The American Scripture

Chapter 850: On the Road

"Why are we arguing about this issue? I want to eat as much as I want. If there is a problem with the fish here, I will deal with it!" Zhen Fan said, shaking his head to them, "I guarantee that every one of you will eat rest assured fish. Let’s go, Miles, show them the big fish. Actually...freshwater fish also smells like freshwater fish, especially when I grilled them with my hand!” I’m so annoyed that I said to Miles. After shaking their heads, the two of them went one after another, carrying net bags, fishing rods and small stools and left. Maria was envious and wanted to follow, but was stopped by Annie. The boss was unhappy.

Miles thought that fishing was nothing special about fishing, so when he was fishing, he focused on fishing itself, but Zhen Fan was different. He is not only fishing, but also monasticism. Just like Jiang Shang back then, fishing and Taoism are actually the same. What you catch is not fish, but Tao.

Gradually, Miles felt the difference between Zhen Fan. When the sun gradually converged, he felt that Zhen Fan sitting next to him seemed to be non-existent, as if he were in one with the surrounding scenery. If you don't observe carefully, you won't be aware of Zhen Fan's existence.

These are the realms of Taoism where he was born, merged with nature, and became nature. This is how Zhen Fan merged with nature. Perhaps one day he will become nature. At that time, he will live and die with nature. It's an immortal body, such a realm, just thinking about it—{}. I feel very fascinating.

At that time, everything in nature will be used for oneself, mountains and rivers, sea storms, sun and rain, etc. Each is a kind of existence of its own, you can use it as you want. Wherever your mind is, the force of nature will go. At that time, even with every move, the world can be turned upside down. This is not something technology can compete. Technology has not yet been able to contend with nature, and the power of nature is something that all people must respect.

Miles wanted to ask, but was afraid to disturb Zhen Fan. So she waited there quietly, and for a long time she didn't see Zhen Fan moving, as long as she turned her head. You will find that you can easily ignore Zhen Fan. He is like the breath in nature, or a tree or air. Or a stone. Or a gust of wind.

This is a very strange feeling. Miles has become more aware of the subtlety of Taoism, and he has become more curious and wants to learn well. So even if he has all kinds of doubts in his heart now, he still has to be patient. Waiting, waiting for Zhen Fan to come out of this state.

Miles had no intention of fishing at all now, looking at the water of the flowing creek for a while, with a strong fighting spirit. Only in this way can he see Zhen Fan's state, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to see Zhen Fan. I only know that there is a rock or air around him, so I don't think of Zhen Fan beside him as a person.

Finally Zhen Fan stretched out, and then smiled: "How many fish did you catch?" This was spoken to Miles, because Zhen Fan didn't move after his hook was thrown into the river. Yes, and Miles also saw that his fishing rod did not catch the bait at all, so he smiled helplessly.

Because he used too much energy on Zhen Fan himself, he didn't catch a fish, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "Nothing, I'm afraid I'm too unfocused, I'm sorry, I can come now. Fishing!" He coughed dryly, and sat down awkwardly.

Zhen Fan smiled, then looked at his fishing rod and said, "You didn't catch it, but I caught a lot of fish. When I said that, I lifted the fishing rod and saw that there were five fish hanging on the fishing rod. It's not small, it's about two or three catties, and it's very plump with golden light in the sunset, and it doesn't even beat.

"Ah-how is this possible?" Miles couldn't help but exclaimed. How could one hook catch so many fish? This is simply beyond his common sense. If you use energy to **** the fish out of the water, this is possible, but let the fish voluntarily take the bait, and even bite the line and be dragged up together, this... is simply a miracle!

"There is a saying in Taoism that the highest virtue is like water. The best form is like water. When human consciousness enters the water, man becomes a part of nature. Since it has become a part of nature, then you can be a fish. Since you are a fish. , Then it is up to you to decide whether the fish wants to bite the hook or the thread! Think about it yourself, maybe you will understand, if you don’t understand, your understanding of Tao is not too deep! "Zhen Fan took off the fish one by one, put them in the net bag and said with a smile, "This is called Jiang Ziya fishing, I hope you will be hooked!"

The latter sentence Miles had seen this story in Taoist classics, and he still couldn't understand it. Now Zhen Fan’s on-demand broadcast suddenly made him feel, but he couldn’t catch it. The state of enlightenment is most like a cat's claw, which makes Miles feel itchy.

Zhen Fan looked at him with a smile on his face for a while, then frowned again, he couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Forget it, now I can't figure it out for a while, don't deliberately comprehend anything. Okay, let's go, now there are fish, let's go grill the fish!" Zhen Fan said, lifting the net bag and leaving.

The fish Zhenfan here uses Taoist zhenqi to remove some impurities in the fish, to ensure the greenness of the fish, without any side effects when eating, and to ensure the fish is delicious. When Myers heard Zhen Fan say this, he didn't feel entangled. He went back with Zhen Fan. As soon as they arrived at the campsite, the two little girls ran over and looked at the fish in the net bag. They jumped and screamed, excited.

Miles slices the fish, and Zhen Fan is responsible for the pickling. The whole process was carried out by the river. Claire stayed away. Maria watched the whole process. She squatted down and pointed to Zhen Fan and said why we should cut it from here and why she should be on the back of the fish. On the topic of using flower knives and so on.

This little girl is really weird, but Zhen Fan also patiently answered her one by one. Maria listened very carefully and observed very carefully, she didn't look like a little girl at all. However, Zhen Fan didn't care, what kind of girl she could be cultivated was completely up to her own wishes and would not force her to change anything.

The sky gradually darkened, the bonfire was already lit, and the bonfire on the river beach lit up the surrounding area. Christine and the others had already set up grills around the bonfire. Some began to roast beef and steak, and some began to roast. Lamb chops or fish made by Zhen Fan, a few fishes are processed relatively quickly.

Zhen Fan used some of the spices commonly used in domestic lamb skewers and seasoning peppers, etc., the fragrance was tangy, and the women and the little girls were all salivating. Christine couldn't help but cut it with a knife. A piece of freshly roasted beef, it tastes really good, and it looks a bit disregarding the image of a lady.

Since someone had started in advance, the other women would not be polite. They took out the knives and forks, used the plates to fork chunks of beef into the plates, and feasted on them. One is that Zhen Fan’s craftsmanship is really good, and the other is that this outdoor dining has increased people’s interest in dining, so they have a great appetite. A piece of beef or steak will definitely not solve the problem, so a piece of fish is added. .

"This is the best time I have eaten!" Tessa smiled and praised it as he ate it. "I used to eat the best in the cheapest shop. It was either not delicious, or The seasoning is too strong, and I'm just eating those spices, I can actually stand it."

Elsa is sometimes invited to have lunch with Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan gets up diligent and will cook some steaks or other Western food. She doesn't respond so much to such delicacies. She just nodded and whispered, "I bet you will be interested in food in the future! Do you know what I am most interested in every day?"

"What is it?" Tessa also walked to the side with Elsa carrying the plate, biting her ears while eating, "Isn't it just thinking about how to get on Zhen's bed? Then you can eat such delicious food every day! "

"No, no, that is my highest ideal. I can only think about it occasionally. What I think every day is how to have lunch at Zhen's house, haha... there is nothing better than that. , And... I don’t have any interest in eating other foods now. Sooner or later you will think of me. Think about these two days." Elsa warned.

"Well, let's finish this meal first!" Tessa smiled happily, "Don't scare me, at least I have to enjoy it for these two days." She turned around and crossed a piece over there. The steak was put on the plate, and then lifted it up to show Zhen Fan with a hey smile. It was obvious that she was also a little embarrassed and showed her big belly.

While eating, suddenly Zhen Fan's phone rang, Zhen Fan frowned, and then walked to a relatively open area. This is a call from Hong Kong. It should be around nine to ten in the morning in Hong Kong. The person inside speaks English and is obviously a member of Melissa's team.

"I'm Fan? Zhen May I ask if you are......" Zhen Fan said.

"Hayden Brewster. Hello, Mr. Zhen, I am the head of the team of lawyers who went to Hong Kong this time. I want to report to you about the judicial process in Hong Kong this time..."

"No, you can just say the result!" Zhen Fan said.

"We won. The team supported by Wu Qihan has several people prosecuted, and Wu Qihan himself will face the most severe legal sanctions. This is our result."

"Well done, the company will reward you, I will hang up first, goodbye!" Zhen Fan said and hung up the phone. The event in Hong Kong this time has come to a close, but Zhen Fan is not happy at all. After all, Hong Kong is there, and Hong Kong is going through a very difficult dispute of doctrine.

But Zhen Fan doesn't want to care about these things now, as long as it comes to an end, he will focus on spending time with his family. After hanging up the phone, Zhen Fan suddenly thought of Liu Yifei. This time Christine allowed himself to bring Liu Yifei over. This might be an opportunity.

When I go back, let's start this matter. Liu Yifei is about to give birth, and the conditions for living in Los Angeles are better! (To be continued...)

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