The American Scripture

Chapter 940: Mysterious universe

Zhen Fan came out of the cave. When he left, he still removed a scale and a piece of meat that hadn't rotted from the rotting body of the dragon. ~≥~≥, but he put all these things into his mustard space, so there is no need to worry about causing plague again. If this evil dragon caused this plague decades ago, it would be a disaster for the human world.

Zhen Fan walked out, and Demi happily went over cautiously. She shrunk her body and slowly wrapped it around her arm. Ryan walked awkwardly. Although he didn't walk fast, each step was huge, so it was not slow. The three walked out of the woods again, and then returned to the villa.

Before returning to the villa, Zhen Fan cleaned up his body so that he would not infect Rachel and Hashimoto Garden. Now what he wanted was to go back as soon as possible and ask Christina Weiden to check the scales and the meat on the dragon that she brought out.

When they arrived at the villa, Demi and Ryan dived into the water again, and then Zhen Fan sorted out their clothes and walked into the lobby. In the lobby, Hashimoto Garden was sitting there, straight and stiff, as if someone was sitting Like the good students attending the class, they smiled at Zhen Fan when they saw Zhen Fan coming.

"Hey, I made the dinner, steak with salmon, and some vegetable salad!" When Hashimoto Garden was about to talk, Rachel walked out of the restaurant and looked at Zhen Fan and laughed, "How about it? Are there any gains?"

"Forget it, the source has been found, it's no longer a problem, don't worry, everything will develop for the better. Everything will be fine!" Zhen Fan patted Hashimoto Garden on the shoulder, "Go . Eat dinner together, after it’s finished. Choose a room upstairs by yourself. There will be no entertainment tonight!"

The dinner was not bad, and Rachel’s craftsmanship was also very good. When the three of them were sitting together, Rachel didn’t ask what happened to Origin, because Zhen Fan didn’t say, she wouldn’t ask if she didn’t. Because she trusts Zhen Fan so much, as long as Zhen Fan says it's okay, it must be okay. The process is nothing, for such a plague. The result is the most important.

"Demi... I mean that snake... it's amazing!" Hashimoto Garden felt that the atmosphere was a little dull after eating such a quiet meal, so he tried to smile at Zhen Fan, the kind that reluctantly, "I ……I like it very much!"

"Huh?" Zhen Fan was stunned by Hashimoto Garden's sudden sentence. He was so frightened by the snake that he fainted, but now he said that he liked it again. He realized it immediately after thinking about it. I want to talk to myself. "Uh, let's put it this way, that snake... No, she's Demi. It's a girl. You can call her Demi if you want. And she won't attack you, she only attacks those who want to destroy this place. Those guys-bad guys!"

"I see. Can I be friends with her, too?" Hashimoto Yuan smiled. In fact, she liked the stupid turtle better. Looks so loving.

"Of course, as long as you are Zhen Fan's friend, that is Demi's friend!" Rachel interjected, "This is very simple, they are sleeping, wait for tomorrow!" She cut. Put a piece of beef into your mouth, nodded and smiled, "How long are we going to stay here?"

"Tomorrow... if I can go out tomorrow, I will leave here!" At this point, Zhen Fan turned to look at Rachel and smiled a little apologetically, "Sorry, I am always in such a hurry, in fact... …I’ve always wanted to stay and enjoy this time, but…you know, I’m always involuntary."

Rachel shrugged: "I know, I know, it's always like this, but... but I have to. But fortunately, I don't want to go to your villa in Billy Foshan. I prefer the quietness here!"

"Shall we leave tomorrow?" Hashimoto Garden also asked.

"It should be possible tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I will tell General von Kasser. Let's go together!" Zhen Fan said to Hashimoto Garden, "By the way, how did you come?"

Hashimoto-en smiled, swiping a strand of hair with his hand, and hung it in his ear: "The flight here has stopped, but I paid a taxi driver ten thousand dollars, so... I am here. "

"Unfortunately, there is no taxi driver who can earn ten thousand dollars here, unless the soldiers can send you out of here!" Rachel said blankly, "Okay, I'm full. Who wants coffee?"

"Give me a drink!" Zhen Fan also put down his knife and fork.

Hashimoto Garden also put it down quickly, planning to clear the table, Zhen Fan did not stop her, and Rachel did not intervene, but went to make coffee in the kitchen. By the time Hashimoto Garden finished washing the dishes, Rachel's coffee was already brewed, and a cup was placed on the coffee table in front of everyone.

Rachel and Zhen Fan talked about the ranch, especially recently that the cattle and sheep were all gathered by the army, ready to be killed and burned. Counting the subsidies, almost every resident would lose a certain amount of money, which made her somewhat Worry, but there is no alternative. So she can only regret.

Hashimoto Garden was listening at the beginning, and after a while, she deliberately or unconsciously introduced the topic to the filming aspect, so all three of them had something to say, but it was not very speculative. Zhen Fan also saw that they were both. As soon as the signs of disagreement with each other, they simply yawned and smiled: "I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep, good night!" Then he went upstairs to himself.

"Okay, don't even think about it now!" Rachel gave Hashimotoen a dissatisfied look, then stood up and turned upstairs. Hashimoto Garden feels that he is not interesting. He wants to go to the lake to see the snake and tortoise, and see if he can really be friends with them. If he can, then he must be Zhen Fan's friend. But I was a little scared. After thinking about it, I still didn't dare to go out, so I went upstairs and went to sleep.

Rachel was a little wary of Hashimoto Garden, but she was not going to be jealous, but after Zhen Fan came back from the end of the woods today, the whole person's expression was a little wrong, but she couldn't say anything, and she was about the source of the virus. I didn't want to mention it at all. After thinking about it, I just got up and went to the terrace, ready to sit for a while before going to bed.

There was someone sitting there on the couch on the terrace. Rachel tried to ask in a low voice, "Zhen, is that you?"

"It's me, why? Can't sleep?" Zhen Fan looked at Rachel and smiled, "When you get up, I can smell you. Come sit down, have a glass" Zhen Fan held a cup in his hand. The bottle shook at Rachel.

"No, no need!" Rachel smiled, then wrapped her pajamas tightly, walked to Zhen Fan's side, and sat down, "Ha—the night is nice today, and there is the moon. I used to think when I was a kid , If one day I can wear my own wreath under the moon, and there is an elf around me, it will be the most wonderful thing too late!"

"It's better to have a little dwarf. In this way, you can be considered a fairy!" Zhen Fan laughed dumbly, thinking of his childhood dream, and couldn't help but puck up his mouth. "Do you know what my dream was then? Every day I ate the braised pork cooked by my master, but I have never been able to do so. My master passed away very early!"

"I'm sorry..." Rachel put a hand on Zhen Fan's and squeezed it to show comfort.

"No, I've already watched it very well. I won't be unhappy because of this." Zhen Fan also turned over and held Rachel's hand and smiled, "So... after I grow up, I can earn When I was making money, I bought several catties of pork belly and made it into braised pork. I ate it until I was about to throw up. It was silly to think about that time!"

"You must hate having braised pork now, don't you?" Rachel held back a smile, "Although I don't know what braised pork is, but... if I think about it, it must be delicious, but it's delicious. It will make people sick!"

"No, I like it as always. It's just that I won't be so stupid that I eat so much at once, and I almost vomit when I eat it!" Zhen Fan smiled, not too loud, for fear of awakening Hashimoto Garden, who was already asleep. After he laughed, his face slowly calmed down, holding Rachel’s hand, “I’m a little worried, I believe you can see it too. The reason why I don’t tell you where the source of the infection is is because I’m afraid You will be hurt one day!"

"I know, you always think about us like this, I always know!" Rachel leaned her head on Zhen Fan's shoulder. "If you don't say it, I won't ask, knowing that one day you think you can tell Me."

"Well, I believe it won't be long. If possible, try not to go to the woods, and tell the townspeople that that place is a bit evil." Zhen Fan's face became a little serious, "You can even send someone special. Don’t go behind the woods."

"I know I will let Jack do this." Rachel leaned her shoulders, and said quietly, "I just...I hope you leave this time, until the next time. Coming, the time can be shorter, know what I thought when I first saw you that day?"

"You always want to kiss me?" Zhen Fan made a joke.

"Yes, this can be guessed too?" Rachel opened her mouth, then nodded and said, "I really want to kiss you, and then beat you up, you **** bastard!" She When he said the last sentence, although he was cursing, his tone was like saying love.

"Well, I know I'm a damn, but... I will die here, here is you, my villa, and this endless meadow pasture." Zhen Fan smiled slightly, then looked up. Looking at the sky, in the night, the stars are shining, and this mysterious universe gave Zhen Fan an inexplicable feeling of loss for the first time. For the first time, he had no idea what he was doing.

Because of the emergence of this giant dragon, Zhen Fan felt for the first time that there may be many unknown things waiting for him to explore, and this process will be a very risky process, rather than holding the winning ticket every time. The sense of peace of mind in controlling everything in your hands. (To be continued...) u

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