The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1107: Wei Wei was laughed at?

Helian Weiwei patted the shoulder of the boy: "Child, the most important thing now is to catch the murderer, someone is murder in front of you, can you bear this?"

The boy immediately took back the eyes of the Bai Lijiajue, of course, could not bear it!

Baili Jiajue looked at him with a smile and smiled. He opened his mouth and bit the black glove of his left hand. The one-handed carelessness: "Let it go."

Helen Weiwei once again seized a certain highness of the temple, and then looked at Jing Zifeng's gaze: "Isn't that? He is my assistant."

Jing Zifeng looked at her, and the eyes were clearly saying that your assistant was not human at all.

Helian Weiwei patted the shoulder of the boy: "Child, the most important thing now is to catch the murderer, someone is murder in front of you, can you bear this?"

The boy immediately took back the eyes of the Bai Lijiajue, of course, could not bear it!

When the matter here is solved, he is asking the man.

He went to check the murderer!

After thinking about it, Jing Zifeng turned around and left, even his own **** did not care.

A small piece of paper around the juvenile:...

Mom, little master, you have to go!

This, this person he is distinct...clear!

"Well?" It was like the sound of the paper people, and Baili Jiajue bit his own glove and looked at them in a double-bend.

Those little gods immediately straightened their waists!

One by one, the handle was lifted up, placed on his soft, flat face, and made a shut-up action!

My heart is full of tears, my little master, you will take us away even if you want to go, don't you have your lovely gods gone?

Hey, big devil!

They actually met the legendary big devil... How bad is this in the end!

Perceived the fear of the small paper gods, Helen Weiwei bent down, put them all into the cuffs, and then looked at a certain temple, that is nothing more than saying, don't scare them.

Of course, the Bailijiajue will not compete with these little ones. The only thing that made him kill is the one who doesn’t know why he suddenly stumbles.

He had pain in his entire leg. After welcoming the strange eyes of the college students, he waved his hand in order to protect the whole situation: "This place is too slippery, and you will fall if you accidentally. You are all careful."

Helen Weiwei sneered and did not tear him down.

However, there seems to be one more person here!

Helen Weiwei suddenly replied: "Wait a minute! Leah is not here!"

As soon as he heard the name of Lia, Zhang Tianshi’s reluctant face changed his expression!

Xiao Qingxiao laughed: "Now the master of Helen knows the tension, rest assured, she came with me, still in the bathroom next door."

Helian Weiwei did not relax her vigilance because of her words, strode to another bathroom, the door was locked from the inside, and could not be opened.

"Miss Leah? Miss Leah, are you inside?"

Zhang Tianshi couldn't help but get together and knocked on the door.

Did not hear the echo.

The hearts of everyone have all been raised!

Did Leah also have an accident?

Helen Weiwei’s eyes sink and he wants to slam.

"I am." Probably because of fear, Leah's voice brought a trembling hoarseness: "I don't dare to go out, it's terrible, I stopped the electricity, I didn't dare to move."

It seems that the online news about Leah is true.

It is said that this witch can predict ghosts and good fortune, but is very afraid of black.

As soon as she arrived in the darkness, she would become hard and even dare not speak, and even dare not move.

Zhang Tianshi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It doesn't matter, we are all outside, don't be afraid, you can see everyone when you come out."

"Okay." There was a voice in the bathroom that was known as Soso's voice, like the zipper of the skirt.

Helen Weiwei and Zhang Tianshi can hear that the latter's face is a bit hot, and I don't know what is wrong.

After a while, Lia twitched her hands and opened the door. She was scared. When she saw someone outside the door, she suddenly fell into the arms of Zhang Tianshi!

The beauty is in the arms, Zhang Tianshi is naturally happy, reaching out and patting her back: "Okay, it's okay, it's all gone."

"I saw someone outside, she was dragging something hard." Lia trembled: "My sixth sense told me that this person should not appear here because she died long ago and died. a seaside..."

After the four college students heard this, their faces were paler!

Unlike Zhang Tianshi, Miss Lia is particularly hot on the Internet and is very popular with young people.

They have seen her live broadcast on the Internet, how to give people fortune telling, it is impossible!

Now even she said that the people who have been killed are the ones who have died.

That proves that Wu Taotao is really back.

Because the person who died at the beach at the beginning, only Wu Taotao!

What did she want to do when she dragged her?

Four college students thought of this, and there was a burst of hair in their hearts.

Xiaoqing endured the fear, tightened his hands, and looked at He Lianweiwei’s eyes more and more worried: "What do I say! We must believe that we should also believe in Zhang Tianshi, and should not believe in a liar."

Helian Weiwei ignored her, whether it was Zhang Tianshi or the fiery witch Liya on the Internet. These two people obviously have no ability to catch ghosts.

However, using the message I heard and the observed customer response, I guessed the person's heart activity and made some speculations related to the ghost.

Some young aunts are very convinced of their set.

Anyone who has read a little psychology book will know that they are just some tricks.

And Leah is only good at telling people online, and rarely really counts who is on the TV station.

Young people only think that she is low-key.

I never thought about the real reason.

She doesn't count on TV, and it's very likely that she is afraid that people know she can't figure out anything.

This year, the game anchors have to find and play.

What's more, it's a trick.

This is more like Zhang Tianshi.

However, compared with the two, Leah's route is more in line with the tastes of young people.

Her age and temperament are both dominant.

Helen Weiwei knew what thoughts these two people had. They originally planned to go. After they knew that the monks had died, they were obviously flustered, fearing that there would be any ghosts.

Later, Liang’s adjutant said that the road was unreasonable. The two men knew that they could not go. They simply pretended that they could not know what the prophet was, saying that they perceived the existence of a devil, on the one hand, to maintain the image of their master, on the one hand. It is to get the reward given by the last Minister of Song.

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