The American Scripture

Chapter 987: Attitude difference

"Are you here to replace me?" General von Casser laughed suddenly, and then, without looking at the order of exchange that David Campbell handed over for the prize, he stood up a little weary and stretched out his hand to him, "You can come Very good, I have been hoping that someone can replace me, and now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Sorry, you are my friend, I am very reluctant to do this!" David Campbell smiled awkwardly when he won the prize. "The guys in Washington must have been kicked in their heads by the donkey. At least you are doing very well now. Okay, you killed that monster...that's enough..."

"No, I didn't kill the monster!" General von Casser looked at Lieutenant General David Campbell and shook his head. "The U.S. military is not capable of killing such a thing for the time being, even... even nuclear bombs are useless. No. Said that it is no longer afraid of nuclear bombs, but that things know how to avoid danger, they have quite terrible wisdom, don't laugh at themselves and laugh, "Of course... you must have already considered how to deal with them. Okay, man, I should go now... By the way, my friends will be here in a while, and I hope you can listen to their opinions carefully. "

"I will!" Lieutenant General David Campbell nodded, and then solemnly sent General von Kasser to the outside of the military base with his luggage, "I really don't want to meet on such an occasion, goodbye, von Ka General Sai!"

"Goodbye, buddy!" General von Kasser said, and laughed, relieved, yes. Since accepting this task, he has not been able to rest day and night. Now it seems to be relieved of a heavy burden. A jeep at the entrance of the barracks was driving General von Kaser away.

"Who is here to serve General von Kasser?" David Campbell suddenly said loudly when General von Kasser left. "Is that you? Colonel, what's your name?" He saw a colonel straighten his chest against him.

"Salen Stanton, General!" the colonel said to Lieutenant General David Campbell.

"Very well, follow me back to the office, and give me a detailed report on the situation during this period!" Lieutenant General David Campbell nodded, and then went straight back to the base and walked towards the office. He needs to clean up the office again, and now he really needs to sort out the clues before going to the most effective way. That is now the most secret robot program of the Ministry of National Defense-the x-17 program. He came with two sets of x-17 systems this time.

The improved x-17 is no longer as simple as a combat armor, but a fully intelligent robot. And its energy directly comes from the energy meteorite that only exists in the Ministry of Defense. And this time the function is much more powerful than the original model that fought with Beasley last time.

It is precisely because of this that Lieutenant General David Campbell came over with a very confident mood to replace General von Kaser. Therefore, he didn't feel any pity about the departure of General von Kasser. Instead, he believed that General von Kasser was unable to persuade those from the Ministry of Defense to bring x-17 out. And I did it myself, mainly for this. He felt that he was more suitable for this task than General von Kaser.

After General von Kasser left the military base, he did not go to Washington to perform his duties immediately. Instead, he stopped for a while and called Zhen Fan. The phone connected, and Zhen Fan's voice came through the phone.

"I am von Kasser, I have been transferred!" Von Kasser did not hesitate to ask warmly. Instead, he expressed his own meaning directly, "The person who succeeded me is Lieutenant General David Campbell. I'm sorry. You are dragged into this matter. But...I still hope you can visit tomorrow. For God's sake. You can save more innocent lives!"

There was silence for a while, and then Zhen Fan’s low voice came: "Well, General, I will be on time at the military base tomorrow. I wish you a long time, General. You can spend your old age safely, I I even envy you a little bit. Okay, goodbye, general!" A blind tone came over there.

It seems that Zhen Fan really said to hang up. Feng Kasai couldn't help but smiled and shook his head. As long as Zhen Fan agreed to go, his heart was half relieved, just hoping that David could listen to his words. Ultimately, Zhen Fan will become the protagonist of this matter. Instead of thinking about other ideas that are useless.

Early the next morning, Zhen Fan told the family again, and then drove to the military base outside Los Angeles. Along the way, he received a call from Gicaro. It turned out that General von Kasser had been calling Gicaro and Steve and others. This time he planned to let the two of them cooperate with Zhen Fan.

Gicaro drove to the side of the road where Zhen Fan must pass. After seeing Zhen Fan's car, he started flashing lights to greet Zhen Fan. Then I saw Zhen Fan lower the car window and made a forward gesture to the car. The two cars moved towards the military base in tandem, and arrived at the military base on the outskirts within two hours.

The base is really far from the city. And along the way, Zhen Fan has been interrogated many times and has gone through five levels in total. In the end, the special identities of Gicaro and others were able to reach the door of the base. A lieutenant walked out with several soldiers, and then bowed to Zhen Fan.

This lieutenant Zhen Fan knew that he and the Colonel Siren Stanton had visited him. The lieutenant stepped forward and smiled at Zhen Fan and said, "Mr. Zhen, I'm glad to meet again. My name is Josh Goodwin. I think you should know that. General von Kaser left yesterday and is now replacing him. It's Lieutenant General David Campbell, I think... the two of them may have different preferences." He shrugged his shoulders toward Zhen Fan, expressing his helplessness.

"It seems... we have turned from VIPs to unwelcome people!" Zhen Fan turned his head to Gicaro and Steve who were standing next to each other and smiled helplessly, "How do you plan to place them? We? Or will the general plan to meet us in person?" He looked at the lieutenant and said.

"We still have a place to rest for you. The general may be very busy now, so... I can't guarantee that he will meet you. You'd better be mentally prepared. If it were me, I might not continue to wait. !" Lieutenant Josh Goodwin smiled, and then led Zhen Fan and others into an office on the base.

This is a very rudimentary office. After Lieutenant Goodwin asked Zhen Fan and the others to sit down, he took a few cups and smiled: "Coffee or tea, there is actually no good thing here, it smells all day long. If the corpse of that **** monster is not disposed of, it will be rotten. This place has become a bacon base instead of a military base!" Lieutenant Goodwin complained to Zhen Fan.

"Uh, Lieutenant General David Campbell replaced General von Kasser. It seems that General Kebell must have his own set. He can deal with those monsters? I heard that even missiles can't hit it, and bullets can't. Penetrate its body, so there is a way to defeat them?" Zhen Fan deliberately asked strangely.

"Who knows, maybe he just came here to bluff people. It doesn't matter who will take the command, because... we are destined to be in the forefront. Sometimes I even wonder, why are we again? We have already fought it. After that, on the seashore, even on the sea. And he pulled back its body, although we did not kill it, but at least its body is here." The lieutenant began to complain again.

"This is really an embarrassing topic!" Zhen Fan nodded, "Actually...I don't know what I can help you with. General von Kaser is my friend, so... well, Lieutenant, You can help us ask, if we don't need us, we can go back by ourselves." Zhen Fan decided not to wait any longer.

Obviously, Zhen Fan felt that his guess was somewhat correct. Here is a bait. The corpse of this monster is the decoy, and the departure of General von Kaser has a lot to do with this decoy, that is, the US government thinks it has found a way to deal with these monsters. Credit is needed for those who want to go further.

Obviously General David Campbell is such a person. He must go further before he can become a general and is more likely to be appointed as the secretary of defense. This will be a huge victory in his life. It is more meaningful than any medal. He is an ambitious man. I'm afraid General von Kasser has seen this.

"I'll help you ask!" said the lieutenant, and walked out.

" What should he do if he really doesn't need us?" Gicaro frowned and looked at Zhen Fan and said, "Is this person stupid or too arrogant? Or believes that the United States instigated it? Those broken gadgets? The x-1 plan? That's just shit. The things made are actually incapable of defeating Beasley, and they want to defeat such a dragon?" Steve poohed on the ground fiercely. A mouthful, a mouthful of saliva.

"Everyone has their own rules of survival, maybe they have found a way to deal with evil dragons, we may become decorations here, I mean... let's go back for the time being, if they can't deal with it, they will definitely think of us again. Yes. Isn't it?" Zhen Fan looked at Gicaro and smiled.

"Well, it can only be so now. Damn bureaucracy, **** politics!" Gicaro screamed after speaking, and he had naturally guessed some of the entanglements in interests. But he still didn't believe in David? How could General Campbell deal with the evil dragons.

Sure enough, after a while, the lieutenant returned and said to Zhen Fan with apologetic expression on his face: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, Mr. Campbell said, he is a military camp, where soldiers can stay... Damn it. , That's what he said. Actually... I like you very much, your movies and magic... God testifies..." The lieutenant said that this seemed to relieve Zhen Fan's mind. (To be continued...) u

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