The American Scripture

Chapter 872: shopping

Emma and Angelina are shopping. This place is called Roppongi Street. When Zhen Fan came, the two women were quarreling with each other in a shop selling local souvenirs.] Outside the shop were three male bodyguards in black suits. The bodyguard of the security company arranged by the person in charge of the exchange meeting was specially borrowed by Emma and Christine to accompany the shopping.

"I want to buy you a kimono, but I don't know what color you like. But I think the plain color is more suitable for you. It is very elegant and has a manly aristocratic temperament!" Angelina looked up and down at Zhen Fan , And then said to the clerk, "This is it! You go try it!" The next sentence was addressed to Zhen Fan.

"Is this you thanking my investment and preparing to bribe me?" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing, "Don't let my investment lose money. So the more enthusiastic you are, the more I worry about it!"

"Don't worry, let's go!" Regardless of what Zhen Fan said, Angelina took Zhen Fan's hand and walked towards the dressing room over there. As a result, the kimono in the clerk's hand pushed Zhen Fan. Said, "Go in and try, I want to give you a gift, this is it!"

"No, no, I don't want it." Zhen Fan shook his head, "Besides, I don't like kimono very much. It has nothing to do with which country I am from. If you really want to give me a gift, you might as well give me this Right!" Zhen Fan said, pointing to the belt in the glass counter next to the clothes rack.

"Okay, give this to me!" Angelina pointed to the best-looking belt on the counter, and the most expensive one. Then she gestured around Zhen Fan's waist, her hands passed through Zhen Fan's waist, almost all of her body was attached to Zhen Fan's body. The tall and straight twin peaks almost touched Zhen Fan's chest, as if there was a heat, which made Zhen Fan a little embarrassed. He leaned back slightly.

"Okay, it's appropriate!" Angelina nodded in satisfaction, and then gave Zhen Fan the belt. Then pay the bill. Emma looked at Angelina with a smile, then looked at Zhen Fan. I blinked at him, it was obvious, did you have a leg with her!

Zhen Fan was waiting for Angelina to check out. Facing Emma, ​​she shrugged her shoulders helplessly, saying that she and Angelina had nothing to do, anyway, Angelina couldn't see or know the little movements of the two. Wait for Angelina to settle the bill. The three people then left. Zhen Fan accompanied the two women shopping along the way. Until dinner time.

At dinner time, the organizer had arranged a banquet. But Zhen Fan didn't want to go to that kind of occasion, nor did he want to see Zhen Fan, nor did Emma and Angelina. After discussing with the three of them, they decided to eat a little Japanese specialties at that place.

In Japan, you can eat delicacies from all over Japan, including tofu skin in Kyoto, takoyaki in Osaka, ramen and yokan, etc., all of which are more famous snacks, but they emphasize vegetarian dishes, so the taste is relatively light. Even if it is fish and meat, Zhen Fan is really uncomfortable.

"Suddenly I miss the delicious food you made!" I was eating. Emma suddenly said something, and then Angelina also looked at Zhen Fan with bright eyes. She had also tasted Zhen Fan's craft. So Emma said a few words to the translator, which meant to ask the translator to find the chef.

The translator went out soon. After a while, the chef came over. He might be a bit famous, so he asked Zhen Fan and the others, "Is there anything wrong? Is it because my food makes you picky?" This is very arrogant. After the translation, Zhen Fan looked at Emma.

Emma shrugged helplessly at him. Zhen Fan had no choice but to say: "We are not used to the light taste here, so... can I go to the kitchen and cook something for myself?" After the words were translated, the chef's face changed drastically. There was a lot of talking about it.

The translator quickly turned over and said: "He said he is the most famous tofu chef in Tokyo. The tofu he made has won gold medals in Japan and won the highest food competition in Japan. You can't insult him like that." For a famous cook, what Zhen Fan said just now really insulted him.

"You messed up!" Zhen Fan said to Emma, ​​then looked at Emma's expectant expression, then turned his head and said, "Translate to him. I will make some tofu skins. If you find it delicious, So...we don't have to apologize, right?" Zhen Fan said while looking at the translator.

When the translation was finished, the chef became a little disdainful, and then he didn't say anything, but made a sign of please to Zhen Fan and asked Zhen Fan to go to the kitchen. Emma also wanted to follow, but he was stopped by a big wave of his hand, and then she said a few words, and then Shi Shiran left.

"He said that cooking is the chef’s secret and cannot be disclosed to outsiders, so I’m sorry!" The translator said to Emma and Angelina. The latter apologize was added by the translator, and the chef was very arrogant. There was no such thing as sorry.

Emma was talking to Angelina at the table, and she talked about Zhen Fan’s cooking skills, so Emma talked about the first time she met Zhen Fan in Christine’s villa. When she came out, she also talked about the two women who were hospitable and show off cooking in front of her.

After about ten minutes, I saw someone serving the bean curd. The bean curd was still the same, but the pattern was different. Then I saw two people coming in, one was Zhen Fan, as soon as he came in. Kneeling down at the table, and the chef with a convincing smile on his face was extremely diligent towards Zhen Fan. But he still maintained his arrogance towards Emma and Angelina, he only bowed his head for Zhen Fan who could beat himself.

Angelina watched the chef nod and bowed out, she gently picked up a piece of tofu skin, put it in her mouth and tasted it, then nodded and said, "It tastes very good, much better than that of the Japanese chef. No wonder he is so diligent to you. If you participate in any of their cooking competitions, I'm sure you will be able to win the grand prize!"

"Chinese people have been studying food for a long time. Coupled with the cooking by a top master like me, it is naturally delicious. In fact, such a strange-looking chef can compare it?" Zhen Fan said triumphantly, and found it. There was a meal of two women's eyes, but they didn't have any eyesore for food, they were blue-eyed, and they quickly ate clean.

After finishing the meal, Zhen Fan was going to checkout, but was greeted by the chef and said: "Today's meal is free. If you have time, please be sure to come here to eat. If you can get your guidance, Sansheng is fortunate!"

The interpreter translated this passage, and Zhen Fan just nodded indifferently, and left as if feeling at ease. And the chef kept bowing to the back of Zhen Fan's departure, as if he should be. Emma couldn't help laughing when the three of them walked down the street.

"Today is the most interesting dinner I have ever had!" Emma smiled at Zhen Fan, and said to him, "Aren't you going to buy some souvenirs? There are so many women living in your villa, so many of you. Buy some!"

"Are there many women?" Angelina looked at Zhen Fan, and suddenly laughed, nodded and said, "I know, I know who you have. Christine, Mia... and... …What is that..." She couldn’t remember again, let Emma remind her.

"Forget it, we are not here to help him count. Let's go and buy some souvenirs!" Emma said, pulling Angelina to the front, and Zhen Fan and the bodyguards followed them like classmates. Walking.

Zhen Fan did buy some souvenirs. Then the three of them let the bodyguards screw them and returned to the hotel. When arriving at the hotel, Emma blinked at Zhen Fan, deliberately fell behind with Zhen Fan, and whispered: "I am alone today. Do you want to come over? This is my room number. !" He drew a few numbers in Zhen Fan's palm.

Zhen Fan remembered, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled. Then Emma hurried a few steps and followed Angelina's steps. They reached the same floor, while Zhen Fan lived in their upper room. in. Don't bother the bodyguards, just screw in those bought gifts and walk in.

Tonight, Robles and Bit did not come to harass him. It is estimated that they had found a lot of fun on their own, so they decided to ignore Zhen Fan and both went to have fun. In order to retaliate against Zhen Fan for dumping them. Zhen Fan didn't care either. He had an appointment with Emma and would go to her room at around 12 o'clock in the evening.

During this time, Zhen Fan didn’t do anything, so she just sat in the living room and watched TV. Although the TV could not be read, she could find the English channel, which also reported some news about the cultural exchange between Japan and the United States. The headlines can only be hot news. There will be no overwhelming reporting, but there will be more intensive reporting.

At this time, the phone rang, and Zhen Fan picked it up. It was Hashimoto Garden. She asked Zhen Fan timidly if she needed her to accompany him. Both men and women are very strange. At the beginning, Hashimoto Garden wanted to seduce Zhen Fan, but she was shy and difficult. But once the two of them had been in bed, she would say this again, shameful It doesn't feel so strong anymore, but it's something of a natural meaning.

Zhen Fan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "If you come up now, we will hang up while there are two others. This is very domineering. Come if you want, I won't let you come. You don't It doesn't matter if you come, I don't care!

Then he threw himself on the sofa, reclining comfortably, watching TV. Less than five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. Zhen Fan was taken aback, and then remembered that this girl might have been at the hotel very early, waiting for her to return, and she called immediately. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. (To be continued...) u

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