The American Scripture

Chapter 858: democracy

At the Miami International Airport, standing on the ground with the shell pattern on the terrazzo, Liu Yifei looked at her watch a little nervously. Zhen Fan had already called her before leaving, so she came here very early. machine. It's just that a woman with a big belly like her stood there, looking very abrupt.

Several people have come to persuade her to sit there, but she still insisted on standing there and waiting. Those people just need to shake their heads and leave. And just around her, there were a few tall and strong white men in black suits scattered around. They seemed to be passengers, but more like idle people, because they had no luggage on their hands. There is a clear difference from those who walk around with luggage.

There were one or two people who seemed to be reporters. They were secretly holding up their mobile phones to take pictures of Liu Yifei, but soon someone intervened. It was the big guys in black suits. They were both Liu Yifei’s bodyguards and the Modin family Someone who came here to protect her safety.

Put the phone away, then take out the memory card, break it in half, and throw it into the trash can. Those who took pictures dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, so they had to leave in despair. At this time, another group of people flooded in, Asians, gorgeously dressed and whistling, and they soon discovered Liu Yifei.

One of the young men tried to come over and talk to Liu Yifei. Because Liu Yifei had a big belly, he was not sure if it was Liu Yifei, so he wanted to come over to make sure. Obviously, Liu Yifei who is pregnant is more imaginative than not pregnant, so he has no scruples. Is coming up.

"Hello, this is Ying Hanxian, general manager of the business department of Honglong Honglong Company." The man stretched out his hand and tried to shake hands with Liu Yifei. "You must be Ms. Liu Yifei?"

"Sorry, you confessed to the wrong person!" Liu Yifei frowned and looked at this guy. It was obvious that the pretty good-looking Ying Hanxian might be very comfortable with his identity. He didn't care about Liu Yifei's impatient expression and continued. Said: "I heard that you have quit the entertainment industry? I haven't heard from you for a long time, and the entertainment company you belong to has terminated the contract with you, is that true? Would you like to try our company?"

"I'm sorry, sir, you really recognized the wrong person!" Liu Yifei took a step back, but accidentally, the ground was slippery and almost fell. She held her belly with her pale white hands, and the black beside her The bodyguards immediately walked over and forcibly blocked Ying Hanxian and Liu Yifei.

"What are you doing?" Ying Hanxian was dissatisfied after being blocked, but faced with the tall white bodyguard, he dared not say anything. He just looked at Liu Yifei and said, "You must be Liu Yifei? I know it is. Are you interested in considering our company? You know that Honglong Entertainment is the largest entertainment company in Hong Kong..."

"Sorry, she's not interested, and...what's your name? Ying Hanxian? That's the man from Hong Kong who swaggered the streets with the Union Jack? I will only take you!" Suddenly a voice came from behind, and then I saw the big white men bowing respectfully behind him.

"Hello Mr. Zhen!" The white bodyguards all know Zhen Fan, so they are very in awe of Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan didn't know when she got here. No one noticed it. Only Liu Yifei's eyes glowed, and she looked at Zhen Fan with joy. If it weren't for her big belly, she might have rushed over.

"Who are you... Zhen... Mr. Zhen!" The Ying Hanxian was surprised at first, and when he turned around, he saw Zhen Fan. He couldn't help but immediately softened, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, I just..." he He looked at Liu Yifei and Zhen Fan as well. If he didn't know their relationship at this time, he would have been blind.

"Get off, don't show up in front of me, and... your cell phone, and the cell phone of your entourage." Zhen Fan gestured to the bodyguards beside him. It is obvious that Ying Hanxian and Liu Yifei were talking just now. At that time, some people behind him started to turn on their mobile phones and quietly videotaped Liu Yifei.

"No, you can't do this, this is our mobile phone!" Ying Hanxian said loudly, but the bodyguards ignored their screams, and the bodyguards put away all their mobile phones. Apple, Samsung and the like. The bodyguards held their phones and looked at Zhen Fan.

"All the memory cards were taken out and back and forth, all the phones were broken, and they were thrown into the trash can!" Zhen Fan is not as easy to talk as the bodyguards. Not only did the memory cards be destroyed, but their mobile phones were also destroyed.

"Papa!" The phone fell to the floor and suddenly fell apart. That Ying Hanxian's apple was no exception. He only drew his mouth in distress, but he didn't dare to put a fart when he looked at the fierce bodyguard. At this moment, two police officers from the airport hurried over. One of them pointed at them and shouted: "Stop, stop, or we will use force!"

The other policeman has already pulled out his gun. As soon as the police arrived, Ying Hanxian's spirit came to life. He immediately pointed at Zhen Fan and cursed loudly: "What's the matter? Keep falling. Don't think you are a celebrity. You can just come here. A democratic country ruled by law is not China!"

Zhen Fan looked at him with a slight smile and then said softly: "You think it's very democratic here? So you feel so kind, don't you? Do you need me to wake you up?" He said with a disdainful smile at Ying Hanxian. Laughed.

"Fan, let's go back!" Liu Yifei held Zhen Fan's arm with both hands. She did not want to cause unnecessary trouble, and it was when the police came.

"Don't worry, there is a good show to watch!" Zhen Fan nodded to Liu Yifei, patted her hand gently, comforting her, "Some people should learn a lesson, don't worry!"

Liu Yifei nodded, since Zhen Fan said so, she listened like this. Anyway, after I became pregnant, I became more and more dependent on Zhen Fan. This may be a kind of self-protection of pregnant women. I always hope that my man can protect myself at any time, and I should hold on tightly. Live this man.

The police had already ran over, Ying Hanxian walked over immediately, walked to a policeman, and said to him: "They stole our cell phone and want to hit people on our side. I want to sue them. "Ying Hanxian has a lot of confidence. "The United States is a beautiful and democratic country. Such violent behavior should not be allowed."

"Mr. Zhen—" The policeman with the gun had already put away the gun. He smiled at Zhen Fan with some embarrassment on his face, "Excuse me, Mr. Zhen, did something happen just now? Let's come over there. , I don’t know what happened, so... can you talk to us?"

This's not right. Ying Hanxian couldn't help but was taken aback. He quickly said: "Mr. Police, I just chatted with this lady, and he instructed his bodyguard to break our mobile phones and memory cards. And it also threatens the safety of our lives. We hope to be protected by you! I have always known that the United States is a beautiful country and I am very longing for it here, so I hope to get a perfect result."

"I see... Mr. Zhen!" The policeman turned to Zhen Fan and smiled, "Is it exactly what this gentleman said? Or maybe there is any misunderstanding?"

"Yes, the same as what he said!" Zhen Fan smiled, "Should I go to the police station to assist in the investigation?" Zhen Fan shrugged at the police indifferently.

"This... there must be some misunderstanding in it!" The policeman looked at Zhen Fan with some embarrassment, then at the Ying Hanxian, "I think... this guy must have provoke you, he must be What did you do wrong, Mr. Zhen, if you have anything to do, please, and we will contact you to investigate later. You can go first!"

"What?" Ying Hanxian was stunned, and then stomped anxiously, "How can you let them go? Did they admit it just now, or they did it? You can't let him leave here!"

"We still need you to ask us to do things?" The other policeman was upset. It was really unlucky today. He actually met such a lifeless guy and dared to provoke Zhen Fan. He was so impatient to live and let himself get caught up. Feeling troubled, he said to Ying Hanxian uncomfortably, "Well, gentlemen and ladies, please go to the police station with us, you must have done something against the law against Mr. Zhen!"

"No... not like this... how can you arrest me? I am the one who called the police..." Ying Hanxian was anxious and protested loudly, "You can't treat me like this, this is a democratic country. , You can't..."

"Sir, of course we are a democratic country, but... first you have to be a citizen of our country before we can give you democracy, now come with me, bastard!" The policeman took out the handcuffs and handcuffed this guy. While staying, another police officer said to the others, "You leave here now, or you will detain your passports, this gentleman...he has been arrested for insults and defamation!"

"I didn't..." Ying Hanxian wanted to yell out loudly, but was knocked on the head by the policeman who tortured him with the handle of the gun. The blood drenched immediately, "If you are resisting, I will explode with a shot. Your head, you know? Bastard, you're causing us trouble, **** it, go in!"

The two police officers forcibly took Ying Hanxian away as they said. From a distance, you can see that he was stuffed into a police car by the police and then sounded the siren and drove away.

"He was taken away!" Liu Yifei and Zhen Fan walked out of the airport slowly and saw this scene. I couldn't help but raised his head and looked at Zhen Fan, "Are we... doing too much?" Dozo's American Portal

"It's not too much!" Zhen Fan comforted her and laughed, "It would be too much if you don't do this. They secretly photographed you and even wanted to pull you into their company to do coolies. Would I allow this to happen? They I thought this was democracy, so I let the democracy here slap him a big ear."

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