The American Scripture

Chapter 892: Master is coming

" should it be good?" Suphan couldn't help sighing, "I really still have such a huge and expensive life from time to time. How about... Why don't I give this villa to Mr. Zhen, and I will buy another one. One!" When he said this, he was also contradictory, but he is also a decisive person. Since he has no blessings, then it is better to give it to his benefactor directly, and he will be closer to himself and Zhen. Where the relationship. Let yourself be the sole agent of his wine in Thailand. As long as he relied on this and made money to buy such a villa, it was also easy.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled without making a sound. He also knows that Suphan’s move also meant to befriend him. He has become his own wine agent in Thailand, and he is afraid that the money from this villa will not be returned? Instead of living here in trepidation, it is better to give Zhen Fan a good reputation for generosity. Why not do it?

When Zhen Fan was noncommittal, Su Pan became more determined in his heart to give this villa to Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan doesn't matter. If he sends it, he can of course accept it. After all, he also gave Su Pan such a big benefit, or even saved their family. So he deserves it.

The two talked for a while, and Zhen Fan also told him about the wine agent until Mana came up and said softly to Zhen Fan: "Yilan has fallen asleep, she is very calm, her breathing is calm, her face is also It has become ruddy, it should be fine."

Zhen Fan nodded and smiled at Mana: "You are doing a good job, don't worry, I will go to the so-called master tomorrow, what is his name?" Zhen Fan still does not know this Buddhist clothing. But what is the name of the so-called master who is doing the deceiving master, because Suphan never said it.

"Long Zan Putuo, most people call him Master Long Zan." Suphan couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "I called him this way before, but I didn't think it was such a person."

"He was deliberately covering up. It's a person with cultivation skills. It's not your fault that you are blinded by him." Zhen Fan smiled, looked at Mana and said, "Let's go see your stepmother. , I want to make sure whether the old disease in her body is cured." He said that he walked downstairs. The father and daughter hurriedly followed.

Yilan lay in her bedroom. She was cleaned up, wearing pajamas and covered with a thin blanket, looking like a sleeping beauty, Zhen Fan stretched out her hand. Give her the pulse, then nod her head and say: "It shouldn't be a major problem, just pay attention to recuperation. I will prescribe a prescription for you, and just follow the prescription to grasp the medicine."

"Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Zhen!" Su Pan hurriedly thanked Zhen Fan. Mana on the side also bowed to Zhen Fan in the same way as her father, but when she straightened up, she winked mischievously at Zhen Fan. It seems that this girl is really a jumpy temper.

Finish it all. After eating Chinese food, Mana said that somehow she would take Zhen Fan out to swim on the beach. The girl was so enthusiastic, Zhen Fan felt helpless. He had to agree, but Su Pan didn’t want to go. Firstly, his figure was not very good. Secondly, he also wanted to create a separate space for his daughter and Zhen Fan, so he smiled and turned away: "I can't go. I watched Yilan at home. Go ahead and remember to take Mr. Zhen to see more. This is a scenic spot."

Before the words fell, Mana took Zhen Fan out. They brought a simple bag. Inside the bag were the swimsuits prepared by the two of them, and some skin care and sunscreen products. Zhen Fan didn’t need these, but Mana insisted on bringing it. Girls, she always pays attention to her skin. .

Mana was originally white, but she may have lived in the United States for a period of time, and she likes the beauty of European and American women's tanned skin. Zhen Fan really didn't agree with him, but he didn't need to talk to Mana. Because it is just a personal hobby after all.

When we arrived at the beach, there were many people, Asians, Europeans and Americans, whites, blacks, yellow-skinned, brown-skinned people, etc. They were either playing in the sea, or sitting under umbrellas, and some were just on the beach. Get in the sun. Asian women are a bit more conservative. Not many people wear bikinis. They wear more one-piece swimsuits, while European and American women are basically bikinis. Some even lie on the beach, untie their bust bags, and lie on their faces. So as not to expose the print on the back.

Mana rented a parasol and two deck chairs. The two of them didn’t go to swim, but changed their swimsuits, and then lay on the deck chairs. Mana asked for two glasses of juice while they watched the beach. People, while chatting.

"Let me accompany you to see that Long Zan Putuo tomorrow!" Mana said to Zhen Fan curiously.

"No, if I have a conflict with him, if you are not there, my chances of winning will be greater." Zhen Fan shook his head. This request didn't need to be considered at all, so he refused.

"Okay!" Mana puffed up her cheeks with a little discouragement. Zhen Fan glanced at her and thought it was a little funny, but Mana's figure is indeed very good, with bumps and bumps, and many men who pass by her will vote He looked at him indifferently, and Mana acted dismissively until a tall blond European man came over. He looked at Mana and smiled: "Sorry, beautiful lady, I can invite you to join us. The beach volleyball game?"

Mana's eyelids glanced at Zhen Fan, only to find that Zhen Fan was covering her face with a sun hat, as if she was sleeping, so she hummed, nodded, and said loudly, "Okay, you are a handsome guy. Of course I promise you, but I don't know how to play volleyball. How about I be a referee for you?"

"But...we have a referee?" The blond man smiled, and then said, " can be a cheerleader for me, remember to call my name and call me to cheer. Call me Danny!"

"Danny, a nice name, let's go, I'll cheer for you!" Mana said loudly, and deliberately kicked Zhen Fan's calf when she got up, but Zhen Fan was indifferent and still sleeping on him. Feeling that Mana deserves a stubborn hum, and then left. From time to time, she turned her head and made faces at Zhen Fan who was sleeping.

Zhen Fan thought it was funny, and this Mana was still very childish. He could see that Mana had a good impression of herself, but she already had several women, he didn't dare to provoke her, just pretending to be asleep. But Mana is still a child's character after all. Not long after, she heard surprise cheers and screams from the beach.

Zhen Fan smiled involuntarily, sat up, picked up the juice, drank it, and then walked towards the sea. He decided to swim in the sea and stretch his body. Maybe tomorrow He will meet the most difficult person since his debut. He must have a good relaxed attitude. Excessive tension is not good.

Running to the beach, Zhen Fan rushed in, and let the sea water slowly drag her body into the sea water farther and farther away from the shore. Zhen Fan melted his entire body into the sea. He drifted further and further, his body and heart seemed to have melted into the sea and became part of the sea. This is the natural current state of cultivation of Zhen Fan's Taoism.

Only when oneself becomes a part of nature, can one truly realize Taoism and nature. In order to control all the forces of nature, of course Dao Fa is endless, beyond this stage, that is, nature becomes nature, nature is you, and you are nature. Instead of just blending in. The highest state, according to Zhen Fan's understanding, should be to create nature. If it really reaches that state, it will be like God.

The ancient gods who created nature, such as Pangu, Nuwa, and so on, are all creators of nature. These mountains, rivers, and all creatures are all created by them. If you really get to that state, it will be a kind of **** who is immortal and immortal with the universe.

Zhen Fan has now surpassed the realm of being born in nature, and has only reached the level of merging into nature. The next level is becoming nature, which is far from the highest level. But even this kind of integration into the realm of nature has already made him infinitely useful. Every stratum will reach its peak and achieve new breakthroughs after countless years of cultivation and comprehension.

Just as Zhen Fan was following the crowd, he suddenly heard someone shouting loudly, and then he heard bursts of cheering. There were also bursts of sounds like Brahman singing. It seems like a monk is doing things. Such Sanskrit singing has the effect of washing people's hearts.

"Master Longzan——"

I heard someone yelling from far When Zhen Fan suddenly moved, she really stood on top of the water wave, here is far away from the shore, no one can see Zhen Fan’s current abnormality . How can humans stand on top of the waves? If someone sees all this, they don’t know what to think about.

A monk swaggered through the city in bikinis all over the beach, and waved his hands and smiled to everyone. This must have some thoughts. Zhen Fan was smiling and watching all this. Then I remembered. If a head-down teacher puts his head down and is destroyed by others, then his body and mind will also be shaken, severely even backlashed and seriously injured or dead.

Zhen Fan was watching there. He could see clearly that the monk's appearance turned out to be unharmed. What is he doing here?

Zhen Fan was suddenly shocked. The monk knew that his head-down technique had been broken, and he must have come to Supan, and perhaps his wife Yilan. This possibility is very high. He can use the excuse of seeing his former patients, and then he will know who the person who broke his head-down technique is.

Thinking of this, Zhen Fan was suddenly shocked, and his whole body suddenly fell from the top of the wave, and then fell into the blue wave, and he couldn't see it anymore, his whole body seemed to have disappeared into the sea. (To be continued) r655

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