The American Scripture

Chapter 983: attack

Long Island Beach, New York. 【【,

This is when the sun is shining on the holiday. Many people like to play on the beach. Groups of people are running on the beach, or plunge into the water to search for treasures in the sea, or wear bikinis on the beach. On, and then let the beloved man with a little color help to apply sunscreen. Or the old man wearing boxer shorts, sitting on a chair and watching a group of lively beauties running around in front of him, full of eyes to explore, the beach is always so happy.

"Mom, what is that? Is it an airplane? I've never seen such a weird airplane!" A five or six-year-old girl, with one hand on her forehead, looked up toward the sky.

A black shadow in the sky looks like a bat, but it definitely has a long neck and a long tail. Soon this shadow was blocked by the protruding mountains on the coast over there, and when the little girl was about to put her hands down, she suddenly exclaimed.

The black shadow suddenly flew up from behind the mountain, flying fast and anxiously, but after it flew up, it was obvious that the shadow was huge, and as the shadow got closer and closer, the huge His body shape immediately covered a corner of the beach, as if the entire sky was darkened.

"Mom—Mom, it's a big bird all the time!" The little girl happily called her mother, but the blonde hugged her daughter, stepped back, and tripped on the beach. The crowd on the beach panicked, people in the sea ran to the beach one after another, and people on the beach ran to the coast.

The shadow was getting bigger and bigger, already covering a piece of sandy beach, it was obvious that the shadow was getting closer. Everyone saw what it was like-the image of a legendary dragon. And when it passed through the air, it made a huge howling sound. I saw its slender neck suddenly lifted up, and roared into the air: "Ang—" Suddenly, people were crawling with fright. Want to escape from this place.

"Ang--" After another screaming scream, the dragon suddenly turned around, and suddenly swooped down towards the crowd, with its neck slightly raised, as if it was inhaling violently, waiting to pass by. When it was on the beach, it suddenly opened its mouth, and a ball of flames sprayed out of its mouth, and then it burned quickly.

"Ah-save me -" A screaming scream broke the still waiting on the beach. Thinking that this is the fantasy of a creature that is very friendly to humans, two dozen people covered in flames screamed and rolled on the sand, some stumbled into the sea, but even in the sea Now, their bodies are still burning until they don't move. Turned into coke.

Suddenly, the beach turned into a scene of riots with loud voices, and groups of people desperately ran to the coast. Some climbed up to the coast, so they didn't wear any clothes in a hurry and went to find their own car. Others rushed out while driving. The result was hit by a car behind or in front. Caused a series of car accidents.

"Huh—" As if a violent wind was blowing, the flames burned on the beach and on the coast, and everyone shouted. All running for their lives, you stepped on me. I stepped on you, desperately calling for help. There are also sorrowful crying and voices calling the names of relatives one after another. Looking down from the air, the entire beach looks like a group of ants desperately running away from the coming disaster.

When a fire burst out, a group of people would be swallowed by the fire immediately, and then the helpless people writhed, screamed, and rolled in the fire until they finally stood still.

"God—" An old man didn't move on the beach, but the impact of the flow of people hit him with blood on his face, but he still struggled to get up and sat on the beach again, mumbling constantly. , "God-please forgive your people and let all their sins..."

"Boom--" Then, before he finished his reading, a ball of flame engulfed him, and then made a heart-piercing scream on the beach. No one can bear the burning of fire without despair. Screaming.

"Mom—" The little girl stood on a **** and watched helplessly as the surrounding crowd was constantly escaping. Her mother was missing. She didn't know where her mother was, so she could only cry in despair. At this time, police cars were already coming over on the road by the beach.

"Here, baby, come here, come here!" A policewoman waved to the little girl. It was obvious that the little girl was within the attack range of the dragon, and she could be sprayed by the dragon's fire at any time. Die, "Come here, baby, I will help you find your mother!" The policewoman tentatively walked forward.

At this moment, violent gunshots rang out all around her, and the policewoman slammed toward the little girl. Needless to say, the dragon had already discovered this place. I heard a "whoop", a nauseating sound like coughing sputum, and when the policewoman threw the little girl down, her eyes were already full of flames of red——

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the policewoman was about to knock down the little girl. The two people were sprayed by the flames at the same time. A blaze immediately wrapped the two people, and they could hear the desperate screams of the two of them in the fire. The voices were still two people at first, but in the end the little girl couldn't hear her voice, only the voice of the policewoman panting like a bellows until she finally fell down.

Both people burned to coke. Two corpses, one large and one small, were held tightly together. The police officers around them were not much better. Several police officers were included in the flames, and even the police car was ignited. There was a violent explosion, one after another, uninterrupted, causing huge casualties.

"Shoot, shoot!" A sheriff called loudly through the walkie-talkie, "We need heavy weapons, damn, this **** bastard, what the **** is this tmd? Godzilla?"

"Sheriff, we can't stand it anymore, this **** guy... Our bullets can't hurt it at all. Maybe rockets can do it. We need fighters—" A policeman tentatively moved to the sheriff's side. Shouting to him, "We can't shoot through its skin, can you see it? The bullet bounced off its skin!"

"I saw it, **** it!" The sheriff cursed, looked at the fleeing crowd behind him, and said to the policeman, "Go and stand on your post, man, we haven't retreated yet. We retreated, they just It's over—" He pointed to the panicking crowd behind him and the policemen who were maintaining order, "Man, from the moment we get here, we can't retreat!"

"Well, sergeant, I respect your choice!" The policeman said, and after a few jumps, he ran to the side, planning to use the corner of the street as a cover, and then use a shotgun to shoot at the dragon. But when he just jumped on the roof of a car and was about to jump down and cross the street, suddenly a ball of flames enveloped him, and at the same time caused a violent explosion, which completely swallowed the policeman.

"It's over, everything is over!" The sergeant watched stupidly at the police officer being swallowed by the fire, his ears buzzing from the explosion, he shook his head, sat on the ground with his back leaning on the police car, and looked ahead Those who are still holding pistols or shotguns and automatic rifles and shooting at the monster in the sky from time to time, but it is useless.

Obviously they were doing useless work, but these people shot again and again, and no one backed away. A group of flames spurted over, and the group of people in front of them were plunged into the flames again. Screaming, rolling and jumping constantly, and then caused a violent explosion of the car.

Seeing the flames and explosions sweeping toward him, the sheriff couldn't help but smile wryly. He couldn't escape, and he struggled to get up and shouted at the huge dragon-like monster: "I I'm not afraid of you, you bastard, I don't know where you come from, but I'm not afraid of you, I will fight you to the end..." He raised his hand suddenly to the huge shadow and raised himself into the air Middle finger.

"Boom--" A ball of flames instantly swallowed the sheriff. When it was swallowed, the sheriff still maintained such a posture with the **** upright. The violent explosion threw his body up, setting off the explosion of his body. At the same time, several f-35 joint attack aircraft skimmed through the sky, and the missile created a beautiful tail flame in the air...

"General, this is the intelligence that just arrived. A monster was found on Long Island Beach in New York. Some tourists were slaughtered on the beach, and more than forty policemen were killed in the line. The number of civilians dead and missing exceeded 378. The name is still under further statistics I believe there will be more figures reported." The colonel walked into the office with a stern face, paid a salute to General von Kaser, and handed over a piece of information.

General von Kasser looked at it and frowned. Intelligence showed that the attack was sudden, with no signs, and radar did not detect it. The intensity of the attack was staggering, especially the attack on humans. The dragon that appeared last time did not take the initiative to attack humans. This time it did take the initiative to attack. Could it be that the news of the dead dragon on my side has been known to the other four dragons? Are they retaliating?

"General...Washington asked us how the research is progressing. Have we worked out a method or weapon to deal with these dragons?" The colonel looked at General von Kaser and said, "What shall we do?"

"There may be only one way now!" General von Kasser shook his head and sighed. Now there is no way to hide this matter. I believe that as long as a short while later, the news on TV will be overwhelming. People There will be doubts, even demonstrations, and perhaps even greater riots.

"I want to make a call, you go out first, Colonel!" General von Kasser said to the colonel, watching him leave the office, then picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said, "Hello , I’m General von Kasser, your friend..." (to be continued...) u

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