The American Scripture

Chapter 959: Meet the father of Hashimoto Garden

There are many enthusiastic fans in the airport. Zhen Fan thought that he would be popular, but he didn't expect to be so popular, so he smiled and waved to the fans, and then left the airport under the protection of security, from the reflection of the car. You can even see some fans chasing cars in the mirror.

"It's so crazy!" Johnny said to Zhen Fan, "Japanese fans are the craziest fans in the world. I have never been treated like this in the United States. God, I feel like I am in heaven!"

"We've been here before, just don't have so many fans, you have amnesia buddy!" Robles said with a smile to Johnny, "I like movie fans, but I don't like such crazy movie fans, honestly ...I think we should wear sunglasses when we go out?"

"You are so funny!" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled. He was here to make a movie. Why did you have time to go shopping? These two guys thought they were traveling, and wanted to attend various meetings and banquets as they did last time, and then go pick up girls, which is impossible. Bit also does not allow the two of them to do this.

In an apartment in a corner of Tokyo, Miike Kikuko casually eats instant noodles. She is used to eating instant noodles and watching TV. She likes this moment of leisure, because it is only this moment that she is leisurely. After all, her work time is relatively long, every time she comes back from the hotel very late.

"...This is a big event in the entertainment industry. The top Hollywood director, Bit Jackson, came to Tokyo for the first time to film and shoot a movie here. Today, more than 700 fans who picked up the airport at the airport surrounded this place. The water can't leak. But they still waited for the superstars... Zhen Fan, Robles Downey, Johnny Depp, and our local actress Hashimoto Park... TV Tokyo reported live!"

"Ah—" Michi Kikuko suddenly covered her mouth with her hand. She looked at the TV screen in surprise until the entertainment news was gone and she turned to the boring TV series. She suddenly woke up. Then he raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said, "Oops, I'm going to be late!" Then he put down his bowl and quickly picked up his backpack and rushed out of the house.

There were people coming and going in the hotel, and a sweet-looking waitress said at the front desk: "Help me get that...for that pen, thank you, Juzi!"

Miike Kikuko was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head to look at the waitress standing with him. Some hesitation said: "What do you need me to do?"

"Kikuko, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? If so, go and rest. I'll let someone come to replace you!" The waitress said to Michi Kikuko, "I feel you are in a bad mood for a few days. Go and rest, I'll let someone take it here, and go back right away."

"I'm sorry, I'll do it well. I've troubled you, what do I need to do for you?" Miike Kikuko bowed to the waitress, saying with apologetic expression.

"That pen... Give me a hand!" The waitress shook her head and smiled helplessly, and took the pen in Miike Kikuko's hand. Then he said, "Well, you stay here. I hope you don't make a mistake, and... Do you know that there are a lot of stars here today? From Hollywood. I like Robles, a very attractive man!"

"Ah—" Michi Kikuko was taken aback again. Then he smiled reluctantly and said, "Yes, I also watched the TV news and said that I came here to film, and our national goddess Hashimoto Park."

"By the way, who do you like? Johnny, Robles? Or Zhen?" The waitress smiled and said to Miike Kikuko, "When watching Hashimoto Garden and Zhen Fan appear on the plane side by side on TV At the door of the cabin, I really envied them. They are a natural couple! By the way, who do you like?"

"Sorry, I... I don't have anyone I like!" Miike Kikuko couldn't help but shook her head in a panic, then sat quietly on the side and stopped talking, as if she was stunned. The waitress saw Miike Kikuko doing this, so she shook her head, sighed, and ignored her.

Just when Michi Kikuko was upset, Zhen Fan and his party had already checked into the hotel, but it was no longer the hotel where Michi Kikuko was located, but another hotel not far from the shooting location. There is a film and television shooting base in the outskirts of Tokyo, where the main shots are completed, and then there is a scene near Mount Fuji.

Although Zhen Fan's main purpose is filming, it is inevitable to have relations with some local TV stations and entertainment companies. First, Hashimoto Garden's father's company plans to invite Zhen Fan and the others to the reception, and then the local TV Tokyo. It is planned to invite all the chief creators to participate in a talk show.

First of all, considering the reasons of Hashimoto Garden, Zhen Fan had to attend the cocktail party, and considering that the movie might be released in Japan, they had to participate in the TV talk show, so for Zhen Fan, it was really a bit hectic. And there is a car company planning to ask Zhen Fan to advertise.

Considering the endorsement of JL’s SUVs, Zhen Fan does not plan to represent any car advertisements anymore. It can be regarded as the end, unless his advertising period expires. Although the negotiators of the auto company have repeatedly stated that the cars are only sold in the United States, Zhen Fan has not let go.

"Your father's name, I don't even know your father's name." Zhen Fan said to Hashimoto Garden, who arranged his clothes while trying on the dress. "Bit, Johnny, and Robles may not For a long time, they still have things to do, I will stay, understand?"

"I see! I'm causing you trouble!" Hashimoto Garden straightened out Zhen Fan's clothes and turned them in front of him. He looked at it and smiled very satisfied. Yes, she was very satisfied. He Being able to attend the reception of her father, and also invited Bit, Johnny and Robles, this will make her feel that she has a greater say in front of her father.

Hashimoto Garden’s home is very large, much larger than Zhen Fan’s villa in Bili Foshan Village, so it is a very good choice for the reception to be held here. Their hall is very spacious, perhaps only Robles' villa can compare. And the magnificent decoration shows her father's wealth and status in the Japanese entertainment circle.

Because many of the people attending the cocktail party tonight are big names in the Japanese entertainment circle, and there are many stars, and they are all very big stars. For example, the popular and popular queen Otomo Akira, and the movie superstar Masako Aoki were not absent, and there were many popular, half-red and not-popular ones who came to join in the fun, so more than 60 people came to the reception. This is the result of a small invitation.

"I hate cocktail parties, the people here are too fake!" Johnny said to Robles, "but I like the cocktail parties here, look at the people here, they are all looking for their goals, or In order to cooperate, or to seduce a beautiful female star."

"Including you, Johnny!" Robles shrugged. "I just want to drink some wine and go to the hotel to sleep. Of course... If a beautiful lady can dance with me, then Another thing...Hey, beauty, I have never seen a woman like you. She is beautiful and elegant, so God is tempted. Can we have a song? I mean... we can go dance! "He suddenly turned his eyes on a beautiful woman who was walking towards him and said with a smile.

"Of course, why not? Robes? Downey, I know you, I like your movies, when can you take me to see Hollywood movies? By the don't know my name, right? ...Machiko Hirota..." The beauty and Robles hugged each other and walked towards the dance floor over there.

"It's great, this is our friendship..." Johnny opened his hand to Robes' back and said, then turned around and looked at Gary, "I will drink with you, Gary, I I like the wine here. It is delicious. Although it is not as good as Zhen's, it is still delicious! I will accompany you to get drunk!"

"Of course, but... it doesn't seem to be too long, because..."

Before Gary’s voice fell, he heard a beautiful woman greet Johnny: "Hi, Johnny, can I invite you to dance? I think it will be my honor if you agree."

"Of course, why not? Actually, I was thinking just now, I must invite this beautiful lady to dance, even I can fall into her arms, are you going to give me this opportunity? Beautiful... Now, I can introduce myself, Johnny Depp, nice to meet you, your name..."

"Ono Fuuka, do you remember?" The woman blinked at Johnny, then pulled on his tie, pulled it gently, and walked to the dance floor. Gary smiled at the figures of the two of them, then raised his wine glass and said to the bit next to him, "If I were to be twenty years younger, no, ten years old, I could also attract women so much!"

"It's a pity that you don't have The clock of your age is still moving forward, man, we are all old, but... I don't feel my aging, on the contrary, I feel radiant. Feeling? I mean you often drink with Zhen's h?c?d wine, you know what the effect will be."

"Of course, I know, to be older and stronger!" Bit raised his glass and touched Gary, then laughed, "It sounds contradictory, but it is impossible to achieve, is it? Because we are friends of Zhen, Isn't it right?"

"Of course!" Gary also smiled, then took a sip of the wine in the glass, smiled and nodded.

While they were having fun, Zhen Fan sat in the study room upstairs. In the study, Hashimoto Garden was standing next to a fifty-something Japanese old man sitting opposite Zhen Fan. Looking at Zhen Fan.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hashimoto." Zhen Fan took a sip of coffee on the coffee table next to him, and smiled at the old Japanese man, "You are Hashimotoen's father. I am very happy to meet this time." (To be continued.)



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