The American Scripture

Chapter 938: Scared

The horse lowered its head, sprayed the heat from the horse's nose on Hashimotoen's face, and then licked Hashimotoen's face with its tongue. It was obvious that it had been conquered by Hashimotoen. M Hashimoto-en had a smile on her face, stretched out her hand and gently touched the horse's head, and then no longer had any strength, her hand dropped softly, as if she was resting here. But thinking that Zhen Fan and Rachel might be by the side, struggling to do it. Sure enough, I saw Zhen Fan and Rachel who had dismounted and walked towards her, and their faces were a little red.

"Sorry... Mr. Zhen, I... let you delay your time!" Hashimoto Garden wanted to stand up and bow to Zhen Fan, but just struggling to stand up, he knelt on the ground softly, a little unable to do so.

Zhen Fan wanted to walk over, but Rachel jumped off the horse first. He helped Hashimoto Garden in the past and smiled: "Don't say sorry, you are already amazing. When I tamed this horse, this The horse is still a small one. I admire you very much. Let's rest for a while. We will leave later!"

Hashimoto Yuan stood up, smiled apologetically at Zhen Fan, and then sat down on the grass. She really couldn't hold it anymore. Just now, she hugged the horse's neck tightly, which already gave her energy and strength. Exhausted. Zhen Fan also smiled and sat down. He thought Hashimoto Garden was a gentle, obedient woman. Unexpectedly, but with such a strong temper, he admired her a little and sat next to her.

"Today you made me admire me." Zhen Fan looked at Hashimoto Garden and smiled, "I have never seen you like this before. You are much more cute than before. I like it very much!"

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Zhen!" Hashimoto Garden managed to squeeze a smile. The muscles on her face were out of her control, and she wanted to just lie on the grass like this. But I was afraid of being rude, so I kept sitting forcibly. However, his face became paler and paler. This was a reaction to sitting down immediately after strenuous exercise.

Zhen Fan held Hashimoto Garden's hand with one hand, and a very comfortable warm breath flowed through Hashimoto Garden’s body. Hashimoto Garden’s body that was about to collapse suddenly seemed to be full of energy. That tired feeling disappeared immediately, and she couldn't help but screamed softly. Looking at Zhen Fan in surprise.

"Don't forget that I am still a doctor!" Zhen Fan smiled and let go of Hashimoto Garden's hand. Hashimoto Garden suddenly felt that he was full of strength, and a warm current quickly made him energetic.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhen!" Hashimoto Garden jumped up in surprise, feeling that he has indeed recovered, without the slightest feeling of collapse and soreness, just like before, and even more energetic than before. Although he was still full of doubts about Zhen Fan's method. But it does not hinder her own inner joy. After all, Zhen Fan gnawed actively to help her and tell him how he felt about himself, which was a big improvement.

"Can we go now?" Rachel naturally knew what Zhen Fan did to Hashimoto Garden. He jumped up, clapped his hands and said, "Let’s go to the villa now. This horse is yours, but when you go back. If you want to return it to me, use it for two days. Follow me!" He turned on his horse and started trotting ahead of time.

Hashimoto-en stuck his tongue out, ran in front of the horse, and jumped on it. This time the horse was really obedient. Following the rhythm of Hashimoto-en, he followed Rachel and trot all the way. The child seemed to feel a bit heroic and brave. There was a smile on Zhen Fan’s mouth. Obviously, he admired the Hashimoto Garden which is full of innocence and stubbornness. It is always the same as before, gentleness is gentleness. Obedience is obedience, but it always lacks a human touch, just like a robot with a programmed program. Now she is a naive woman.

Thinking of this, Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled. He had no good way to deal with Hashimoto Garden, just to help her gain a foothold in Hollywood. It would not be too good to involve too much of her private life. In addition, to maintain the relationship by the way, Zhen Fan does not object, but will never ask for it. There are enough women in the family. Although only Zoe, Christine, and Yi Fei have a relationship with him, there is still an Annie who maintains a relationship. This is the trend of stallions, which is considered Are you opening the harem? How about buying a bigger villa later...

Thinking wildly in my mind, I heard Rachel yelling loudly from a distance: "Quickly follow up, I see Demi, quickly, she is welcoming us!"

Demi is the changeable snake that Zhen Fan conquered in the lake in front of his villa, as well as the turtle Ryan. They have a very good relationship with Rachel, because Rachel often comes here. So as soon as Rachel appeared, they would be able to smell her breath and immediately emerge from the lake.

When Demi came out of the lake, Tokyo was a little bigger. When she jumped out of the lake with her huge body, she also saw Rachel and screamed towards her. Rachel jumped off the horse, and the horse did not run in fright. The horses in Rachel’s family often came here instead of being ridden by Rachel. Gradually they also adapted to the existence of these two behemoths, and no longer felt panicked, etc. Rachel got off his horse and ran to the side to eat the grass quietly. Although he didn't run away, he still kept enough distance from such a big snake.

However, Hashimoto Garden was so scared that she almost fell off the horse. Fortunately, Zhen Fan rushed over from behind and held her back. Hashimoto Garden was hugged by Zhen Fan, but her legs were weak. Still a little unsteady, she was supported by Zhen Fan and walked over there slowly. His mouth was trembling as he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

That big guy is really terrifying. Just the snake's head is high enough to make the villa high enough. When Zhen Fan is away, Demi seems to have grown a little bit older. She walked around by Rachel's side, saw Zhen Fan, and regardless of Rachel, she came over to Zhen Fan's side. The speed was very fast, and the whole body surrounded Zhen Fan, and he and Hashimoto Garden was wrapped in his body, as if he was entwining him.

"Zhen... Zhen..." Hashimoto Garden was finally able to speak, but she just said a word, rolled her eyes before she finished speaking, and fainted. Zhen Fan was funny again, and angrily patted Demi's head stretched out lightly, and said with a smile, "It's still playing, it scared my friends out, it's really big enough, and he's growing again! "

After Zhen Fan patted her head, Demi leaned her head on Zhen Fan's body and arched her head. She looked cute and made Rachel, who was on the side, laughed and cursed: "When I see you, I won't have **** with me. Now, this guy...I can see it clearly, he's just a kid."

Without a word, Demi shook her tail suddenly, and rolled Rachel up in one fell swoop. Amidst Rachel’s exclamation, she rolled her up with Zhen Fan and then put it down. That’s right. She shook her head, as if she meant to say, are you not partial now?

"What an elf!" Rachel scolded with a grin, then touched Demi's head easily, and said, "Let me get down. Today is a guest. You are really good at entertaining guests. She was scared. It's so good to be dizzy. This is the best reception I have ever seen."

Demi sent Rachel back to the ground with his tail, and then shook his head a little embarrassedly, and then lost a few swings, slowly shrinking, knowing that it became a little snake, wrapped around Zhen Fan's arm , Rachel then walked towards the villa. There is no need to lock it here at all. No one dares to steal things here, and no mosquitoes dare to crawl here. The air here is clear and clean.

Zhen Fan pinched the people in Hashimoto Garden. Hashimoto Garden snorted, woke up, looked around blankly, and said to Zhen Fan: "Snake...snake..." and twisted his body. , Looked around nervously.

"Don't look, it's here!" Zhen Fan stretched out his hand, and saw a small snake wrapped around Zhen Fan's arm. Hashimoto Garden stared at Zhen Fan incredulously, then stared at that one. "This ...How is this possible, where is the big snake...?"

"Here, this is it!" Zhen Fan pointed at the little snake and smiled, then threw Demi into the air, and said with a smile Go back to the lake, don’t be scared here To my friend! "Speaking of Demi, she rushed out into the water with a "swish" in the air, but when she was in the air, her body suddenly became huge, and it was clearly the snake just now. When Mi was changing in the air, Hashimoto Garden softened and passed out again. This made Zhen Fan a little bit dumbfounded. How could he faint so easily? Hashimoto Garden, who was still very stubborn before, turned out to be very afraid of reptiles. The woman, let alone such a big crawler.

With a "boom", the water splashed everywhere, some splashed on the lawn, and some flew towards Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan waved it and blocked the splashing water. Demi was joking with herself. Although these two guys have lived for many years, their xinxing is still similar to that of a child.

"Well, it's all my fault!" Zhen Fan shook his head speechlessly, and then walked into the villa holding Hashimoto Garden. The villa was taken care of by Rachel very well. It was clean, and it was not so dark and bright. Zhen Fan put Hashimoto Garden on the sofa and watched Rachel come down from the stairs. There is a turtle in the palm of one hand, this is Ryan.

"This guy is sleeping late in the bed. He doesn't want to stay in the water, so he just lies on the bed!" Rachel gently touched the tortoise shell. It was obvious that such a small animal could provoke the girl's affection. I don't know what kind of expression Hashimotoen would look like if he saw Ryan as he was? (To be continued...) u

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