The American Scripture

Chapter 864: Sleep

This girl is not because she wants to buy high-end cosmetics, luxury bags and pocket money, but because she wants to travel, she wants to travel around Japan, but she is only a student at school, so she can only use this method. This is the industry with the fastest money, or she has to devote herself to the small film business, and if shooting a/v, the money might be faster, but she does not want to increase her exposure, so she can only choose this way . !*!

The girl’s English is very good. Press and hold, and the girl’s chat is slowly rising. Zhen Fan is like a listener. As she talks, the girl keeps talking about her dreams, and then lets Zhen Fan was lying on the bed, she sat behind his back and started massaging. Her buttocks sat on Zhen Fan's waist, pressing her two hands slowly, and then some of her dreams said that she had been there before. Some places.

"Sir, is it okay now? Do you need me to do other services for you?" The girl lay down on her upper body, and then her chest softly pressed against Zhen Fan's back, and her mouth was gently brought to Zhen Fan's ear , The fragrance of orchid like musk and warm breath sprayed on Zhen Fan's ear.

But the girl was still disappointed. When she got down, she heard Zhen Fan's snoring, and it was obvious that Zhen Fan was asleep. This girl knows Zhen Fan. In Japan, it is no surprise to know Zhen Fan, who is a very good male star in Hollywood. She did move a little today, and hoped to have another hearty exercise with Zhen Fan, but Zhen Fan fell asleep.

The girl sat quietly waiting for Zhen Fan to wake up, and she kept looking at Zhen Fan's face. I feel that although this face is not the most handsome, but it is getting more and more attractive, it is a bit fascinating. She won't talk about this experience, because she suddenly felt that someone like Zhen Fan should be protected.

Looking at it, he couldn't help but kissed his face once, and a red lip was printed on Zhen Fan's face. She looked at it, wanted to laugh, and a little embarrassed. So I went to the bathroom to take a wet towel, and gently wiped away the lip marks on Zhen Fan's face. The movements were very gentle, for fear of awakening Zhen Fan. After wiping. I nodded in satisfaction. It's like just wiping a beloved item to make it radiant and kind.

The girl just knelt down beside Zhen Fan and didn't take off her clothes. She really looked like an innocent student, sitting there, like a female college student waiting for her lover.

When it was almost time, the girl looked at Zhen Fan and couldn't bear to disturb him, but she couldn't help but stretch out her hand and gently push Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan opened his eyes gently, then rolled over. Lying on his back, looking at the girl kneeling next to him, he couldn't help laughing: "I'm sorry, I actually fell asleep, maybe the jet lag hasn't reversed, right... are they out?"

The girl knew they were those people, those NBA players, so she nodded and said: "The time is coming, they may all be out, I will change your clothes!"

Zhen Fan nodded, then spread his hands, let the girl change her clothes, then nodded to her, then took out one hundred dollar bills from the wallet, counted ten of them, and handed them over. He smiled and said: "Enough for you to travel. If you can't do this kind of thing, try not to do it. I really like your chat! Goodbye!"

"Sir, I don't need so much, no, no, I'll give it back to you!" The girl said, she was about to return the banknotes to Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan waved her hand and smiled: "This is what you deserve. You She is a good storytelling girl. I like your story. I know you didn’t lie. You deserve it!"

Zhen Fan stopped talking with her, so he lifted his foot and walked out. He did not show his greatness, but felt that a girl’s dream should be fulfilled. If the dream is realized in this way, it is very Obviously it is too uncomfortable.

The girl couldn’t catch up with Zhen Fan, so she could only kneel and say thank you to Zhen Fan. Her head was almost lying on the floor. Zhen Fan’s feet passed in front of her, and after a turn, she left the room and came to the custom. In the lobby of the store, Wei Chao, Howard, and Brian are already here.

Now that they are all here, Wei Chao and the others are ready to go back. But Zhen Fan still wanted to go shopping in Tokyo, so Zhen Fan bid farewell to Wei Chao and the others, and agreed to wait for tomorrow to come out to play together. Then Brian and Howard left. Wei Chao stayed at the end and said to Zhen Fan: "Brother Zhen, after this game is over, I plan to return to China and stay for a while. Anyway, the new season has not yet started. If you return to China, please contact me with my mobile number. No change, just get through!"

"Okay, no problem. It's just that you are a superstar-like person in China now, so busy to have time with me?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but play Wei Chao's joke.

"What are you talking about? How busy? If Brother Zhen summons, he must have time!" Wei Chao couldn't help but laughed, "It's settled. I haven't thanked you yet. Without Brother Zhen, how can I be? Today is now."

"Okay, that's it!" Zhen Fan also nodded, "You go first, you have time to get together later, I don't have any domestic friends in Los Angeles, you are the only one. After you go there Get in touch more!" The two waved goodbye. As soon as Zhen Fan turned around, he saw Michi Kikuko who was still beside him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Take me around again!" Zhen Fan said to Miike Kikuko, "There is anything that is delicious or fun with Tokyo characteristics. After a while, we will go back to the hotel! By the way, I heard that There are many hot spring hotels in Tokyo. We can go to the hot springs and introduce them!"

"If we take the Odakyu Express train from Shinjuku, we can go to Hakone. There are many hot springs there. Most of them are outdoor. You can also include a pool, which is the kind that a few people can wash. The hot springs there are more authentic. Yes, it's not an indoor hot spring!" Michi Kikuko said blushing, not knowing what she thought of.

"Uh, how long does it take to get to Hakone from here?" Zhen Fan asked.

"One and a half." If you leave now, we can reach the hotel at about eleven o'clock in the evening after the hot spring. "Michi Kikuko looked at her watch and said to Zhen Fan.

When Zhen Fan heard it, she felt a little late, so she said, "Forget it, tomorrow... Let's see you tomorrow. I will make an appointment with you tomorrow. What is your phone number?"

"I'll call you, tell me your phone number!" Mei Chi Juzi said to Zhen Fan. After hearing Zhen Fan reported his phone number, she took out her cell phone and called Zhen Fan. After a call, Zhen Fan's cell phone rang, and he pressed the on-hook button, and Michi Kikuko carefully stored Zhen Fan's name in the phone.

After sending Zhen Fan back to the hotel, Zhen Fan said goodbye to Michi Kikuko, and went straight to his room. Tonight, he was quite happy. When Zhen Fan returned to the room, he heard the doorbell and opened the door. Seeing Bit and Robles standing at the door, they looked at him with an angry expression.

"What's the matter? Come in and talk!" Zhen Fan hurriedly let them in, then closed the door.

"Zhen, you are out." Robles said to Zhen Fan in the first sentence, "I can almost smell it. Did you go to Shinjuku? I feel every pore on your body is It smells like a woman."

"Yes, I went to Shinjuku. Well, we will always have a chance to go together. But... are you sure you have to go? You are a star, and every move in Japan will be monitored by reporters now Next, are you sure you must go?" Zhen Fan asked Robes and Bit, "Do you want to?"

Robles and Bit shook their heads quickly, then Bit looked at Zhen Fan and couldn't help but laughed, and said, "You forgot what you said? Hollywood beauty art!"

"By the way, I really forgot!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. In fact, he hadn't forgotten at all. He just made a joke on these two anxious guys.

Once the matter was settled, the two began to plan how to play better. In fact, it is not that they are keen on such things, but a novelty. Any celebrity has the side of exploring novelty. Zhen Fan also knows such things, and domestic celebrities also have such things, and they are still a bit overwhelming, catching one after another!

The three people discussed in the room and left after twelve o'clock in the evening. The next day was the exchange meeting and reception. Zhen Fan bit his head to attend. However, in the hotel where the exchange meeting and reception were held, many reporters and press conferences were held. Every star attended, and many reporters asked questions. After Zhen Fan came, after all, among Asians, Zhen Fan was the only representative to attend the exchange meeting.

"Mr. I heard that you are back in the entertainment industry. Are there any plans to cooperate with Japanese film and television companies or actors?" Japanese reporters like this question, so they hope that Zhen Fan can Said that he has plans to cooperate with the Japanese and participate in the big production in Hollywood.

"Yes, I am preparing for my comeback. I already have a plan to cooperate with Bitt again. The last cooperation is very pleasant. So... this has established that my comeback must be found. Bit. Can there be such a director to support me, what else am I worried about?"

"Mr. Zhen, who is the heroine of this comeback? What is the name of the movie? This is a question that every movie fan is concerned about!" Journalists from the United States are all concerned about this question.

"Yes, I can answer the first half of this question, because I don't know the second half. The heroine of the movie is Emma, ​​Emma Worst, who is also my former partner. We have cooperated very well. There is a tacit understanding, and I believe this cooperation will also be successful!"

This answer is very official, so the reporters felt that there was no news from Zhen Fan, so they turned to Emma. Trying to open a breakthrough from Emma. But they forgot, Emma is more experienced than Zhen Fan to deal with them! (To be continued...) u

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