The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1123: This child has a Buddhist border

Helen Weiwei really wants to get married again in the world. After all, she is also an arsenal.

It’s just that there are too many things to prepare for the wedding, and what to eat and what to spit, put this matter in the future.

I don't know if it is the illusion of Helen Vivi. As long as a certain temple approaches her, she will spit even more.

In this way, three times, the Baili Jiajue noticed her wrongness.

Reaching out and holding the person in his arms, there is a contract on the table that does not know which company to acquire.

"What happened to you these two days?" Barry Gregard took the cup and fed her water.

It seems that when he treats Helian Weiwei, he will do everything for himself.

The housekeeper on the side has become accustomed to such a master, reaching out to close the door of the study.

Helen Weiwei buried the water in his hand: "There is nothing, it is estimated to be related to having a baby."

The mouth of Bai Lijiajue had a finger, and the double condyles moved underground and landed on her lower abdomen. There was a short pause: "What time?"

"On the last time I didn't let you touch me." Helen Weiwei had no strength, and he wanted to lean on him to kiss him. He didn't expect to touch his lips, the disgusting taste. It has come up again.

No way, she can only push the person away and breathe deeply.

The eyes of Bai Lijia were stunned: "It is very repulsive to me."

It is true that the instinct of a Highness is always so accurate.

Helen Weiwei took another sip of water and pressed the taste down: "This is the case in the first three months. It will be fine in the past."

The Baili Jiajue knew that she had to be a child.

After all, she wants to come to like children, especially him and her.

But he did not want to watch her suffer like this.

As soon as he approaches her, she will vomit.

I went to the doctor and said that it was normal for three months.

The baby of this baby seems to be different from the two stinky boys, like a very awkward look.

Helen Weiwei finished the inspection from the hospital. He had not seen the Bailijiajue, and he looked at an old monk wearing a shackle and came over from that end.


Helian Weiwei smiled and said: "I didn't expect to see the old people here."

"There are people who have a relationship." The old monk is a good-looking man: "The child in the belly of the donor has a relationship with Buddhism and Taoism. He is born with evil. When she falls, the donor can best send her into the Buddha's door, so that she can save her life." ”

Helen Weiwei heard a moment and said: "I don't think she will be very weak."

"Yes, the little donor's vitality is very strong, but she has a Buddhist edge." The old monk smiled and said: "The donor is relieved. When she is four years old, the old lady will let her down the mountain. You must believe me, it will not be bundled. Whose freedom. Only she must eat the Buddha, can not be tempted, and then go down the mountain, within five years, she can not live with that of His Highness and her brothers, as to who will bring her The old lady will be selected together with the Phoenix."

Helian Weiwei raised an eyebrow: "She must recognize her."

"Recognition is what you want, but you can't live together." The old monk said that he took out a relic from his arms: "You will carry this relic, and after ten days, you will not be so bad at morning sickness."

Recently, a thing is circulating in the company.

That is, their Jue is very likely to get rid of the current lady.

Because these days, some people have seen that the Grand Master has not returned to the villa.

It seems that eating and living are in the company.

After hearing this news, some people are just about to move, and want to take this opportunity to go up.

The first person to come out is a recent actress who is very hot.

She originally wanted to plant into the arms of the Bailijiajue.

She also knows a lot about this circle.

I heard that the lady was pregnant, and the Bailijiajue would not return to the villa.

A man who is just as bloody, how can he endure not touching a woman.

The actress thinks this is a good opportunity, and the Bailijiajue will certainly not hold it.

But she has not waited until her hand touched his collar.

Her whole person was condensed in the air by a cold air.

That person, the eyes of the handsome and unparalleled man actually had a **** mans.

It was too late to call for help. The black feather penetrated her hand and nailed her to the ground. The blood rushed out in an instant.

The Barry Gregory was only looking at it indifferently: "Who put her in?"

"It should be the business department, then, there..." Even Qinglong, when faced with such a highness, will be afraid.

The Barry Gregory wiped his finger and there was no temperature in his tone: "Handle it, including the person who brought her in."

As he said, he took the car keys and walked out of the company building.

Qinglong knew that His Royal Highness had returned to the villa.

There is nothing wrong with it. In fact, the Baili Jiajue never really lived in the company for one night.

Every time I wait until Wang Hao falls asleep, go back to the villa, and then go after Wang Hao wakes up.

Although Qinglong does not know why His Highness should do this.

But he is very sure, it is not a feeling of fatigue.

"What about my wife?"

"Returning to the owner, my wife has already slept, just like yesterday's meal, no more, everything is normal."

"Is there any spit?"


"I know, go on."

The Barry Gregory put the coat on the side and determined that he had no blood smell on his body before he walked into the sleeping person.

Fingers licked her face, and Barry Gregaud smiled low and hooked her scattered hair to her ear, then she lay down and put her into her arms.

Originally imagined the same as a few days ago, he waited until she woke up.

I didn't think she didn't sleep, and the black scorpion looked at him, so after watching him half a ring, then he kissed him with a sigh of relief: "I don't vomit, you don't have to go so early, even if it is The devil also needs to sleep."

"Okay." Barry Gregory let her kneel on her body, licking her back with her fingers.

The picture of two people embracing and sleeping is always beautiful and envious.

In fact, the devil does not need to sleep.

Everything he did was to accompany her.

However, since he is not pregnant, he will not have to go to the company.

The executives of the Juewei Group were finally relieved.

To know that the big BOSS lived in the company these days, give them a meeting every day.

Others don't know, but they are very clear.

What emotional tiredness period!

It is obvious that BOSS can't see his wife, and his heart is not happy, so he spends extra energy on the meeting.

Every meeting made them cold and sweaty, for fear that they would be fired.

These stupid mortals actually believe in what is tired of talking about it!

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