The American Scripture

Chapter 876: Layout

Brothers, Happy New Year, I wish my brothers a fortune in the Spring Festival, bring red envelopes! Haha, thank you brothers for your support over the past year, Banxian bowed, hope to continue to support Banxian, Banxian is grateful!

A bowl of noodles was quickly eaten. Emma thinks this is the best noodles. Today’s noodles are particularly fragrant, and they are also very in line with her own taste. It may also be related to her mood. Now she is in a very good mood. She always wanted to have a day like this. At night, two people share a bed and stay at home together during the day, or Zhen Fan does some physical work and waters the flowers and plants by herself. It is a perfect family life. what!

Yes, it’s family life. Now it’s a dream come true. There is also a breakfast arranged by your lover on the table. What could be more perfect than this? So Emma finished washing the bowls, wearing her pajamas, leaning against the back door, watching Zhen Fan busy at the back.

Although she couldn't understand what Zhen Fan was doing, she just didn't interfere with him. Although it was her own home, she just let him destroy it. Even if he demolished the house, she wouldn't say anything to him. Maybe they will help to dismantle them together. So she just looked at him with a cup of coffee.

"Okay, basically the layout is complete. I also looked at the layout here, and the mobile phone is always on at all times, and... what I just installed is one of our ancient Chinese heritage, Feng Shui, although this layout is relatively Simple, but it has an extraordinary effect. Let’s do it for now!" Zhen Fan came over, clapped his hands, and smiled at Emma, ​​"But if someone wants to come in and kill him. You have time to call the police. , Or call me!"

"Are you saying that someone might come and kill you?" Emma couldn't help but laughed, "You are going to tell me. Is that Megan? She doesn't have the guts, Zhen, she is just a thief, you are too careful Now!" Although she said so, she was very happy in her heart. The more Zhen Fan was like this, the more she cared about her.

"It's not a big mistake to be careful!" Zhen Fan smiled. Looking at Emma and saying, "If something like this happens, something strange may happen. All you have to do is stay here and do nothing except call the police or call me. . Just wait here. Don’t go out. Do you understand?"

"Okay, I understand. If you say that and I don't understand yet, I'm really stupid!" Emma nodded with a smile, then put her hand in Zhen Fan's arms and put her head back lightly. He opened Zhen Fan's shoulders and laughed, "I really want to be like this for the rest of my life. You don't have to worry about me anymore."

Zhen Fan didn't know how to answer her, so she patted her hand and smiled: "Okay. I'm going back now. Remember my words, and..." He said, just gently Emma kissed on the forehead.

"You don't have a car, just drive my car! Pick one from the garage." Emma said, and said to Zhen Fan. She also took Zhen Fan to the garage and took out the key case. The garage door opened slowly, and Zhen Fan looked inside and found that there were four cars, all of which were very luxurious.

A sports car, a muscle off-road vehicle, and a car and a miniature car like a Beetle. Zhen Fan looked at it and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: "Can you drive such a few cars by yourself? But I think that car is pretty good, it suits me well, just that one."

Zhen Fan pointed to the muscle car, a Land Rover finder, and said to Emma: "I like this muscle man. He is mine now, and I will return it to you later!" Zhen Fan said and took Emma. He gave him the key to the ground, then jumped on, started, and slowly dumped the car out of the garage. This car is not necessarily more comfortable than Zhen Fan's Escalade, but it will never lose to Escalade. They are all types that Zhen Fan likes.

After reversing the car, Zhen Fan jumped out of the car, patted the door and smiled: "I didn't expect you to like such a big guy."

Emma laughed immediately, and then pressing the remote control, the garage door slowly fell down, she walked towards the hall, and smiled as she walked and said, "I always like big guys, don't you?" She also blinked at Zhen Fan, this meaning was already very obvious, she was teasing Zhen Fan.

"Well, you now have two big guys!" Zhen Fan smiled, and then said to Emma's back, "I'm leaving, if you have anything, remember to call, okay?"

"I know, I know how to protect my own safety." Emma laughed, then waved her hand, and walked upstairs, "I still have a job today, and I am going to shoot the cover of a magazine. , Goodbye, Zhen Fan!"

Zhen Fan was no longer wordy, jumped into the car and drove all the way towards his villa. It was only half an hour's drive from Emma's villa to Zhen Fan's home. After Zhen Fan entered, there were only three people in the villa, Liu Yifei, Maria and Elsa. The rest are either going to school or doing their own business.

Zhen Fan parked the car, and when he got out of the garage door, he saw two people, one big and one small, so he walked towards them, waved his hands and said loudly, "Hi!"

"Mr. Zhen, you are back!" Elsa happened to be making butterfly specimens on the other side of the lawn while Maria was making specimens. This time, there were quite a lot of butterfly species making specimens, so it took a few days and no work. Finish. Because she still has to teach Maria how to do it, and also uses a lot of materials.

"Dad—" Maria looked at Zhen Fan, but didn't rush over as usual, but smiled at Zhen Fan very reservedly. She raised her chest and looked up at Zhen Fan with a smile in her eyes. Yingying.

"Come and let Dad hug!" Zhen Fan stretched out her hand and tried to hug Maria, but Maria avoided slightly. She just blinked at Zhen Fan, smiling. Making Zhen Fan a little depressed, he looked at Maria and said, "Why don't you let Dad hold him today?"

Maria did not answer this question, but moved a few steps toward Zhen Fan, cautiously, not wanting to be held by Zhen Fan, but she couldn't escape Zhen Fan's hands and stretched out her hand. Saved Maria.

"Dad—" Maria whispered, then twisted her body, trying to get out of Zhen Fan's arms. But she must be able to break free from Zhen Fan's embrace. Without breaking free, she gave up and said with a smile to Zhen Fan, "Is Liu going to have a baby? I know it. I will be my sister from now on."

"Yeah, you will be the older sister from now on. You should take your younger brother to play together. And take good care of your younger brother, you know?" Zhen Fan said to Maria, "Being a sister. You should be a sister. Look like."

Maria immediately nodded and said to Zhen Fan: "I think so too, Dad, if I become a sister. I shouldn't be like this with you. Because it seems that I am very incompetent, because my sister can't be like this. Relying on my father’s arms, that’s my brother’s right, isn’t it?"

It turned out that it was because of this that Zhen Fan was unwilling to let Zhen Fan hug. Zhen Fan couldn't help but laugh and cry, and said to Maria: "But... Maria is also a child, and all children need Dad's embrace."

"But... I would rather be a qualified sister!" Maria seemed to have made a decision, "I want a younger brother. I want to take him to play with him. I have a lot of things to teach him. Yes. Dad. I will be a qualified sister. Don't worry!"

Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed. He lifted Maria up and said: "You are my father's good daughter, and now I have something to do with my brother's good sister. Work hard, Maria!" Then he let her go. Down, Maria tidied her skirt and said to Elsa: "Teacher, let's continue to make specimens!"

"Okay, Maria! Let's make this butterfly specimen now!" Elsa nodded slightly at Zhen Fan and smiled, and then began to teach Maria to make a butterfly specimen. Maria also blinked at Zhen Fan, turned her head and stopped talking to Zhen Fan, and stopped looking at him. She has always been very focused in doing things.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled. He likes Maria's seriousness. You can't tell that she is just a four-year-old girl. Her height and her mind all show that she is a little girl with her own opinions. Zhen Fan even sometimes has the illusion that this little girl is eight or ten years old.

Talk to Maria for a while. Zhen Fan walked towards the hall. From a distance, I saw a woman with a big belly standing at the door of the hall, smiling and watching Zhen Fan coming over. She was so gentle and demure, she looked at Zhen Fan like that, exactly like her husband's wife coming home.

"I'm back?" Liu Yifei asked softly. This tone is indeed the tone of his wife waiting for her husband. From here, it can be seen that Liu Yifei is slowly adapting to the environment here. Try to treat yourself as a hostess here, not as a guest.

"Sit down, what are you doing while standing?" Zhen Fan hurriedly helped Liu Yifei on the sofa in the hall, sitting next to her and watching her until she also carefully touched her belly~www.wuxiaspot. com~ So she put her hand on Liu Yifei's belly and stroked it gently.

Seeing Zhen Fan’s gentle movements, Liu Yifei’s heart was full of tenderness and honey, and she smiled at Zhen Fan: “This little guy doesn’t know if he’s too anxious. He kicked me frequently these days. No, you can touch it and feel it." As she said, she grabbed Zhen Fan's hand and placed it on the other side of her bulging belly.

Sure enough, it seemed that something was gently hitting the belly, and the impact could be clearly felt across the belly. I kicked it every few minutes and it lasted for half an hour. It seems that this guy is really a good mover, and he started to get restless when he was in the womb.

"Really, so naughty!" Zhen Fan gently touched his belly, and then said something against his belly.

"Is that the same when you were a kid?" Liu Yifei said with a smile.

"No, when I was a child, my master raised me. Of course, it was the kind of monkey and skinny. Master always scolded me for this!" Zhen Fan smiled, and he thought of Master again. He was about to be born, but his master left him early, his eyes were a little red, and he secretly decided, as long as the child is one year old, take him to see his master grandfather! (To be continued...)

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