The American Scripture

Chapter 881: Bet 20 dollars

The expected delivery date arrived. Zhen Fan asked Liu Yifei to wait in the clinic early, but there was no sign of giving birth. Liu Yifei also laughed at Zhen Fan's inaccurate delivery time. Zhen Fan laughed and said nothing, and Mia and others came to Liu Yifei's resting room from time to time to take a look.

Julianne Clay Schumann, a doctor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology from Los Angeles Public Hospital, is a blond woman in her thirties, of medium build, and a doctor who loves to laugh. She and three midwives are waiting nervously. They didn’t bring an anaesthetist to meet the needs of people, and the facilities prepared here were relatively sound, so there was no need for Zhen Fan to worry about it.

"This delivery, we have already made three sets of plans..." Dr. Julianne Clay Schumann said with a slight smile to Zhen Fan, "I heard that because you are going to deliver your child in person, we will do the whole process. Appeared as an assistant, and I am an observer. This is a great opportunity!"

Zhen Fan was not humble this time, nodded and said: "I know, I have been preparing for this time for a long time. Since I knew that I had this child, my whole person was planning for this big event, so you see, I I prepared this delivery room. Of course, I prepared it to expand the business of our clinic. We want to build a comprehensive Chinese medicine hospital in the future, so... you see, we are working hard for this. "

"I know, I know." Doctor Julianne Kraschman smiled at Zhen Fan.

In the lounge, Liu Yifei touched her belly a bit bored, then looked at Zhen Fan, and when she saw Zhen Fan looking at her, she winked at Zhen Fan mischievously. Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled knowingly, she was going to be a mother. There is such a childish side unexpectedly, which was unexpected to Zhen Fan, which has never been revealed before.

At noon, Liu Yifei's stomach hadn't moved, so she still showed a proud expression to Zhen Fan. She felt that Zhen Fan must have guessed wrong this time, and Dr. Julianne Clay Schumann also performed a prenatal B-ultrasound diagnosis on Liu Yifei. The fetus is in very good condition, and there is no sign of delivery yet.

"Maybe tomorrow, but we can wait today, if not today. I will continue to come tomorrow!" Dr. Julianne Kraschmann smiled at Zhen Fan, "Are you sure it is today? Dr. Zhen!"

"Can we make a bet? I can even tell you that my child will be born at 3:30 this afternoon, twenty dollars. Would you bet a bet?" Zhen Fan laughed. He had already passed Taoism. The magic technique was deduced, and the specific birth time of his child was calculated.

"Can science make such an accurate prediction?'s impossible." Dr. Julianne Kraschmann shook his head and said, "There are too many variables in this, and the current science cannot do this. , Even to a certain day is unlikely."

"Then twenty dollars, do you dare to bet?" Zhen Fan looked at Dr. Julianne Kraschman with a smile, and then looked at the other midwife nurses with a smile. "You can also take a gamble. Does anyone want to participate?"

A nurse hesitated, then nodded and said, "I bet. Twenty dollars. I bet that Dr. Kleischmann will win. I trust Dr. Kleischmann's judgment."

"What about you?" Zhen Fan looked at the other two nurses again. They smiled, and then nodded together and said, "We still believe that Dr. Kraisman can win. She is the authority in our obstetrics and gynecology department. Is there any reason not to believe her?"

"Have you ever practiced here?" Zhen Fan suddenly looked at the three nurses for one sentence.

"No, we didn't get the qualification, but...what does this have to do with the internship here? Could this strengthen our confidence in you?" One of the nurses said to Zhen Fan with a smile.

"Of course!" Zhen Fan smiled confidently. Then he looked at his watch and said, "It's twelve o'clock. We will order the takeaway in a while! By the way, Yi Fei. I have prepared broth for you. You may be a little tired later and need some strength. It's in the thermal box. I'll bring it for you!"

When Zhen Fan went out of the incubator, Dr. Julianne Kraisman smiled, then looked at Liu Yifei and smiled: "Ms. Liu, your husband is very humorous. I was very happy to chat with him, and when I came just now, , I looked at the clinic and was very surprised by Ms. Mia’s medical skills. It’s amazing. Is she also Zhen Fan’s student?"

"Of course, including Christine and that Miles are both Zhen’s students, they both have very superb medical skills. And... Dr. Kreisman, this bet, I have a feeling that you might Lose! This is my intuition, and my intuition has always been very accurate."

"Well, I can think of this as a kind of trust you have in your husband. Husbands and wives usually have this kind of trust. This is very important." Dr. Kreisman smiled and looked at his watch. When Zhen Fan came over, he brought Liu Yifei's special lunch, a very fragrant broth, and he felt very satisfied just by smelling it.

Liu Yifei was drinking the soup happily, and the takeaway ordered by Zhen Fan was delivered. During lunch time, Christine, Mia, Annie, Miles and others all came to the lounge, and they all ate the food in their hands. Pizza, there are people drinking coffee or milk tea, this is also where they eat at noon.

While eating lunch, Dr. Klay Schumann finished eating a piece in his hand, then clapped his hands and smiled: "Well, I made a bet with Zhen Fan before. Do you want to listen?"

"Of course, let's talk about it, what to bet?" When Kristen heard about Zhen Fan, he immediately asked, "How much did you bet? Twenty dollars?"

"How do you know?" Dr. Kraschman couldn't help laughing. "Yes, it's twenty dollars. I forgot that you are a husband and wife. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, I bet with Zhen Fan. He said his child It will be born on time at 3:30 in the afternoon, but I think it’s impossible. Our science has not reached such a high level. So... your opinion? Or which side are you going to sell to win?"

Christine laughed when he heard it, and then looked at Dr. Kreisman and said, "Does this still need to be asked? We are all Zhen's students, we must support him, and... when he said he was born, Haven't missed it yet. Of course... he has never predicted when the child will be born."

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Dr. Kreisman also shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's really interesting. Okay, guys, if it's what Dr. Zhen said, we will be busy today." Then he took a look and was drinking soup. And Liu Yifei, who smiled with everyone from time to time, shook her head slightly.

After eating the pizza, Christine stood up, then took out twenty yuan from his wallet, put it on the coffee table, and smiled: "This is mine, okay, what about yours? If you want to gamble, just Take out twenty dollars, I'm leaving, there are patients waiting, we are still busy!" He stood up and walked out, and gave Zhen Fan a thumbs up.

"I have no doubt about it!" Mia also stood up and said something, which was addressed to Dr. Kraisman. Then he also put down twenty dollars and left.

"I have always believed in you!" Miles also smiled and gave Zhen Fan a thumbs up. He has been in a good mood recently. Love always makes people happy, and it seems that life is full of fun.

"I won't participate in your bet, it's too boring!" Annie shrugged indifferently, and then said to Liu Yifei, "How do you feel?"

"Very well, everything is normal. As for whether it will be that time, I don't know, but... I trust Zhen unconditionally. What else can I do besides trusting him?" Liu Yifei said with a grin, then watched Looking at Zhen Fan, Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and shrugged at Dr. Kleishman who was gloating over misfortune.

After another half an hour, everyone left, and only Zhen Fan, Kressman, Liu Yifei and three nurses remained in the lounge. A few people were fine talking, talking about Chinese medicine, and talking about Western medicine. Dr. Klay Schumann could not give up this opportunity to discuss with Zhen Fan. He talked about some differences between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and asked some medical principles of Chinese medicine.

Of course, Zhen Fan would not hide, and almost knew everything without saying anything. Despite this, Dr. Kraisman was still a vague concept of Chinese medicine, and he could only roughly guess some hazy outlines of Chinese medicine. Obviously this kind of discussion is not very useful to her.

As time passed, Liu Yifei was already a little sleepy, and she felt a little dozing off in a dazed manner, so she leaned against the sofa and lay half there. And use a sofa cushion to cushion your back and waist, so that the fetus will not be pressed by the bending of the waist.

Dr. Klay Schumann looked at Liu Yifei's and laughed with satisfaction. It seems that she should win today, because the performance of pregnant women, if you sleep for a while, time will probably pass. It's half past three, now it's half past one. There are still two hours. It usually takes one to two hours from entering the operating room to the birth of the baby, so Dr. Kleischmann feels that he has won more than half.

Liu Yifei hasn't experienced pain yet. She is still taking a nap. Even if the pain occurs, there is no guarantee that the child will be born today. Dr. Kreisman is very familiar with this. Several nurses also looked at Zhen Fan with a smile, as if they were looking at the twenty-dollar bill.

"Do you think you have won for more than half a time?" Zhen Fan suddenly asked Dr. Kreisman, because he saw that her face was always full of smiles, and it was a very proud one. In Zhen Fan's opinion It was a triumphant smile.

"Of course, based on Liu's current situation, she probably won't be able to give birth today." Dr. Klay Schumann said with a grin, "but...twenty dollars, I will take a lot of it!"

"Ah—" Suddenly an exclamation interrupted her voice. Everyone turned their heads and looked over and saw Liu Yifei suddenly sitting up, then covering her stomach, her face screamed in pain. (To be continued m.) (To be continued) R655

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