The American Scripture

Chapter 947: Rent a laboratory

Of course, Professor Colm Hardy has known paleontologists, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to give it to his good friend, Professor Leder Dumaz, a paleontologist who also teaches at the University of Los Angeles. ¤¤, but when he was dialing, Christina suddenly reached out and held down Professor Colm Hardy’s phone.

"Professor, are you sure you want to do this?" Christina stared at Colm Hardy and said, "If... this discovery is a discovery that shocks the world, then it is for your personal reputation , It will be a huge wealth, more than willing to share it with others?"

Colm Hardy's hands slowed down, his eyes flickering, but he hesitated: "Science is not selfish, I'm sorry, Christina, if you want to keep a person to study, don't say anything. Human power is too fixed, so... I mean, we should tell Professor Leder Dumaz, I think, in terms of his character, we don't have to worry that he will monopolize such research results."

When Christina heard Professor Colm Hardy say this, she sighed and laughed: "Of course, in fact... I also thought that just now. Science must be selfless. Call him, Professor, we Let's study together."

Professor Colm Hardy was taken aback, and then he thought of the reason why Christina did this, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled. He understood that it was Christina who was testing herself. Fortunately, he was not a greedy person, so he picked up the phone. Called Professor Leder Dumaz’s cell phone.

After the phone beeped for a few times, there was a low voice from a man: "Unless you have a very reasonable reason. Otherwise, I will ask you to repay the twenty dollars you owe me. , Well, now you are ready to find a reason to convince me!"

"No need to give you a reason, come here quickly, thank me for yours, and... your life will be different, trust me, come here soon!" Professor Colm Hardy said and hung up a short message . Then he smiled and cursed, "This **** bastard, remembering that I lost him twenty dollars and he hasn't paid the bill yet!"

"Aha, many people are very envious of your relationship with him. You have been an old friend for more than 20 years, don't you?" Christina said to Professor Colm Hardy, "I remember you often drink together. What? Are you a couple? Aha. Just kidding!"

Colm Hardy was in a very happy mood. He continued to sit at the side of the coffee table with the tea cup looking at the two glass bottles, nodded and smiled: "There is one thing you are wrong. I met Ryder. It’s been more than ten years. He and I were friends when we were in middle school, and then we studied together and taught together. It’s really amazing that even husbands and wives sometimes never stay together for such a long time. So... you Say we are a pair. Yes, in this sense. We are a pair! This is determined by fate!"

"Well, what a lucky couple!" Christina smiled and shrugged, and then stood up with coffee, looked at the two glass bottles with the professor, and then remembered Zhen Fan's words. "Give you a gift." It seems that I really gave myself a big gift.

When the two people had just finished the third cup of black tea and coffee, Colm Hardy heard his familiar voice: "Kolm, you better give me a very reasonable explanation, otherwise, I will Let you exchange money. Colm... Colm, are you here?" A burly man with chestnut hair in his fifties was looking inside, and it was Professor Ledel Dumaz. .

Christina knew him too, so she went to open the door and smiled at Professor Dumaz under the steps outside the door: "Hi, Professor Dumaz? I know you, Colm is here. Come in quickly. We have been waiting for you for a long time, and we are a little bit impatient. In fact...we want to hear your professional advice, something that will surprise you."

"Oh? What surprised me? Did you keep a dinosaur or a saurops in your house? But your house seemed to be too smiling, so you walked in, and you saw Colm Hardy from the coffee table He walked over and shook hands with him.

"I don't know what's in it, but I can guarantee that it's never seen before, at least I haven't seen it..." Colm Hardy said, greeted Leidel Dumaz. The professor walked towards the coffee table, then pointed to the two glass bottles on the coffee table and said.

"Ok, let me see what your so-called things you have never seen before are." Leidel Dumaz walked over, then knelt down and looked at the two glass bottles carefully, his eyes widened. He didn't move for a long time. Yes, as long as he glanced at it, he thought it was a little ridiculous, a little impossible, because the scales he saw seemed to be very similar to a kind of ancient creature.

It is not a legendary creature, but a kind of paleontology, a very rare species of prehistoric creatures. So far, the only fossil has been found, but this fossil was transported by Hitler from somewhere in Africa during World War II. Germany, but unfortunately the delivery was not smooth, the ship was sunk by a British submarine on the way. And that fossil sank permanently in the sea, never seeing the sky again.

However, some people took photos at the time, and the hand-painted images were all preserved, but...many people think this is just a fabricated thing, has never been in people’s sight, and no one has paid for it. Researching and investigating, but fortunately, Professor Leder Dumaz had seen such a picture, so he recognized it at a glance, this thing—no, this scale is the scale on that kind of creature, and To be sure, this kind of scale is not a fossil, which has to make him a little excited.

"Can I open it and take a look?" Leder Dumaz couldn't wait, he raised his head and looked at Christina, and then at Professor Colm Hardy. Speaking urgently.

"Of course, but...Professor. My suggestion is not to open it now. Because this involves some viruses, someone told me that we need to have protective clothing on board, and then open the two bottles in a strictly disinfected laboratory, so... …My suggestion is, instead of opening it now, can we have such a laboratory?" Christina looked at Leder Dumaz and said, "I think... it must be difficult to find!"

Of course it is not easy to find. Paleontology and archaeology are the most difficult to find funds to sponsor. It is maintained every year with a little funding from the university, which makes Leidel Dumaz and Colm Hardy have always been relatively tight. Sometimes I even invest my salary in it for research.

"Well... if you follow your friend's words, we do have a problem, but... where do we go to get such a laboratory? Protective clothing, a full set of research equipment, and at least DNA analysis The best laboratory is the one that can produce maps." Professor Colm Hardy finally remembered that he and Leder Dumaz had almost nothing. Can not help but frown.

The two famous professors both frowned. It was obvious that they were also troubled by this test site and glanced at each other. They all saw the helplessness in their eyes. If they can't produce results, they can't let people invest in their research. So they can only rely on themselves now.

"Why don't we pay to rent one!" After thinking about it, Professor Leidel Dumas, who was desperate to reveal the truth, couldn't help it. To Professor Colm Hardy said, "We can pay for ourselves. We can pool some money to form a laboratory."

"No, our research must be kept strictly confidential, at least at this stage, and these two things may be contagious. I am worried that no one will want to rent to us!" Christina sighed and said, "I Have an idea...but I can't guarantee it will work!"

As soon as her words fell, Professor Colm Hardy and Professor Leder Dumaz immediately lit their eyes, and then looked directly at Christina, with too much hope in their eyes, making Christie Na both became a little uneasy, if... she couldn't manage it, how disappointed these two old guys would be!

"I can persuade my boss to support us. I heard that he is building a very modern Chinese medicine laboratory. If we can borrow a laboratory to use it, it will be a very awful thing. "Christina said to the two professors, "I heard that the laboratory is very large, uh, if you have seen Bristol-Myers Squibb’s research room in Harlem, then you will know, This research room of my boss will not be inferior to him, and it will be better. I mean the facilities inside!" Christina said.

"Call your boss, we need this laboratory... By the way, you said... Who gave you these two things?" Colm Hardy suddenly looked at Christina, his eyes glowing. .

"Uh... it's my He said he would give me a big gift, of course I don’t know what he said, knowing I saw these two glass bottles, I even wanted Reject him... you know, natural sensitivity, I think things are definitely not that simple, so I left these two bottles, and then... under careful inspection, they found that they are different. Maybe..."

"He will definitely agree!" Before Christie could finish speaking, Leder Dumaz said aloud, and then pulled one hand into a fist and smashed it into the palm of the other hand. "Obviously, He wants you to do research just to understand the answer, yes, it must be like this!"

", let's rent his laboratory!" Professor Colm Hardy also pointed to Christina and said loudly, his expression very excited.

"Okay, I'll make this call!" Christina actually has this idea in her heart. Zhen Fan's laboratory is almost completed, and some laboratories can be put into use. If she speaks, she will probably agree , Because Zhen Fan is just to let himself study.

After dialing the phone, Christina couldn't wait to say to Zhen Fan: "Zhen...Boss, I have a request, please agree to it. This is very important to me..." (to be continued...) u

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