The American Scripture

Chapter 868: Transaction is transaction

This is just a matter of your wish. Zhen Fan and Hashimoto Garden are the two people in this transaction. They exchange it physically, so Zhen Fan has no psychological burden. For this kind of person, He has no reason to refuse. @.@ is just dew love. Moreover, Taoism also emphasizes that the effect of double cultivation is different for different women, and it is more pure that Taoism is more pure because of the ability to learn from others.

So this evening, the two of them played freely. At the beginning, Hashimoto Garden was still a little unwilling to let go, but after Zhen Fan used the Taoist room technique to train, it became very unbearable. The whole body was a puddle of mud, like It was fished out of the water, and his body was marked with dividends, and it looked more matte and attractive.

After taking a breather, she turned over and sat on the floor naked, helping Zhen Fan, who was lying on the floor, to wipe. Actually, there was no sweat on Zhen Fan. But Zhen Fan still enjoys such a woman, serving herself tenderly, including the little guy who made her sore, careful, as if wiping a treasure. His eyes seemed so obsessed and tender.

"Go to bed and sleep!" Zhen Fan said as she got up, put one hand on her calf, put one hand under her armpit, picked her up, and walked to the bed. Gently put it on the bed, and then pulled her a thin quilt. Hashimoto Garden was also tired. She blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling, and then gave Zhen Fan a sweet smile. She wanted to talk, but she couldn't help falling asleep with a smile. Slowly fell asleep.

Zhen Fan gently touched her head, and then sat on the sofa to look at the girl. It was obvious that everything she did today was intentional. Whether it was a fright and spilled wine or came to Zhen Fan's room, in the end only the underwear was left to help Zhen Fan wash the clothes.

Then... She must also have her own goals and demands, Zhen Fan is waiting for her to wake up, and then tell her own goals. This is not pure love, nor is it an uncontrollable love for each other, but a transaction. So Zhen Fan has long understood. Will not be lost by this tender offensive.

Even if Hashimoto Garden is going to sleep, he won't sleep here, because the possibility of being photographed by reporters is too great, so Zhen Fan is waiting for her to wake up. Then the two began a formal transaction after going to bed. Sure enough, after half an hour, Hashimoto Garden woke up. When she opened her eyes, she found that Zhen Fan was not sleeping next to her. There was a little panic in his eyes. But soon she saw Zhen Fan sitting next to her. He got up and smiled softly at Zhen Fan.

"How long have I slept?" she asked some knowingly.

"Uh, it's almost half an hour!" Zhen Fan nodded to her. Such an innocent girl wanted to make such a deal. He felt a pity in his heart, but this is the case in the entertainment industry. Such transactions are more common. of. If it is not common, it is not normal.

"Don't sleep longer?" Zhen Fan stood up. Then he walked to the side table, where there was a bottle of wine. Zhen Fan took two cups and poured a little wine in one of them, and walked to the front of Hashimoto Garden, stretched out his hand, and gave her a cup with a smile. , "Drink some, drink some you might feel better!"

This is very strange, isn't it a command to make people more dizzy? But Hashimoto Garden was embarrassed to wipe Zhen Fan's face, so he took it, then drank a little, and suddenly felt a warm current all over his body, and his spirit really improved a lot. So I did it, but the quilt slid down, revealing her two tall and tender peaks.

"Yeah--" She exclaimed, then stretched out her hand to grab the slipped sheet, pulled it up a bit, just covering the two pink spots, and then said with a blushing bow to Zhen Fan, " sorry Sorry!"

"I'm sorry, I've seen it all!" Zhen Fan smiled slightly, and this smile made Hashimoto Garden's blush again. She quickly wrapped herself in the sheet, and then stood on her small white toes, like dancing The same goes to the living room, because her underwear is there, there is the bathroom, and her skirt is also there.

This action is not unattractive, but Zhen Fan resisted it. He watched Hashimoto Garden put on his underwear somewhat restrainedly, and then quickly ran to the kitchen like a frightened deer, and then put it on in the kitchen. Put on his own dress. The clothes are finally intact.

But Zhen Fan was still wearing a pajama, and he had no intention of changing clothes. Gently shook the wine glass in his hand, watched Hashimoto Garden walk up to him with his head down, bowed to himself and said, "I have caused you trouble, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, I disturbed you, if...if You have nothing else to do, I will leave!"

Zhen Fan didn't respond much, but looked at Hashimoto Garden with some playful smiles on her face. She was embarrassed to see Hashimoto Garden, and her head moved lower. Staring straight at his toes, he raised his white thumb, twisting restlessly, his hands behind his back.

"Then...then I'll leave!" Hashimoto Garden was flustered by Zhen Fan's look, and wanted to turn around, but also wanted to see Zhen Fan's expression, but Zhen Fan always just smiled and didn't mean to keep him. He couldn't help but bit his teeth, turned around, and walked a few steps, wanting to walk past the door.

As she walked, she counted silently in her heart to see if Zhen Fan could stop herself at the end. But she was still disappointed. After she opened the door of the room, Zhen Fan didn't make a sound. He didn't even stand up, just smiled at her, and still had that kind of playful smile.

"Mr. Zhen...I'm sorry!" Hashimoto Garden was about to cry, but finally held it back, closed the door gently, then walked to Zhen Fan's face, bowed deeply and said, "Our company I want to invite you to drink tea, so... I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She seemed to have done something wrong, waiting for the female student to be criticized, her eyes a little disturbed.

"It's okay, I see, what is your president's name? Which film company is it?" Zhen Fan looked at her, then stood up, gently stretched out a finger, and smiled while supporting her chin. "You are really an unqualified negotiator. Of course... if I don't agree to go, what will you do?"

"I will be hidden by the company. I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, help me!" Hashimoto Garden bowed to Zhen Fan again, his voice trembling slightly, it was obvious that he was enduring something he couldn't bear in his heart.

"So... the **** between us is part of a transaction?" Zhen Fan stared at her, then smiled, "Well, I promised you, tell me what movie company it is, and the boss is called what name?"

"It's Jenny's office, and the president is Mr. Okadano!" Hashimoto Park bowed to Zhen Fan again, "Please, Mr. Zhen, please for the sake of our very happy getting along, please! "The last voice was crying, it was obvious that this girl was about to collapse.

"I have time tomorrow morning. I won't participate in those movies. You can make some time after ten o'clock in the morning. By the way, come to my room!" Zhen Fan supported her chin. , Asked her to lift her pitiful face, and then smiled, "You know this place, don't you?"

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Zhen!" Hashimoto Garden nodded, Zhen Fan's fingers loosened, she looked at her with joy, and then bowed and said, "Mr. Zhen has any instructions? Anything is fine. , I will do my best for you!"

"Forget it, go back. Since you are in the entertainment industry, there is only trading. I am very satisfied with today's transaction!" Zhen Fan waved his hand gently, and sat back on the sofa, which was obvious. , We are now irrelevant, you go back quickly.

Hashimoto Garden's hand shook slightly. To be honest, for Zhen Fan, her biggest impression comes from his fame. For a man like Zhen Fan, for her, she is a god-like existence, and the height is unstoppable. And to be able to spend a warm night with him tonight is already a surprise. She is willing to participate in such a transaction, but... she also has a feeling of gains and losses, for fear that Zhen Fan is not satisfied with herself or will soon forget Lost myself.

She hoped that Zhen Fan could remember her for a longer time. Although she knew it was a bit difficult, she still had this extravagant hope in her heart. Eighteen-year-old girls will have a pink dream in their hearts. Despite the cruel reality, this pink dream has always been in my heart. Now I feel a little dream come true.

But now seeing Zhen Fan's indifferent reaction, she felt a little panicked in her heart. She kept telling herself that she woke up from the dream and it was a deal, but it was just that uncomfortable. He took a deep breath, then opened the door and walked out.

Tonight is a hearty Let her experience the charm of a man that she has never seen before. This is a physical pleasure. From today on, I don’t know if she can feel this way again. . In the room just now, she hoped that Zhen Fan could come with her again, but... she was still reserved.

After Hashimoto Garden left, Zhen Fan checked the time, and it was just after two o'clock in the morning. He was not sleepy either. He was about to sit down on the sofa in the reception room and adjust his breath to some of the progress made by the Taoist room just now, but the door knocked again, and Zhen Fan knew it was Luo through the door. Perth.

Opening the door, Robles stood at the door with a refreshing look and looked at Zhen Fan with provocative eyes: "Don't you ask me to go in and sit down?"

"Of course, please come in!" Zhen Fan made a please gesture to Robles, watched him sit on the sofa, closed the door and said, "Didn't you hook up with a Japanese female star? Come to me when you have time?"

"Of course, but... she has left now. If she leaves tomorrow, she will be photographed by the reporters." Robles smiled happily, "Are you alone? Haha, didn't go to Shinjuku? I just said …Those Japanese female stars are definitely better than Shinjuku’s.” (To be continued...) u

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