opened the mood. Suddenly there was a feeling of wanting to cheer.

A door opened in her heart. And this door is another level of Taoist cultivation. Through thousands of mountains and rivers, there will always be gains, and through different lives, you will always be able to enlighten you. So her level has improved a lot.

When she opened a door, Helena and Miles didn’t feel that way, because they hadn’t reached Mia’s level yet. Mia can now be said to have kept up with Zhen Fan’s pace, at least. I can see Zhen Fan's back. This kind of sudden enlightenment is relatively rare in Taoist practice, but Mia did it.

"Ah-it's beautiful!" Maria screamed in surprise in the car, and then clapped her hands excitedly, while Claire held onto the handle of the car tightly, looking at this nervously and excitedly. With the magnificent scenery, it was obvious that she was a bit worse than Maria's heart to bear in the city. She was both nervous and excited.

And the women in Zhen Fan’s car are very excited to look at the scenery here, because Zhen Fan is in the car, Christine and Zoe never worry about safety issues, they take it for granted that Zhen Fan can settle all dangers. The situation, this is their psychological feeling after seeing Zhen Fan's ability with their own eyes.

Especially Christine, she turned on the camera, constantly shooting the scenery along the way, and also sat down to describe the scenery, it seems that she really wants to shoot a documentary. No matter what the documentary is, in short, this is something that cannot be used to broadcast publicly, but one that I can enjoy alone.

"Maria, tell me how you feel now!" Kristen said with a smile at Maria, "Will you just say whatever you think? Be honest, uh, tell mom, what are you thinking now?"

"Can you really say what you can think of?" Maria looked at Christine and asked with some confusion.

"Of course it is like, tell me about you now..."

"I'm thinking, when will I reach the bottom of the valley? I want to pee now. It's really unlucky. Why is there such a problem at this time? Shouldn't this be a lady's behavior? Mom!" Looking at Christine innocently, "What can we get?"

"Well... you can ask Dad this question, he is driving, he must know when he can reach the bottom of the valley!" Kristen shifted the camera somewhat embarrassingly, and then looked at Claire with a smile, "Now it's his turn. You, Claire, tell me what you want to say most now, seeing such a beautiful scenery, and... our family is here!"

"Uh... can I tell the truth like Maria?" Claire looked at Christine.

"Of course, but...except for peeing!" Kristen joked and said smugly.

"Well, my request is very simple. I hope that in this valley, Uncle Zhen, who has feet like Maria, will give a papa. In this case, there will be a lot of echoes in the valley, just like I have been calling. Isn’t it cool?” (To be continued...) u

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