The American Scripture

Chapter 935: The fate of the general

Zhen Fan was sitting on the **** of the grass on the edge of the town, looking down into the town from the top. The vaccine had not yet been developed, and Zhen Fan and others were temporarily trapped. ∠∠, the town is still under military control, with military tents everywhere, and medical staff in white protective clothing coming in and out.

"Hey, it's me, Bit, what's going on with you now? We've all watched the news. You were under military martial law all of a sudden. Did something happen?" Bit expressed concern over the phone, "Don't Thinking about making a movie, we will take the other shots first. We are not in a hurry. If you have anything to contact us!"

The news was overwhelming. Many journalists were waiting around the town. They filmed the medical workers, but they were still blocked from the periphery, and they were not allowed to interview at all. This aroused the dissatisfaction of those journalists, so facing the martial law American soldiers, they raised a banner of protest.

This incident is basically unacceptable. Some reporters even used a telephoto lens to capture the activities of the people in the town. Obviously, the photos show that the people in the town have been restricted from entering and leaving the city. It seems that an event happened here. Like the great plague.

Soon the situation surpassed the original estimate. US State Department spokesperson Lewis has issued a statement at the press conference, indicating that the incident was caused by a certain epidemic cold, and it was a traditional plague infection. It is relatively fast and has now been brought under control, and related vaccines have also been produced for the epidemic. I believe it will be distributed to the relevant infected areas in the near future, and it has been repeatedly stated. The United States had effective measures to deal with the plague decades ago, and the people should not panic about this.

So the reporters’ speculation. It was cleverly dealt with by the spokesperson of the State Council. Many people feel at ease. The plague is not a deadly virus, at least not incurable now. But the reporters did not give up. They are still guarding the surrounding area, because they believe that these military and medical personnel are definitely not as simple as the plague.

Bit's phone call was just over, and then a lot of people called in, people who knew his whereabouts and people who cared about him. Including Christine, of course, they only expressed their concerns a little bit, because they knew that this problem would not be difficult for Zhen Fan, especially Mia and Miles Simon who know Zhen Fan’s abilities very well. people. I knew that nothing in this world could kill Zhen Fan.

Emma also knew that Zhen Fan would not hang up so easily, so she sent a text message to greet him. By the way, he also sent a greeting from Chloe Moritz. Chloe Moritz greeted him more directly, saying, if Zhen If anyone is not dead, then she will take Zhen Fan down, which is tantamount to swearing her own ownership.

It is strange. The Japanese woman Hashimoto Garden, who had been expecting Zhen Fan to take care of her all day long, did not move, and she did not know if she also knew that Zhen Fan had gone to Lecce, Montana. But Zhen Fan didn't care about this at all. He pulled a piece of withered grass, broke it, bit it in his mouth, and kept turning. Then lie down in a very comfortable position.

He has been busy these few days, because the medical staff have not found a cure for the treatment, so they can only rely on Zhen Fan to treat the people in the small town. And every day some traditional Chinese medicine is distributed to prevent this virus infection. Infected people in several nearby towns were also sent here, those who were not infected. Zhen Fan prepares the herbal medicine and sends it to those towns. Supervise them to take.

So Zhen Fan, who had been tired for two days, finally found some free time and walked to the **** of the grass. However, Rachel has been staying in the town to take care of the patients. The situation is basically under control. Zhen Fan doesn't have to be so busy.

"Come on?" A box of cigarettes was delivered to Zhen Fan. A cigarette came out of the cigarette case. Zhen Fan took it out. Then he stretched out a hand behind his left side. The lighter lit the cigarette, and that hand went out again. Very chicly, he turned on the ignition mechanism and made a clear sound.

Zhen Fan took a sip, feeling a little choking, but still held back it, but the smoke got into his eyes, a bit annoying, so he waved his hand and fanned the smoke: "I'm asking for trouble."

"It can be seen that you rarely smoke. This is not a good habit, but I have become accustomed to this bad habit. There is no way!" A sitting next to Zhen Fan is General von Kasser, who is still wearing He just didn't wear protective clothing in his military uniform, he felt it was unnecessary.

"Smoking is not a bad thing. I remember that among your generals, Patton is a smoker, but his pipe has become part of his logo, so many people think of him and think of his pipe!" Zhen Fan smiled, "Are you going to learn from him?"

"No, I don't plan to learn from him. I guess I will retreat from the position of major general, so... I can't let myself ask for anything more. Maybe it's time for me to retire once things are over here." General Sai sighed, "But... I still feel a little guilty for you... After all, the military owes you. You helped the military a lot, but you never asked for anything, even... I think Our approach is even rough."

"It's nothing, I don't care about this, there is nothing to blame. You are obedient to the order, those big people are considering national interests and security, of course they may have their selfish side, but... who cares what they think What? We are not good now?" Zhen Fan laughed, he had no ill feelings towards General von Kasai.

"I'm thinking now, if I retire, would I buy a farm like you and live a very leisurely life. My parents are farmers, I, look, I want to buy a large piece of land here Become my land, I can raise cattle and sheep, and even dig a river by myself, without too much..." General von Kasser looked ahead and pointed to the endless grassland.

"Your wish is destined to be unfulfilled!" Zhen Fan looked at General von Kasser's face and couldn't help but laughed. "After this incident, your military rank is probably going to rise by one level. You will retire as a lieutenant general. Believe this is your glory. And... you will be transferred out of the country. If I guess right, the Middle East should be where you served for the last time. In another five years, five years later, you will come back and be yours. Farmer!"

"Five years? I hope..." General von Kasser laughed at himself and didn't take Zhen Fan's words to heart. He was just a little melancholy in his heart. When he thought that he might retire after this time, he had a lot of them. Kind of reluctance. His superior, Lieutenant General Krakow, had already hinted him.

"Are you here?" At this time, another voice came from behind. General von Kasser looked back and saw that it was old Jack. He had three bottles of wine in his hand, one to Zhen Fan and one to von Kasser. The general smiled, "If you are not afraid of being photographed, you can drink it. Anyway, I have retired for many years!"

"What are you afraid of? Drink it!" General von Kasser bit off the bottle cap with his teeth, and then took two sips, the strength of the rum was still a bit strong, so his face was flushed. .

Zhen Fan took a sip and looked at Old Jack: "How do you feel?"

"I have never been better before, and it feels great, even stronger than before I got sick. I even want to wrestle with a brown bear! Haha!" Old Jack is very optimistic, but looking at his appearance, he is recovering well. Even after recovering from a serious illness, he was drawn a lot of blood, but under Zhen Fan's conditioning, he recovered very quickly.

"It's just... I hate those soldiers with guns. It always makes me feel uncomfortable. I didn't feel it before. Now this feeling is obvious!" Old Jack also sighed, "I want to understand now, why When we were in the Middle East, the people there looked at us American soldiers with guns with disgust in their eyes. It seems...everyone’s heart is the same."

"But... the world is always so unpredictable and so ruthless! Well, guys, we are friends, but I can't give orders to let those soldiers go. I also have to obey the orders. I'm leaving. See you at dinner, Zhen, won’t you not welcome me?" General von Casser said loudly to Zhen Fan. This period of time, Zhen Fan was cooking dinner. Since he invited General von Casser once, he I often eat at Old Jack's He is still a good person! "Old Jack looked at General von Kasai from the back, and said with a smile to Zhen Fan, "I even like him a little bit, of course...except when I am drinking and drinking at my house." "

Zhen Fan laughed and said, "I didn't like him very much before. I always thought that this person could sacrifice anything for fame and fortune. Now it seems...people will change. By the way...General von Kasser told me The vaccine will most likely be delivered in two days. At that time...the martial law will be lifted here...

"I know, I know, you are leaving here again, but... I am still very grateful to you for doing so many things for us. You saved us all. Anyway, you are welcome here. Here is Your home!" Old Jack said with some emotion.

"No, I don't have to go back for the time being. I want to find out why such an epidemic occurred here, why this inexplicable virus appeared, and it is a new type of virus that has not been seen at all, General von Kasser told me He wants me to check it too. The army has no idea about these, and several security departments are at a loss, so...In order to eliminate the hidden dangers here, I think I should stay!" Zhen Fan took a picture of the old man. Jack took another sip of wine on the shoulder, "This matter...I'll do it alone, you don't need to interfere!" (To be continued...) u

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