The American Scripture

Chapter 902: Relocation




"It's so touching, I'm sure, you must have chosen that song deliberately, I'm sure you must have deliberately!" Miles pointed at Zhen Fan, nodded and said, "You let me Everyone was crying, and I have to say that the scene was very touching. I haven’t had this feeling for a long time. Ten...20 years...30 years...or longer? Who cares about this time, what I care about is ...This feeling is back again."

"I know, I did it intentionally, and when I walked in, I knew it from the moment I walked into this room. There was an old-fashioned record player over there, and I saw Whitney ? Houston's cover, so... I chose the time. It's a little trick. It's simple. You can do it, but... Can you choose to do it at this time? I can!" Zhen Fan proudly Myers shrugged, "So... I'm just helping the family make up their minds, this song is what they made up their minds!"

"Well, I admit, you are right. It's dawn now, do you plan to put him in the jade ring now? And... how do you make sure that he will come back to you?" Meier Si looked at Zhen Fan, and then at the family in the back yard who was sitting watching the stars.

"He will... he will!" Zhen Fan pondered for a while and said to Miles, "You have to learn to try to trust some people, even if they are strangers, you have to believe. Robin is an honest I can tell from his attitude towards his parents, and I also know that he is still a person who desires to experience different emotions in life, including love. During the years he has been with his parents, perhaps he will reap love. "

"Oh, this is really... great. Love? He is a soul!" Miles couldn't help but waved his hand, watching Zhen Fan said helplessly, "I really don't know whether to applaud your thoughts or Your idea is incredible, and you should even spurn it. Is the love between the human and the ghost?"

"Aha--you have seen a lot of movies!" Zhen Fan did not answer Miles directly. Then he was very interested in the name of the movie he said, "It really like movies. I read this wrong. By the you often go to movies with Tessa Coppola now?"

"Okay, this question is really great. We are now discussing Robin's affairs!" Myers felt a little helpless at Zhen Fan's jumping language, so he patted his thigh and shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Let's go and see their family. It won't be easy when it's dawn!" After saying that, despite Zhen Fan, he got up and walked toward the back and opened the door. Just say hello to their family.

Zhen Fan smiled and followed out. The sky was getting bright, and he had to put Robin's soul away first. When they walked to the backyard, the family stood up. Ben and Shasta were obviously a little nervous. They looked at Zhen Fan, also at Miles, and even their son Robin.

"This... is this going to start?" Ben whispered. "Would you like to hold some ceremonies... I mean... this is usually the case, at least in the movies."

"Movies are just movies." Zhen Fan patted Ben on the shoulder, "You will still be with him. He will stay with you until you leave this world. Don't worry."

"Okay...Thank you, Zhen, I think... we take you in is the most valuable thing we have done in our life. I feel that you are sent by God!" Ben painted on his chest A cross. Expressing his gratitude to God, of course Zhen wouldn't say anything at this time to be scornful. Everyone has their own spiritual sustenance, which may be the meaning of religion.

Zhen Fan took out a jade ring from his pocket. Crystal clear, it looks like it is very expensive. In fact, this is just ordinary jade, even so. It also made Miles very envious. He knew that Zhen Fan had such a skill, but unfortunately, he has not yet cultivated to such a level.

"It seems that you can't use up your ring, and I don't usually see you carving it. Where did you get these?" Miles looked at the jade ring in Zhen Fan's hand and couldn't help but said depressed.

"Do you want it?" Zhen Fan looked at him and smiled. "If you want, when I return to China, I will buy you dozens of them on the street stall and make sure that each one is like mine."

"I still don't want it, but...I'll learn your carving skills and sealing ability, of course...when I get to that day." Miles shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Anyway, he is Zhen Fan. Disciple, what do you want to learn, don’t you teach me as a master? This is purely a shame.

"Are you ready?" Zhen Fan asked.

"Okay, you can start!" Since they can still meet at any time, Ben and Shasta have nothing to think about, so they nodded very simply, Robin also nodded to Zhen Fan, indicating to himself Already prepared.

Zhen Fan placed the ring on the palm of his hand, and when he was about to take Robin in, he suddenly remembered something, so he stopped and asked, "By the way, if... you don't mind, Luo Bin, how did you die?"

As soon as Robin heard Zhen Fan's words, his face suddenly changed, becoming a bit hideous, and then paler again. Obviously, this touched his painful place. He was shaking all over. Ben and Shasta hurried forward, trying to comfort him. But Robin waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and forced himself to control himself and said: "I was drowned, in a lake far away from us. I don't know why, I am swimming, but Suddenly there was a force that prevented me from moving, neither my hands nor the know, the result is that I am now!"

"Okay, let's do it." Zhen Fan said, suddenly chanting the Taoist mantra, and Robin disappeared from everyone's eyes, and the jade ring in Zhen Fan's hand lit up slightly, and then fell silent. Zhen Fan raised the ring, walked to Ben with an excited look, and put the ring into his palm.

"When you need to see Robin in the future, as long as you touch this ring more, he will come out. But...for forty-nine days, you can't use this ring temporarily, and you can only use it in the dark. After forty-nine days, you can use this ring during the day, and he will also come out to accompany you during the day, without worrying that he will be burned out by the hot sun. Remember, remember!” Zhen Fan repeated He told Ben and Shasta.

"I see, thank you, Zhen!" Ben gratefully hugged Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan smiled and said, "Okay, this thing is done. I didn't sleep last night, I can go to sleep. Goodbye, Ben, Shasta!" Zhen Fan said and waved at the two of them. Start, prepare to enter the house to rest.

"Hey, teacher!" Miles said loudly to Zhen Fan, "We seem to have forgotten one thing, what should Nancy do?" Then he followed Zhen Fan into the house. Ben and Shasta didn't know what they were talking about, they were all devoted to this jade ring!

"It's bedtime, Miles, if you want to sleep at home, then... you can come in with me, but... I'm not used to sleeping with a man, you can spread sheets and duvet covers on the floor ." Zhen Fan said, yawned, opened the door, and fell on the bed as soon as he entered.

"My God, Nancy is still in our enemy's hands. Can you sleep?" Miles couldn't help it anymore. He said loudly to Zhen Fan. He had a special feeling for Nancy. I always admire this girl. She has gone to life alone, but she has to use her soul to avenge and fight to the end. In any case, he will save her.

"Yes, so what? I said, that... Bayu will not kill her, she is Bayu's life-saving capital, at least if I were Bayu, I would think so." Zhen Fan said He pulled up the quilt and covered himself.

"But... you are not Bayu, so you never know what Bayu thinks. If he really wants to kill Nancy, we can't stop him. Now time... , My god... you shouldn't sleep!" Myers looked at Zhen Fan a little anxious.

"If you want me to attend Robin's funeral, please wake me up." Zhen Fan said to Miles, then turned sideways, turned his back to Miles, and ignored him.

Robin's funeral was held in the afternoon. Ben and Shasta invited locals to his home to take out Robin's coffin buried in the back garden, and then moved to a public cemetery in the town for burial. Obviously, this move was understood by most people in the town. And the thing that made Ben and Shasta feel the biggest change was that the people in the town were more enthusiastic about them.

"You finally came out!" A middle-aged woman hugged Shasta in a black dress and said, "These years...don't blame the neighbors, they all know what you did, plus Some unthinkable things have indeed happened in your family, so this has alienated you a little bit, but... all this is over, right?"

"Yes, yes, it's all over, say sorry to the people in the town for me!" Shasta shed tears, and she hugged everyone one by one. There were many people in the town, and they all came spontaneously. Robin was buried.

The priest presided over the funeral and left, and then the people in the town, without exception, would pass in front of Ben and Shasta, then shook their hands and said a word of comfort. Everything has changed, and the ditch between Ben, Shasta and the residents of the town is gone.

When the people were over, and only Ben, Shasta, Zhen Fan and Miles were left, Ben came over and said to Zhen Fan and Miles, "Thank you, this decision is of great significance to us. Will remember you, my friends!" (to be continued)








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