The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1104: Everyone has a secret

"Is there something to deal with?" Helen Weiwei repeated this sentence, Liu Mei wrinkled.

Zhang Tianshi sighed: "I didn't think about it when I saw him. After I got back to the room, my sleepiness came up. It didn't take long before I slept. Liang adjutant came to knock on the door and said to let the collection. ”

Everyone seems to have evidence of absence, but no one has proved whether their evidence of absence is true.

Female college student, Lia, Zhang Tianshi...

Wait a minute, there is still a person, she has never seen the Song family Qian Jinsong.

None of these four people can be sure for them. When Master Wu Fan died, where are they.

"Speak my suspicions." Helen Weiwei did not hide, because the next thing was to tell Song Minister: "There is no exact proof of absence, except for these three, and your granddaughter Miss Song. ""

Minister Song’s brow wrinkled: "What does this have to do with her, she has not gone out for a long time!"

"But no one can prove that she didn't come out during that time. Isn't it? The servants are not there." Helen Weiwei's voice did not have any waves.

Because of the rationality of this girl, Minister Song had to admit that there was such a possibility, but: "Don't forget, this time it is a victim."

"Mr. Song said nothing wrong." Zhang Tianshi sneered aloud: "Little girl, why don't you talk about Jing Zifeng, did he go out during that time, isn't there anyone who proves it? It's really whimsical, don't doubt The suspected person, instead, suspected Miss Song."

The named cold teenager raised his face and looked at Zhang Tianshi: "You can also list me as a suspect. It doesn't matter."

His voice is very light, and it seems that he did not take Zhang Tianshi’s words at all.

"You heard it." Helen Weiwei chuckled, the more he looked at the boy, the more pleasing the eye, but from her point of view, this boy is the most unlikely to be a murderer, because if he really wants to kill, that is Too simple, using the gods can kill people without being noticed by humans.

These few famous masters of chasing ghosts, only one of the youngsters took the shots, others were loaded, and some were only some tricks.

The person who has been suspected by Helen Weiwei from the beginning to the end is Jing Zifeng.

He is really going to catch ghosts.

Others still have something hidden and need her to investigate again.

The sky outside is getting darker and darker, and it seems that the sky is going to be dark, but the rainstorm has no meaning to stop.

If it weren't for this rain today, the special forces in the front yard might still be aware of what they could hear at least.

However, this rain was big and urgent, and it was mixed with thunderous thunderstorms, completely covering up the murderous murderous.

But if Zhang Tianshi did not lie, then the time of death of Wu Fan should be after Zhang Tianshi left.

No water stains were found in the room of the deceased.

That is to say, the deceased is going out of the house by himself.

Why is he going out?

It was so clear that there was such a big rain outside.

Helen Weiwei thought of it here, suddenly!

Zhang Tianshi said that before he left, the deceased said that someone was looking for him. He still had something.

Everyone will think that since he came to the villa, he should wait for the phone in the company.

In fact, there is no signal on the mobile phone here, only the phones in the villa are connected to each other.

In other words, the person who met the master of the Van, is in the villa!

He used the internal phone in the villa that would not leave a call record to ask Master Wu Fan to go out and kill him.

If this is the case, there is a basic premise that the perpetrators know at least the Master Wu Fan.

And between these two people, there must be transactions that others do not know.

Helian Weiwei carried the shackles and looked at the four suspects in front of him. They took out the list of suspects of Zhang Tianshi and left three girls.

It will not be Zhang Tianshi. The murderer should call Mr. Wu Fan after he left.

Everyone else hides some secrets.

And one of these secrets is likely to be evidence of murder!

The hall was in a stalemate for a moment, and the feeling of uneasiness was filled in everyone's heart.

As the owner of the villa, Song’s father will certainly not let things develop like this: “No matter what, everyone will eat something first, the road will not be blocked all the time, there will always be a solution.” He said On one side of the maid: "Zhang Wei, go get ready, let these children eat some food first."

Zhang Wei is thinking about what he is thinking, and he has never heard the words of Song’s father.

"Zhang Wei!" Liang adjutant could not help but raise the sound: "The minister is calling you."

At this time, Zhang Huan came back to God and said: "Yes, I am going to prepare."

This maid has a problem!

Almost the first time, Helian Weiwei’s gaze was locked in Zhang Wei’s body!

She looked at the back with full of thoughts, her eyes stunned, followed and stood up, chuckling and smirking at everyone: "I am going to make a turn, maybe I can find something, and I will catch the murderer earlier."

Minister Song did not object. In some respects, he still believed in the reasoning of this little girl: "Let trabee follow you and avoid danger."

"Thank you Minister Song, but no, my assistant is very versatile. It is safe to have him by my side." Helen Weiwei is not a fake.

But how to see the Bailijiajue is hard to believe, and he has had countless blood on his hands.

The main thing is that the temperament is too good.

Especially after wearing a military uniform, there is a kind of noble and innocent.

Such a person can be a military commander, and fights should not work?

The girl got together and walked around with Helen Weiwei: "You still bring the special soldier brother, what if your boyfriend is sneaked?"

The girl thought that this way, Helian Weiwei would definitely worry.

When she thought about it, she laughed and the voice was very good: "That would be great. If the murderer can be so stupid, I will not have to work hard to find her."

Everyone who sneaked on a priest would not seem very good at the end.

I haven't seen the appearance of a monk in a long time.

Oh, I am really looking forward to it.

The girl is dumbfounded, what is the situation.

"Okay, little girl, handed over to a task, our whisper." Helen Weiwei leaned over and said to the very lively girl: "Help me pay more attention to see who will leave the hall after I am gone. Because only people who leave the hall are likely to be murderers."

To the reader: First, what?

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