The American Scripture

Chapter 945: Didn't sleep well at night

The unexpected encounter with Diago did surprise Zhen Fan. After all, their group had received their own guidance and help, but Diago was alone after the accident. "⑦"⑦, ww∨ But this guy may be really hungry, sipping beer, and then belching, watching Zhen Fan a little embarrassed smile.

"Uh... why are you alone? Jamie Brown, Jolly Martinez, Dunn and Anita? Are they not performing with you?" Zhen Fan was a little puzzled, and he faced Dia Ge said, "I seem to feel if you have any problems?"

"Yes, you are right, man, you are a good person, and you are very grateful for you to help us succeed, but... I have to admit that each of us thinks differently. Jamie If we want to keep it as it is, we don't have to go to the street to perform, and we can also get a large amount of money, and can also make people at home admire, he thinks this is enough, Dunn and Anita think so, but... Qiao Li doesn’t think so. She wants to be the world’s top magic master, so she wants us to leave our current working place and try a bigger stage..."

"So... you all voted against it?" Zhen Fan looked at Diago with a grin, "Actually you think the same way, don't you? Forget it, just do it on the spot, you can do anything, anyway, you have stability. Income!" Zhen Fan shook his head and looked at Diago, he is not a person who wants to go further. His dream has been realized, so his heart will gradually become smaller, and if his heart becomes smaller, he will not want to make progress.

Diago heard Zhen Fan say so. She was also a little embarrassed, so he took a sip of beer. To cover up his embarrassment, and then calmly said: "Yes. Yes, I am like this. I just want to perform, not go to a higher place, as you see now, I I like street performances like this, and it can bring me a good income. Why do I have to work so hard?"

"Street performance?" Zhen Fan was stunned, then looked at him and said, "I remember you got the opportunity to perform on the big stage. And you also signed a contract, trust me, that will let you take more , Do you want to go back to the past? When you used to perform on the street, you yearned for a big stage!"

"The big stage? I have been kicked out a long time ago. What big stage is there? Our group has fallen apart. Qiao Li and Jamie disagree, so we become the people who suffer. Qiao Li is the soul of this team. She decided to look for a bigger stage, so she went to New York, where she found a magician who was willing to take her to a larger stage. Did you know? A magician who is no worse than David Copperfield, I took a fancy to Qiao Li. Then Qiao Li left us and worked as an assistant for him. She would appreciate a bigger stage. She would also bring greater fame."

"Don't you have a contract?" After Zhen Fan asked this question, he felt that his question was a bit naive. What is the use of the contract now? Besides, their contracts are basically terms that are not favorable to them. Because they are newcomers, even if they were kicked away. There will be no breach of contract.

"We were kicked away. Qiao Li is the soul of this team. If the soul is gone, we will lose the work that can be obtained. This caused dissatisfaction with the boss. Jamie returned home. The failed career made him unhappy. Don't face his parents, so... he went home, and Dunn and Anita, the two of them went back to their hometown, planning to be a farmer, and... Anita was pregnant, and they didn't want to wander outside. , Now... I’m the only one left!” Diago’s mood sank a little, yes, the youths who were once full of ideals have now gone their separate ways and will never get together again, and their ideals After this separation, there was no chance of success.

Zhen Fan and Diago sat for a while, and then left. When they left, they waved their hands and said to the hostess who came by fascinatingly: "Pay the bill!"

"Bring me another beer!" Just when Zhen Fan paid the bill, Diago quickly said, "No, two more glasses, don't look at me, isn't that enough?" He said that Zhen Fan raised it. Two U.S. bills, two hundred dollars are obviously enough to pay for their alcohol, and there are more.

"You will regret it, man, he is here to eat and drink!" The waitress chewed the gum and said to Zhen Fan, then looked at Diago contemptuously, twisted his hips and left.

"Remember to find me the change! This stinky lady!" Diago was a little drunk, he cursed at the waitress, then looked at Zhen Fan, smiled, "Actually...I have money, I am on the street Acting can make a lot of money. I just don’t want that **** to take advantage of..."

"I'm leaving now, goodbye, Diago, nice to meet you!" Zhen Fan said, stood up, nodded to Hashimoto Garden, and said, "Let's go first!"

Hashimoto Garden nodded, and left the bar with Zhen Fan. When Diago waited for Zhen Fan to leave, he said to his back: "Hey, Zhen, I can really make money. I don't want to take advantage of you... Damn bitch, get the money quickly. Give it to me, or I want to make you look good!" Then he turned his head and shouted loudly in the direction of the waitress.

The streets of Washington are a bit deserted, especially in this area, and there are not many people on the road. Zhen Fan and Hashimotoen walked out speechlessly, and then walked along the street, looking at the bar behind them, Hashimotoen hesitated, and then said, "He... is your friend? It seems? He needs help!"

"Help? No, what he needs is fighting spirit and courage!" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled. "I have helped them once, and the opportunity has been given to them, but they did not cherish it. In the face of their interests, they are lost. I feel a little regretful now. When they were performing magic on the street, I could feel their aggressive heart and their very high fighting spirit..." Zhen Fan said here, shook his head. There is nothing more to say. He now hopes to see Jolie Martinez again. Where can this girl go?

"I... I had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, but... I finally had to surrender to my father, but since accepting this job, I feel that I actually don't hate acting that much, and even... I still have a little bit Like like, I am different from others. I didn't go through that very difficult growth process. I was held up as soon as I debuted. I knew that I was very popular until now. It is the same now. They will make me more famous at all costs. in the whole world!"

When Hashimoto Garden spoke, his voice was calm, as if he was talking about other people's things. The two walked for a while and arrived at the hotel. At the door of Zhen Fan, Hashimoto Garden seemed to want to enter too, but Zhen Fan stood at the door looking at Hashimoto Garden, holding her shoulders with both hands: "Hashimoto Garden, I can feel that you are a very good girl, but...this time I used a not very good way to achieve my goal."

"'s not..." Hashimoto Garden's voice was a little low, her head pressed, she wanted to forget about this, she only thought that she and Zhen Fan were lovers who fell in love together, not a deal Both sides. So when Zhen Fan said this, she couldn't help but want to distinguish.

"Don't worry, what I promised you will do it for you. I can see that you are a kind woman, not that kind of woman, and... I will always help you, not because of the deal between us. , But because... I regard you as a friend, so... For a friend, I will do my best to help her!"

"Thank you, I... I can really be your friend?" Hashimoto Garden smiled on his face, but some of them asked Zhen Fan unbelievably, "I... can really be your friend ?"

"Being my friend is not a difficult thing. I only look at character. Good character. I would love them to be my friend, and I have already regarded you as my friend. So...tonight, Let us stay alone with each other and think about whether we will continue this know, what is the relationship I'm talking about!" Zhen Fan was also a little embarrassed to say it and shrugged towards Hashimoto Garden. Lower the shoulders.

"I know... but I really am..." Hashimoto Park wanted to say, but Zhen Fan had gently embraced her in her arms, then kissed her on the forehead and smiled, "Go to sleep, we Don’t have any psychological burdens. Let’s go with the flow and give us a little room to think about each other tonight, okay?"

"Okay... Good night, Mr. Zhen!" Hashimoto Park swallowed what he wanted to pursed his lips and bowed to Zhen Fan, then turned to his room." "Dengdengdeng" walked. Zhen Fan was in the corridor watching Hashimoto Garden enter the room, and then he retracted into the room and closed the door.

The relationship between him and Hashimotoen seems strange, saying it is a transactional relationship, but after the two people go to bed, there is an extension of the feelings outside the transaction. If Hashimotoen is purely for profit, let Zhen Fan praise her , Then Zhen Fan would have no psychological burden, and she would have **** with her without hesitation.

But in fact it is not the case. This is beyond the scope of the transaction. I rushed over from Los Angeles from Hashimoto Garden regardless of the risk of being infected by the virus, and also spent a period of time with Zhen Fan without hesitation. Zhen Fan saw some feelings in Hashimoto Garden's heart. A special emotion for yourself.

But even with such emotions, the two do not look like lovers. Hashimoto Garden is polite to Zhen Fan. Besides having **** with Hashimoto Garden, Zhen Fan doesn’t seem to regard Hashimoto Garden as a lover or lover. After going to bed, they will not be muddled and will return to their original roles.

The next day, early in the morning, Hashimoto Yuan's eyes had dark circles. Even though she had worked hard to put on makeup, it was even thicker than usual, which could not hide the fact that she did not sleep well last night. (To be continued...) u

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