The American Scripture

Chapter 942: bargain

The comfort of military planes is really not that great. When flying from Montana to Washington, Hashimoto Garden’s face was really not pretty, but fortunately Zhen Fan helped her adjust her internal breath, which made her feel much more comfortable. . +≈+≈, when getting off the plane, his face slowly returned to normal.

Upon getting off the plane, a lieutenant colonel came over and said to Zhen Fan, "Mr. Zhen, I was ordered to pick you up. Please follow us in the car!" He acted like a business man, and Zhen Fan also Don't mind, the major and soldiers who came over there with Zhen Fan stopped here and completed the task handover.

"What about my friend?" Zhen Fan said, looking at Hashimoto Garden next to him, "I hope she can get proper arrangements and ensure her safety. Can you do it?"

"No problem, we have considered this situation and will send her to the Washington Hilton Hotel first, but we may restrict her freedom. She can only stay in the hotel before you are investigated, sorry. , I also followed the order form, Mr. Zhen..." The lieutenant colonel said to Zhen Fan.

"I can understand, but... try to let her have a little more freedom!" Zhen Fan said, walked to Hashimoto Garden's side, then gently lifted her face, looking at her somewhat pitiful Eyes, smiled, "I will be back soon, waiting for me with peace of mind, and... try to cooperate with them."

"I see!" Hashimoto Garden nodded, and then looked at Zhen Fan. There seemed to be water in her eyes, but she still stood stubbornly, without any indication, knowing that Zhen Fan got on the car and the convoy went away. . She felt two lines of cold tears on her cheeks. She didn't know why she was like this. Was this just a deal? Why do you feel this way? Is this still in the play? Does he seem to be crying in his arms?

"Road. He saluted Hashimoto Garden, and then walked to a car not far away, Hashimoto Garden also followed, she will be sent to the hotel to settle, until Zhen Fan returns.

The car drove unhurriedly on the road, and Zhen Fan knew the route was not to the White House, but to the Pentagon. The Pentagon is located in Arlington County, Virginia, southwest of Washington. It is actually not too far from the White House, on the west bank of the Potomac River. Soon Zhen Fan and they arrived.

The Pentagon’s security measures are still relatively strict. Especially the combat office, if you want to enter, you have to pass through three security barriers, but the lieutenant colonel is obviously a staff officer who can go directly to the war room. He has a pass and directly enters the war room. Was blocked outside.

The combat strength has a lieutenant general, a major general, two colonels and a lieutenant colonel. There are also a few people who are not wearing military uniforms, a few of them are still older, a woman in her thirties! They were discussing something, waiting for the lieutenant colonel and Zhen Fan to walk in. They all stopped unanimously.

"Mr. Zhen, I've heard of your name long ago!" An old man suddenly smiled at Zhen Fan, and then stretched out his hand to shake hands with Zhen Fan. "Very presumptuous, I have a lot of questions I want to ask you. Will you have time later? I think we can have a chat, a long chat..."

"Hello. Mr. Zhen, I am Lieutenant General Ramores. I will just say it straight. I am responsible for this plague incident, so I have to ask you to come over. Thank you very much for your kindness to the American people. Contribution, this is my heartfelt gratitude. Although we have now produced a vaccine, there is still a lack of effective treatment for the infected.” Lieutenant General Ramores is very simple and neat, and there is no excessive politeness at all.

"Is that why I came here?" Zhen Fan laughed when he heard it. "Because I saved a lot of American people, I was escorted by a few soldiers and flew here for so long. Then my friends were restricted. Action? It’s great. I finally understand why people say, don’t deal with the government, they always speak with their own righteousness!"

This is a bit impolite. Lieutenant General Ramores smiled bitterly, shook Zhen Fan’s hand, and sighed: “Sorry, we have to do this too. The government will pay a certain price for it. I will do it for you. You fight for your interests, trust me!" He had to say so.

"We can discuss your treatment method, I think it will be of great significance." The old man said to Zhen Fan, "By the way, I introduce myself, I am Professor Kyle Banderas, Specially responsible for the virus research of this incident, and the development of therapeutic drugs, but...Unfortunately, we have not found a more effective treatment method, except for your treatment drugs. We have also tested your drugs The ingredients...are like some plant or mineral stone medicine, there is nothing surprising."

"This is Chinese medicine. The ingredients do not seem to be surprising. Most of them are common plants or mineral stones. However, we Chinese Chinese medicine pays more attention to the body's yin and yang reconciliation, and also pays more attention to the body's own immunity. Mobilization, this is to kill the virus by the human body's inner ability, rather than using chemicals to kill the virus from the outside. This is the difference, so patients who are cured by Chinese medicine tend to have stronger physique than before, while those treated by Western medicine are better. The patient's physique generally appears weaker than before. That's why."

Since these people are so unkind, Zhen Fan is also unkind: "If you want my medicine to treat and fight this germ, then I tell you, if you don't understand the principles of Chinese medicine, you will never understand. Why do I use the medicine like this? If I don’t know how to change the medicine, you won’t really get the medicine to treat this virus-infected disease. So..." Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, expressing that he could not help.

"What are your conditions?" Lieutenant General Ramores asked directly. Zhen Fan didn't agree or cooperate. It was nothing more than the conditions could not be negotiated. If he was given enough conditions, then... there would be nothing to do. Things that didn't happen, so he didn't want to waste time.

"Opening up the development and sales of Chinese patent medicines in the United States, removing those discriminatory restrictions on Chinese medicines and Chinese patent medicines, so that Chinese medicine can be included in the national medical insurance. This is my condition. Otherwise, you can temporarily The drugs are imitated here, but you want to achieve the same curative effect as the drugs I prescribe, it is impossible!" Zhen Fan also prescribed his own conditions. Obviously this is an opportunity, even if the maximum results cannot be achieved. However, it is an important step to promote the popularization of Chinese medicine in the United States and the world and make it the two major medical systems that exist alongside Western medicine.

"It's impossible!" Before Lieutenant General Ramores spoke, Professor Kyle Banderas yelled out, "This will shake the medical system of Western medicine. I admit that Chinese medicine does have many advantages. , But... Chinese medicine itself still has a lot of imperfections and has not formed a unified standard. Let’s take the treatment of diseases. For different patients with the same disease, the prescriptions may not be the same. This promotion And popularization brings great difficulty."

I have to say that Professor Kyle Banderas still knows a little about Chinese medicine. At least he is not so ignorant and thinks that Chinese medicine is not good, arrogant and so on. Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, and then said: "So... your Western medicine focuses on the itinerary of the system in the study. Anything can be said by data, but Chinese medicine focuses on people-oriented. Changes in people and changes in medication will vary according to What’s more important is that Western medicine pays more attention to what kind of disease to treat, while Chinese medicine pays more attention to disease. It starts with the function of the human body. Regardless of the disease, it first regulates the balance of yin and yang To make an analogy, it is like the pH of the human body. The human body is always acidic or too alkaline, then people will get sick, so we usually eat some alkaline foods to balance the pH and keep the body in the healthiest. Condition. Chinese medicine is like this. By balancing the yin and yang in the human body, the body will be in a healthy state..."

"Well, Mr. Zhen, can you listen to it?" Lieutenant General Ramores said suddenly, "We are not discussing this issue now!"

"Of course, we are doing business now!" Zhen Fan looked at Lieutenant General Ramores and smiled, "My price has been paid out, now it's up to you, if you want to make a deal, then... Can you just consider my price? Of course... This is not what I am threatening, but to take Chinese medicine treatment. It is necessary to open Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine medical insurance. This is social progress, general, if you are personally promoting this I believe that you will be recorded in the annals of history as a person of social change. At least, you will be recorded in the history of human medicine!"

"It's a tempting proposal, know, American society is different from We are made up of different federal governments. If you want your proposal to be promoted throughout the United States, then... …The guys who can only convene the Congress go to lobby the legislators of the state government. This…I really can’t manage.” Lieutenant General Ramores said with a wry smile, “My task now is to get treatment from you. The formula for this virus medicine. You can ask for the price. We can sit down and discuss how much it costs. I believe the price is negotiated."

Zhen Fan looked at Lieutenant General Ramores and couldn't help but laughed: "General, I am not laughing at you. How much trading authority do you have? One million dollars? Ten million dollars? Or 100 million?"

"I hope you don't show figures that make it difficult for me to make it. We are a fair deal, and there is no intention to impose your formula, do you understand?" Lieutenant General Ramores frowned, "Although we can do this , But... we don’t. This is because we have had a good cooperative relationship..."

"Enough, General, it's really boring to say that. You don't have to threaten me. Even the President of the United States can't threaten me. You don't know me. Can't you know me through any intelligence department that specializes in me? Even General von Kasser was very impressed with me. I think you know that I don’t threaten anyone, but no one wants to threaten me, General... I’m waiting for your final offer!” Zhen Fan said, facing Professor Kyle Banderas said, "Professor, it seems that our discussion ends here today!" (To be continued...) u

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