The American Scripture

Chapter 985: accepted

"The court is now adjourned! The court will be held again in an hour!" The judge rang the hammer and announced his withdrawal. So everyone began to leave one after another, resting outside the court, taking advantage of this gap, someone wanted to interview Zhen Fan, but Charles refused. This turning point is amazing.

"We are set to win, boss!" Charles said to Zhen Fan happily, "We have a bombshell, look at that guy who was blown away by us. I guess his troubles will begin after this hearing is over. ."

"What happened to that woman?" Zhen Fan asked. This matter was completely handled by Charles. Charles simply told Zhen Fan the matter just now, so Zhen Fan had such a problem.

"Woman? That woman? We gave her some money, enough for her to pay off her debts. We have the best of both worlds!" Charles smiled, "Don't worry, we won't treat her badly. This is the lawyer. This is something that often happens in the world. If they think it’s worthwhile, they will trade with us. Everyone has a price!"

"That woman has a daughter, and I hope she can be properly placed, you know, that bastard—what's the name? Angus Blake, right? Keep an eye on it. Once you find out that he wants to If women are disadvantaged, take action!" Zhen Fan said to Charles, "You are a lawyer, and you know how to avoid risks and do this kind of thing."

"You mean to kill him?" Charles mysteriously = leaned forward and said in a low voice.

"What do you want?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but feel a chill. How did this guy be a lawyer. At the door of the court, he said openly what to kill this and kill that. It really is a guy who knows how to avoid risks. The words are so awesome, "Warning. Don't listen to the warning, collect evidence, and then go to legal action, use the law to prohibit him from approaching that woman! We are civilized people, don't do those **** and violent things!"

"Oh, I see, I will do it!" Charles nodded, civilized? Yes, I am a lawyer. People in the upper class are the lawyers in charge of Zhen Fan’s business empire. In the future, in the crown of this commercial kingdom, I will be one of them.

One hour came quickly, and the trial was held again, which was the verdict of Zhen Fan, but at the same time that the verdict was pronounced, several soldiers and a colonel came in. There are two lieutenants and two sergeants. They came in without saying a word, and then sat in the empty seats in the court gallery.

"This court pronounced the verdict in court, and Zhen was not at fault and was released in court without guilt. Retire!" the judge said. He got up and left the court. In fact, for such cases, the general expedited trial procedure would be more appropriate. But because Zhen Fan is a celebrity, he has made such a big battle.

After leaving court. The crowd dispersed, and some reporters blocked the door trying to interview Zhen Fan. But when Zhen Fan was about to go out, the soldiers blocked his way. The colonel with the highest rank among them said to Zhen Fan: "I'm sorry, I am Colonel Siren Stanton who rushed over from the military base in Los Angeles. I came to talk with you on the order of General von Kaser. ..."

"Sorry, I don’t know you, and I don’t know who General von Cassell you said is. If you want to arrest me, please show me your order to arrest me. If it’s, you should let me leave here. Now!" Zhen Fan said, shook his head at him, and walked straight out of the court.

But as soon as he got out of the court, he was immediately surrounded by the crowd, but Zhen Fan still squeezed into the car easily and headed towards where he lived. Only a group of reporters and Colonel Stanton stood there dumbfounded.

"I guess our colonel messed up again!" A sergeant smiled and said to a lieutenant next to him, "I knew it would be like this, it's **** it. Let's go back like this!"

"Wait and see, we can watch a good show, can't we?" The lieutenant also suppressed a smile and said.

"Let's follow them!" Colonel Stanton said to them, and then drove two military vehicles and followed in the direction where Zhen Fan was leaving. He didn't understand why Zhen Fan would react like this, but no matter what, he had to complete the task assigned by the general.

"How can such a person be a colonel?" A sergeant drove a car, followed the car in front of the colonel at a distance, and said to the lieutenant who was sitting next to him, "I really doubt whether he has any backstage. Is it the **** from the big men’s house? But why go to the soldier?"

"The rich world, can you understand?" The lieutenant looked at the sergeant contemptuously. "Look at the road, man, I don't know anything, I don't even know why I came here to find a movie performer. Guy. Would he take a laser sword to a duel with that beast? What a terrible idea!"

"This is not something we can worry about, we just have to look at the car in front of you. This is my duty now!" The sergeant murmured, and then kicked the accelerator to keep up with the car in front of him and turned a corner. Billy Foshan Village kept passing on the bends in the mountains.

"It's the life of a rich man, I want to live here once in my dream!" The sergeant sighed again, "I bet that our general definitely wants to cooperate with Mr. Zhen's clinic. I have heard of this clinic. It’s amazing. it to treat that monster? Aha—isn’t this sentence super funny?" The sergeant said, amusing himself.

"It's not funny, man, this time it's New York. God knows where it will be next time? If it's the monster's revenge, then... our base is a monster's corpse. Will his companion move our military base Rashed to the ground? God knows, so while you are still alive, pray for God's protection!" The lieutenant smiled, disapproving of the sergeant's words, he said very reasonable.

Sure enough, this made the sergeant a little dull. After turning a few turns on the road, he arrived at Zhen Fan's residence. Several cars stopped at the door, and then Zhen Fan went straight in, regardless of his back. The group of soldiers who followed. After entering, I greeted Linda the nanny, Elsa, the tutor, and then kissed Maria, and finally kissed the son in the cradle, then hugged Yi Fei and greeted her softly.

"Did not go to the clinic today?" Yi Fei wanted to do something very much, so she went to the clinic when she was fine. Zhen Fan had this problem.

"No, stop making trouble, some guests are here!" Yi Fei smiled, patted Zhen Fan's hand to let him loosen, and then walked over by herself and said to the soldiers, "I'm sorry, you guys. Who are you looking for?"

"We're looking for Mr. Zhen, I'm sorry, I disturbed you!" The colonel was obviously not stupid. He knew that it was probably because of his tone of voice, so Zhen Fan was not very happy. "I hope I can talk to Mr. Zhen. Let me talk about it! Allow me to do this, because...this matter is very, very important!"

Yi Fei looked at Zhen Fan and saw that he nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, please come in!" As she said to lead them to the hall, Christina went into the kitchen and brought them coffee. When they were done, Zhen Fan walked into the hall and sat far away.

"If it's okay, I'll go upstairs first!" Knowing that Zhen Fan was going to talk to them, Yi Fei took the initiative to go upstairs. Only Christina remained in the hall, preparing to record the content of this conversation. But Zhen Fan interrupted and said, "I will arrange this by myself. You can go upstairs and stay for a while. I'll call you when I'm over!"

"Well, I'm going to talk to Yi Fei!" Christina nodded and went upstairs.

Seeing the two women leave, Colonel Stanton immediately said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, I apologize to you for the previous attitude, but...this matter is very urgent, please forgive me...the general did not explain. What do you want us to do, just let me show you these things..." He hooked his finger at a lieutenant.

The lieutenant immediately handed over a bag of documents. The colonel took the bag of documents and handed it to Zhen Fan and said, "Here are some photos of the tragedy that took place on Long Beach in New York. I believe you have also watched TV news. Compared to news, there are more things inside. It's regrettable."

Zhen Fan took it, then opened the paper bag and took out a bunch of photos from it. Just looking at the photos, Zhen Fan frowned. Yes, it was **** on earth. The scorched corpses appeared densely before Zhen Fan's eyes. Even if he was accustomed to seeing life and death, he couldn't help but frown.

"This is the corpse of a little girl and a policewoman." The colonel pointed to a photo that had just been turned over from Zhen Fan's hand, a larger, charred corpse, and a small, charred corpse. . The two people seemed to be hugging each other, and the big corpse seemed to want to suppress the small to protect her.

"The little girl's mother died. She called her mother there. The policewoman wanted to save her, but she was unsuccessful. Both of them were wrapped in flames." Colonel Stanton's voice was a little dull, without emotion, but even It was such a narrative that made Zhen Fan couldn't help but sigh.

"Actually... there are still many such photos. The bodies have been cleaned up one after another. The names of those who died are just a long list of pages..." The colonel continued, "If... If you can help us, Mr. Zhen, please help us. This time it is New York, and next time it may be Los Angeles..."

Zhen Fan groaned, and did not immediately express his position. Instead, he sat there, slowly flipping through the photos repeatedly, and finally fixed the photo on the one of the policewoman and the little girl, and finally said, "You go back. Right!"

This sentence immediately made the colonel a little stunned. He couldn't help standing up, looking at Zhen Fan, and stammering: "I'm sorry... Sir... what did you just say?"

"You go back and tell General von Kasser that I will go to your base tomorrow morning." Zhen Fan placed the pile of photos on the coffee table, as if he had made a decision. (To be continued...) R1292

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