The American Scripture

Chapter 928: Missing cattle and sheep

"Damn it, is that Hashimoto Garden?" Emma said to Kolo with a bit of annoyance. 7,...and then stared at that woman. The Hashimoto Garden over there seemed to feel that someone was watching her, so after Zhen Fan’s shot was taken, he turned his face in relief, glanced at Emma, ​​and politely She smiled, but she got Emma's glaring glaring, and she retracted her eyes somewhat puzzled.

Hashimoto Garden knew that this woman should be the heroine of the movie, and it seemed that there were some rumors in the first movie that the two had worked together before, so she decided not to provoke this woman. A person sat there quietly, watching Zhen Fan finished the dangerous shot of the helicopter, and ran over and said something to Bit. She now likes to see this man doing things seriously.

"She doesn't care about you at all, so it doesn't matter if you stare at her, she can't feel it, or she doesn't have you as an opponent at all. God knows how many women this **** man provokes. I'm thinking about it, right? It's time to change someone, but... the more women, the better you will take care of women for the first time?" Kolo looked at Emma with a grin, and urged, "Should I trouble that bitch? ?"

"You are an innocent lady, you shouldn't have a bitch!" Emma said to Kolo, and spat on the ground, "Damn bitch!"

Ke Luo couldn't help laughing. She likes to watch the excitement, especially about the excitement of Zhen Fan. There is a kind of thought that Chinese people often say that you are not afraid of the big team when watching a theater. So Emma was angry, and she didn't even want to persuade her at all. Waiting for a good show. Maybe Emma will rush over and punch this woman who seems to be laughing stupidly?

"Okay, don't worry about that woman, we're waiting for lunch. It's better to let that **** cook us a lunch, if it's not filming!" Emma forcibly calmed her anger and watched He smiled with a stunned expression on Corot, "What? Disappointed, right? I knew you idiot likes watching the show, did I lie to you?"

"Okay, I admit, you did lie to me just now, but... you have to admit. You really want to kill that woman. She seduce your man, but you pretend not to be angry. Can't lie to me!" Kolo said to Emma a little unconvinced, "Don't hold on. What is this? You are breaking your heart!"

"Aha—are you sure you are telling a joke?" Emma didn't even look at Kolo. Then he stood up. Walked towards Zhen Fan, who had finished chatting with Bit and was about to take a break. He also raised his hand to say hello: "Hey-Zhen, his performance is very wonderful!" He said and gave him a thumbs up.

"Are you sure you are not telling a joke?" Chloe followed Emma's words. He whispered a word, and then changed to a smiling face, and walked towards Zhen Fan, opened his arms and gave Zhen Fan a big hug. The hug was so tight that the peaks on his chest were covered by Zhen Fan’s chest. Collapsed.

She really doesn't cherish her own capital. Ke Luo smiled and hugged Zhen Fan and said: "We have watched for a long time. In addition to us, there is another woman who has watched for a long time. Is she the latest seduced by you? It is said to be a woman you recommended. , I'm very curious... Why does she make her hold of her heart when she sees you making a movie? Is she your new lover?" Colo's words are always so full of combat.

"She's Hashimoto Garden, and she is the key figure in our entry into the Japanese market!" When Zhen Fan wanted to speak to Kolo seriously, Kolo interrupted him with a smile.

"Men usually say that. I'm sure. She must have **** with you, right?" Kolo looked at Zhen Fan's eyes, "It's affirmative if you don't blink, okay... it's nothing to me, I As long as my goal is achieved, when will you be ready?" Although she said very lightly, this question is indeed the same as asking herself, when can I be ready?

Zhen Fan was about to answer her words. At this moment, she saw a blonde girl, Christina, walked out of a RV serving as a changing room. Kolo also watched the girl be next to Zhen Fan, and then handed her mobile phone. To Zhen Fan: "It's Will Feaver who called from the small town of Lecce, Montana."

Upon hearing this, Zhen Fan answered the phone and walked aside. He didn't want to disturb others during work hours. After the phone was connected, Will Feif's voice came from inside.

"Boss, we are in trouble."

Zhen Fan was taken aback, and said: "Trouble? Did you cause trouble, or was someone trouble finding the ranch? In the small town of Lecce, there hasn't been any trouble with Old Jack. If there is any trouble, you can talk to Old Jack. Once you say, he will definitely help you, don't worry, speak slowly..." He heard Will Feaver's gasping voice on the phone.

"Someone is really making trouble for us. Our farm was attacked!" Will Fayle spoke very loudly, but he could also hear that he cared about it. "We have three cows and seven One sheep was killed, and one dog was also missing. It was a shepherd dog. It was bought for several thousand dollars. Who knew that one was lost overnight. I didn't even hear its sound. It disappeared."

"Well, this matter, if someone steals, you should call the police." Zhen Fan said silently.

Will Feaver continued: "We have already called the police, but there is nothing to be seen at the scene. It seems to have disappeared out of thin air. Some of them even said that someone on the planet Titan may have stolen them. I ate it. But I know that people on Titan do not eat meat."

What and what is this? Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head: "This matter will continue to be handled by the police. If you have any more questions, please call me again. I am very busy now and I can't spare any time at all. Of course...except for urgent matters. You. Think about it... who likes to steal cows and sheep?"

"Okay, boss, I will continue to keep in touch with the police, if there are any more problems, I will call you as soon as possible!" Saying Will? Feifeh hung up the phone.

"What's the matter?" When Zhen Fan put away the phone, Emma's voice came from behind him. Only Emma could appear in front of Zhen Fan at this time. She asked Zhen Fan with some concern.

"Someone stole my cows and my sheep, and killed them and called the police, but the police can’t do anything about it. In that kind of place, don’t expect the police to solve the case for you. They can guarantee that no one will make trouble. "Zhen Fan shook his head helplessly, "I should really live in Montana, where I have a villa with a mountain backed by a lake, a large area of ​​woods, and a lot of cattle that I raise. sheep."

"Is there my room in the villa?" Emma asked suddenly, and then looked at Zhen Fan with a smile to see how he would answer. I do not know that Zhen Fan would not respond to her question at all, but said with a grin: "Are you testing my wisdom?"

The two talked and laughed and walked to the resting RV together. Zhen Fan and Emma sat in. Someone brought Zhen Fan a box of pizza, and the two of them ate and chatted. Hashimoto Garden originally wanted to come and be with Zhen Fan, but saw Emma sitting next to Zhen Fan. He hesitated for a moment, but he resisted not going over, and sat alone, eating the pizza in her hand.

"Hey, what are you two going to do? It's lunch time, are you going to eat Emma?" Ko Luo smiled and jumped into the car and sat next to Zhen Fan. This behavior made one side watch from a distance Hashimoto Garden is very envious, she also wants to jump to Zhen Fan's side unscrupulously like Kolo.

"Hey, there is fine wine here. Before the start of work, I will ask Zhen Fan to have some fine wine hidden here?" Gary didn't know where it came from, and the two women were startled.

"A good news, a bad news, which one are you going to listen to?" Gary smiled and looked at Zhen Fan, Ke Luo and Emma, ​​"I'm fair, you can choose the order you want!"

"First come the good news!" Zhen Fan said with a smile.

"The good news is that Christine plans to come to visit the class, and it is estimated that he will be on the set in half an hour." The family laughed happily, "She left a lot of things in the clinic and came here. You must be a little excited. The expression?"

"Even if there is a happy expression, but... now I have lost the chance to surprise. Damn it. You shouldn't tell me now. The good news should be kept till the end." Zhen Fan completely forgot and said that he had to talk first. Listen to the good news, so this complaining is a bit shameless, "So what's the bad news?"

"The bad news is—Christine is coming over, and now it seems that he will be there in twenty-five minutes!" Gary said with a grin, "You know that I always disdain to lie. Lawrence is much better, prepared, I hope you can handle and you..." He pointed his finger at Emma, ​​and then moved his finger slightly. Moved, pointed to the Japanese woman, and finally fell on Kolo.

"Oh, damn, why point to me, I don’t have anything, I don’t even know the color of his underwear, what's wrong with me? Pointing to me, is it that I am entangled with him? I think. , But your first persuade Zhen, this **** guy, he is very unfair to me!" Ke Luo said to Gary with great dissatisfaction.

"It's just a little vixen!" Ko Luo smiled happily, "I hope that Zhenfan is the silly crow with meat in his mouth."

"What are you talking about? Gary!" When Gary turned and left, Zhen Fan's voice came from behind, "I heard it all. You are saying bad things about me, Gary, you know, I'm not a crow. , If I were a crow, you should run into a pillar now!"

As soon as the voice fell, he heard a muffled sound of "bang", and Gary's eyes went dark, his forehead was severely painful, and one head fell to the ground. Zhen is not a crow, who is a crow? (To be continued...)

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