The American Scripture

Chapter 976: Watch the fun

When the body of the huge monster was transported to Los Angeles, the surrounding area was under martial law to ensure that the monster was smoothly transported into a military camp outside Los Angeles. And here, this monster will be studied in all directions. Then find out what kind of weapon can be used to kill such a monster.

General von Kasser watched four huge CH-46 sea knight transport helicopters hoisting the corpses of the monsters into the barracks, and then issued an order to quit smoking. A few kilometers away, they were all under martial law. Despite the preparations, it is impossible for such a big guy to avoid all people's eyes.

"New York Times" reporter Colin Pratt is always paying attention to the situation here. Hearing the order of martial law, he almost rushed to the direction of the barracks without even thinking about it. He used the most advanced telephoto lens. , And then took pictures of helicopters transporting monsters into the barracks. I also made a short video. If it weren't for the patrolling American soldiers to approach his hiding place, he could even take a picture of the monster.

"We have tried our best, but the reporter of the New York's that Colin Pratt, who took our photos and videos, and now on the Internet...we were exposed this time!" General von Kasser said, "Should we arrest that guy immediately?"

"No, it doesn't help anymore. What we have to do now is to think about it, if we can deal with it. And... continue to expand the scope of our martial law, I don't want this to happen again." General von Kaser did not Too worried about the news exposed on the Internet. Just to clarify, those are some strange videos made by a lunatic for self-entertainment. To turn such a person into a lunatic, it is obvious that such a thing is not too difficult for those intelligence personnel with special tasks on their own.

"Transfer the experts from the previous study, we will give them a larger sample, and... Do you remember Professor Colm Hardy and Professor Leder Dumaz? Let them also come and participate in the research. After all... they have been researching for a long time, and that Christina Weiden, I need them all to participate." General von Casser groaned, then said to the colonel.

"Yes, General, I will do it now!" The colonel saluted and went out. General von Kasser sat on the chair for a moment, tapped his finger on the table a few times, and finally picked it up. The phone dialed the number, and after a while, I heard the voice coming from inside.

"General, is there anything we can do for you?"

"Mr. Gicarlo Polk, I need you to perform a task. There is a reporter from the New York Times. He secretly photographed us and posted it on the Internet. Is there any way to make this lunatic admit that this is a prank? It's here to fool the people. I's a bit embarrassing..."

"No problem, General, wait for our news!" Jiccaroma agreed without any hesitation. "I said long ago that he will cause a mess, and more people will discover the truth here. Before, I will help you deal with this matter, okay, goodbye, general!" Jicaro said and hung up the phone.

The filming of the film continued, but this time it was moved to the sea. In order to cheer up Zhen Fan, Robles and Johnny, who have left the crew, also came, and even Lawrence, who was filming the cheap horror, came to cheer. A local TV station in Los Angeles sent a powerful camera crew. The host is a beautiful woman, of course not the kind of vase, but very capable, constantly changing positions when getting off the car, looking for the best shooting angle.

Of course, it does not affect the filming of the film. This is a very eye-catching live TV event. Many people want to see this Oscar for best actor, the founder of luxury wine H?C?D, the founder of the most amazing Chinese medicine clinic in Los Angeles, and the great magician. How to die.

This time, it is live on TV continuously, and even the live webcast is performed simultaneously, with web video. So when this day comes, many people are paying attention to this matter, but the women in Zhen Fan's own family don't care much, except that Yi Fei is a little worried. Because those women know that this kind of difficulty doesn't stop Zhen Fan at all.

So a very strange phenomenon appeared. When many people watched Zhen Fan's death at the shooting site, the women in his family were quite calm. Some patients even reminded them after watching TV that they in turn comforted the patients: " It's okay, he can't be killed, if he dies, we can still get that valuable insurance money and inheritance!"

This was what Christine said. When she said this, she smiled and was heard by someone with a heart. It was immediately transmitted to the Internet, and then she was seen by Robles who was surfing the Internet and laughed. , Raised his phone and laughed at Zhen Fan who was doing preparatory activities: "Hey, man, you are now famous!"

"I've been famous for a long time, okay?" Zhen Fan gave him a white look, and continued to let the makeup artist take care of his hair, and lazily take care of the dancing Robes.

"Look, look at what Kristin said, it was just posted on the Internet." Robles said, holding up his phone and leaning in front of Zhen Fan. Then I found out what Zhen Fan wanted to say, "Look...your fiancée is calculating your insurance and inheritance, I'll just say...your beneficiary really wrote her?"

This woman really dare to say that she is not afraid of letting her reputation be ruined by those who are interested, but it is precisely this way that Zhen Fan admires Christine and never changes herself because of others' eyes. This is definitely a joke, and she must also know that there will be no accident.

He shook his head and smiled. Zhen Fan smiled at Robles: "Do you think I will be in danger? And do you think it is necessary for someone like me to buy insurance? My inheritance alone is enough for Chris Ting has lived extravagantly for several lifetimes, not to mention that she is still an excellent doctor."

Robles nodded and said seriously: "Yes, a good movie actor, a movie star, you tortured to become a doctor alive, you really have you, I have to keep a little distance from you, don’t Someday train me to become a winemaker, although...I like to drink!"

"Haha, I have such a plan!" Zhen Fan laughed. At this time, the makeup artist patted Zhen Fan on the shoulder to indicate that he has finished his makeup. Zhen Fan stood up, and then put on the clothes she would change for shooting, a brown suit. The whole person seemed very energetic.

"Boss, I'm late!" At this time, a person squeezed from behind, Christina, and she said to Zhen Fan, "Sorry, there is a soldier who wants to recruit me temporarily, but I refused, took some time. "Christina gasped a little, obviously, she was in a hurry.

"Temporarily recruit you?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, "I know, they must be planning to recruit you again to conduct research on that project, and finally know your value! I know you are very good, why refuse? As long as you give me a call, I will give you a holiday!"

"No, I won't cooperate with them. It hurts my heart enough." Christina snorted, shrugged her shoulders, and looked at Zhen Fan, "Give me the script, and I will familiarize you with this again. The table book of the scene, I have tried for a one-off, oh... damn, how do you wear this dress? Shit costumer... you should change one, it can be a suit, but don't be too formal, it's casual The suit, and then... the vest, yes, it is the vest, you have to show your figure, that is the pectoralis major... Be sexy, I will negotiate with them..." He hurriedly left with the script.

"Very good, I like this kind of assistant!" Robles put a piece of cake in his mouth, and then smiled with his lips. "By the way, doesn't she know what part you are going to film today? Why don't you see her worrying about you?"

As soon as his words fell, he heard a woman's exclamation, and then saw Christina hurriedly squeezing from the crowd again, staring at Zhen Fan and saying: "Are you planning to commit suicide? God... I was confused by those bastards. The first thing I asked about was this. Why did you agree to take such a dangerous shot?"

"It's okay, I'll be fine!" Zhen Fan smiled. The woman finally remembered that she was going to shoot today. "Don't worry, God will bless me. God and I are buddies. He will watch. Going to death with my brother? Okay, this is a joke, but I am also serious" He said seriously and patted Christina on the shoulder.

"Are you serious?" Christina looked at Zhen Fan, as if to confirm whether Zhen Fan was impulsive or forced by the old **** Bit. Yes, Bit is an old **** in her mind now.

"Yes, I'm serious, I promise, I won't have anything!" Zhen Fan nodded. At this time, the dressmaker came over and tried on clothes for Zhen Fan. This time it was a casual suit, and inside A vest, looks very muscular and handsome, Zhen Fan also played with arms against Christina, doing a bodybuilding action.

"Don't force yourself, I don't know how you think about it, but...everything should be done according to your ability...well, you are the boss, you have the final say!" Christina's mood is still a bit low. Obviously, after these days of getting along, her sense of Zhen Fan is definitely better. And she didn't want to lose her high-paying job so soon, after all, she had to transfuse her team to keep their scientific research work going on.

"Okay, let's start preparing!" Bit shouted loudly. Suddenly, everyone seemed to be beaten up, especially the videographers and the beautiful host of the TV station. She had already stood in front of the camera, picked up the microphone, and was about to start broadcasting. R1152

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