The American Scripture

Chapter 922: Award and interview

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Zhen Fan received Fei Bingbing very smoothly. Fei Bingbing was surprised by Zhen Fan’s new assistant. In fact, Christina’s performance was quite good, her smile was charming, her words were very gentle, and there were even standard gestures and gestures. . This woman could have done this type of work before doing archeology.

"Are you...sure you haven't done a similar job before?" After Zhen Fan got in the car, she couldn't help but ask Christina, "How do I feel that you can quickly enter the role and behave very professionally... …Actually I have seen your major, during the interview."

"When I was in university, I worked as a teaching assistant for a period of time, but I think... Being a teaching assistant and being an assistant should be about the same, and I think being a teaching assistant is much more difficult than being an assistant, because... you are not my professor after all , If you are, I might find it very challenging!" Christina answered Zhen Fan's words calmly.

   But in her polite performance, Zhen Fan still felt a little dissonance, and she couldn't say it for a while. I clicked my finger on my knee, and finally smiled when I finally slapped my thigh: "I finally feel why something is wrong. I always think that your performance is too standard. Yes, that's it...I Your assistant should be different from others. We are not strictly a subordinate relationship, we should be more like friends!"

"My friends never pay me a salary, are the first one!" Christina sighed and showed a knowing smile, "Actually...I also feel that way. Uncomfortable, her face is a little stiff!" She started the car and started to drive towards Zhen Fan's villa. Her memory is very good, and she can recognize Zhen Fan's way home after only two passes. I'm very skilled around here. After all, she is also a native of Los Angeles.

   Fei Bingbing arrived at Zhen Fan’s villa, and when she got off the car, she saw Yi Fei pushing a stroller and standing not far from the door, looking towards her. It seemed that Yi Fei was waiting for her very anxiously. Yi Fei has no friends here. Although the relationship with the women at home is very harmonious, there are fewer friends who really make friends, and... her special status now allows her to stay at home and not go out.

   Fortunately, now that Linda helps to take care of Xiaopeng, she can spare more time. But this has another disadvantage, that is, she is almost all idle now, almost feeling that she has nothing to do. Feeling self-pity as if it is useless. So she eagerly hopes to have a friend and chat with herself.

"Yi Fei!" Fei Bingbing flew over when he got out of the car, and after a affectionate hug with Yi Fei, he squatted down and squatted down next to the stroller, watching who was in the stroller and was chubby The tender little guy, she couldn't help but overflowing with love. She squeezed her cheek and kissed her again, feeling a little in love.

   "He is more popular than me!" Yi Fei said sourly.

"Okay, okay, you are the most important thing!" Fei Bingbing smiled, stood up, and then touched the little guy's nose with his nose, then stood up reluctantly, holding Yi Fei's hand. Walked into the hall. The rest will naturally be handled by Linda who has already walked over.

Linda has moved in since this morning, because Xiaopeng needs a 24-hour escort, so she must live here, her room and Christina's room are next to each other, Christina lives It is the place where Melissa used to live, and it is well equipped. You can move in with almost nothing except your own clothes.

Zhen Fan planned to follow them in, but was stopped by Fei Bingbing. He looked at him with a faint smile and said, "You have to listen to women's private conversations? You are very gossip, why didn't I see it before?" Yes, she stopped Zhen Fan's footsteps immediately, smiled wryly, and walked over to amuse the child.

"Boss, there is one thing we haven't done yet. When will your lottery be redeemed? If it is now, if it is now, we can set off. Anyway...Miss Bingbing has already arrived here, and it will happen for a while. Won’t leave, they just met, and they still have to talk. I know that when your girlfriends are together, there is no time limit, so... do you plan to wait for them to talk enough before doing the next thing !"

   "Of course not, but...their lunch." Zhen Fan still hesitated, "I promised Bingbing, I will make her a lunch..."

"I'm coming, you do your thing." Suddenly a voice came in. It was Linda. She smiled and looked at Zhen Fan and said, "I have done a lot of work, of course there is one job I haven't told you about. As a chef, the steak I cooked tastes very good, this is not my boast, I am just stating a fact..." Linda is very enthusiastic.

   Things are so settled. It is true that the lottery ticket needs to be exchanged, and if Zhen Fan wants to exchange it into cash, it will take time. Just after the lottery has been exchanged, he can also make an appointment with Hashimoto Park, and then go see Bitters together. This is the itinerary that Christina arranged for him.

The lottery exchange is in the eighth office on the eighth floor of a very tall building. Zhen Fan smiled and said to Christina: "You Americans must have also learned the auspicious number'eight' that Chinese people pay attention to? Why is it on the eighth floor? What?"

"Does the number eight have a special chill? It's a more auspicious number?" Christina cast a confused look at Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan was speechless immediately. The feelings were just for nothing, and they didn't understand. The meaning of the number'eight' in the minds of Chinese people.

When I got outside the office, there were many reporters who wanted to get first-hand information, so they wanted to see who the winner was, because the last time they won such a big prize was three times. Years ago. This is very rare and has to be reported on. And people from the lottery company also invited reporters to come over to promote them.

   When Zhen Fan walked over, they were all stunned, a little confused. What did this guy do here? Who is the beautiful woman next to him? Is it Xinhuan or his work partner or his assistant? Many people have turned these thoughts in their minds, but these are not the same as their goals, so no one will harass Zhen Fan. And they never thought that a star would actually buy a lottery ticket and win a huge prize.

   "I'm sorry... let me go in!" Zhen Fan kept asking the reporters to give up their positions. So the reporters were very cooperative and gave up their positions, and finally saw Zhen Fan and Christina walk into the office where the award was received. At this time, some talents couldn't help but mumble: "Why do celebrities win the prize?"

   The statement itself is wrong, but the reporters think he is right. So someone immediately began to regret it, because the office door was closed. This Zhen Fan is probably the one who came to receive the huge prize. If this is the case, this news theme is more exciting than simply winning. As a result, many people looked at the closed office door dumbfounded, and some of them were already regretful.

   But it was okay. After waiting for a while, the door of the office opened, and then a few staff members came out, blocking a few brave reporters and opening a passage for Zhen Fan. And very politely asked Zhen Fan to do a short interview in the front office, and then a rich middle-aged man came, shook hands with Zhen Fan kindly, and then put a piece of cash with 170 million U.S. dollars The check was handed to Zhen Fan.

The reporters at the scene went crazy taking pictures, and then they began to ask questions, hoping to ask clearly why Zhen Fan bought the lottery, why he won the lottery, and after winning the lottery, why he should take cash instead of taking other more profitable methods to redeem the prize. And...what will Zhen Fan use this money for...

   In short, there are more problems than people. Zhen Fan was very cooperative, posing for the reporters to take photos while answering their questions. At this time, he learned to use this situation to propagate himself.

"I plan to invest all in making a movie. A movie featuring Chinese actors as the heroines. I plan to invite Hollywood's best directors and best male protagonists to act with her!" Zhen Fan immediately began to promote Fei Bingbing and Liu Yifei. "Now I’ll tell you that I will invest all of the 70 million dollars. If you think you are a good enough Hollywood actor or director, then... please send your E- I……"

What is this doing? How did it become the same as the press conference of his movie? The reporters felt that they had been fooled, so they stopped interviewing this issue, and just asked Zhen Fan's motivation for buying the lottery ticket. Zhen Fan just held back. Christina also quickly cleared the way for him and left here together.

So the reporters chased them out again. Now there are more people watching the excitement staff of the lottery company came again and asked Zhen Fan if they needed them to provide him with security services, knowing the money Arrive safely where Zhen Fan wants to go, at home or at the bank.

   "No, I can handle it myself!" Zhen Fan declined the lottery company's proposal

   Very easily, many people know that Zhen Fan won the big prize, and he plans to use the big prize to invest in a movie with a Chinese star as the heroine. The reporters published these news on the Internet as soon as possible. Big awards + unknown Chinese actress + Hollywood stars like Zhen Fan, naturally it is easy to provoke eye-catching news. When Zhen Fan left the building and was about to meet with Hashimoto Garden, he received a call.

   Fei Bingbing called. Then Christina handed the phone to Zhen Fan and blinked at him. Zhen Fan laughed: "I really shouldn't tell you that!"

   "What did you say!" Christina didn't understand.

"It's about friend theory. I said that Melissa was my assistant before, but it's more of my friend's words..." Zhen Fan looked at Christina and sighed, "You're really welcome. Become my friend by myself, and I'm still very familiar with the kind, look at how you gloated when you blinked at me! I think I was wrong!

"Haha... This is the first time I have served a boss like you. To be honest... I'm starting to like you slowly. I didn't expect to have a celebrity like you who can deal with well!" Christina smiled very much. Loudly.

   "It is estimated that I am the only person in the world to make such a weird request!" Zhen Fan opened his hand. R1152

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