The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1128: Attack on evil

Hearing the words, the exorcist who took the character could only watch the Bailijiajue, and hung down the arm that he wanted to lift again. The yellow character of the palm of the hand followed and moved into the wide cuff.

Helen Weiwei did not see the movement just now. He smiled and said: "The two police officers can describe the appearance of the murderer. We can also inform the police at any time."

"Because the gangsters escaped late at night, the specific height and appearance of us are not very clear on our side. We must wait for the photo of the identification section to be confirmed." The older exorcist smiled and pulled out a business card: "If Ms. You noticed something wrong, you can find us by calling this phone. Especially if you notice that there is something different, please let us know immediately. Nothing else, my colleague and I will leave. I am very sorry to disturb you and your family."

Said, the exorcist consciously or unconsciously glanced at the side of the Bailijiajue.

The man's eyes are indifferent, his mouth is smiling, and there seems to be a faint mockery, as if they are in front of his eyes, just like an ant.

The exorcists smashed their throats and followed them with the hundred miles that were still feeding the dusty children.

The latter's eyes are light, obviously hungry.

Helen Weiwei stood up with a smile: "I am going to send two police officers."

A pair of father and son also put away their minds: "Okay."

The exorcist saw that Helen Weiwei had sent it, and there was a countermeasure in his heart.

Out of the villa, it is a courtyard filled with falling white petals.

The two exorcists did not leave immediately, but they mysteriously brought Helen Weiwei to the side: "Ms. Recently, is there any difference between your family and the previous one? For example, there will be a bright red meat. Interest, or often sleepwalking, looking around in the middle of the night?"

"They don't like to eat meat." They only like to drink blood and devour the soul. Later, Helen Weiwei did not say it.

The exorcist frowned: "Ms., maybe it’s a bit rude, we suspect that you have a home..."

"We don't have ghosts in the villa. There is no glass bead on the second floor in the evening. There is no crying from the children. The faucet in the bathroom is tightly screwed, and there is no water flowing out. The people at home have not inexplicably eaten more and have not changed. Into another person's appearance." Helen Weiwei held his hand with one hand and looked at them lazily: "If these problems really occur, I can solve it myself, without bothering the police comrades."

The exorcist who was robbed of the words: "No, madam, these problems, you have no way to solve it yourself. In fact, my colleagues and I are not police at all, we..."

"I have." Helen Weiwei interrupted his words: "Because I am also an exorcist."

The two men squatted again, and they wanted to say it and squatted in the throat.

Helianweiwei's finger movement, through the water stains of the fingertips, painted a light-filled seal, if the Buddha's gas seems to appear in front of them.

That is the exorcism spell!

The exorcist's eyes are so big that they can't believe it. Even if someone draws a picture, they draw a long-lost curse!


Helian Weiwei took back his hand and smiled: "I opened a Taobao shop and often helped others to handle unclean things. My Taobao shop has a good reputation on the Internet. The order volume and favorable rate are very high. In the future, the two can't deal with the big list and can come to me. However, my family doesn't like to be disturbed. Maybe the culprit you are looking for is not necessarily in other places. If the two want to save their lives, they will finally get rid of the night and want to The thoughts come over, otherwise you won't need him to do it, I will let you regret investigating this villa."

After saying this, Helian Weiwei turned and walked behind him.

The exorcists really can't figure out the identity of this person.

They don't understand why there is such a powerful exorcist hidden in this villa!

Who is she?

There is no record about her in the yin and yang circles.

"Damn!" One of the exorcists looked at Helen Weiwei into the back of the villa, his fingers tightened: "The man and the little child have a problem!"

"With her, we can't enter the villa." Another exorcist said: "It seems that I can only wait until the other party comes out, can I start, the little boy is a star, it is impossible not to leave the villa..."

The exorcist did not think wrong.

Baili Shangxie really has to go out to work.

At noon, the agent had a phone call.

On the hundred miles, I changed my black T-shirt and seven-point shorts, and I put on a pair of small white shoes on my feet.

Originally his appearance was an amazing type. Now he has a BOY red sun hat on his head. He also wears a **** super on his face and is standing there waiting for a nanny car.

Today's weather is hot, he did not let his brother send, do not look young, at that stop, it is like a young master, a bit like his vampire playing in the online drama, the skin is too white.

The exorcist turned around and the yellow symbol on his hand moved, and the four corners of the southeast and northwest flew together toward the hundred miles!

In their view, there is no such thing as a man who can't touch the evil. No matter how many years of demon, the two of them will be able to trap each other, not to mention the time when the sun is the biggest, even if the other side is a little better. And I am sure I can’t escape!

However, what they didn't think of was that the yellow characters had just been stained with the sinful clothes of the hundred miles, and the whole piece was ignited without fire!

The blue-green flames burned in the eyes of the exorcists and turned into incredible horror.

How can this be!

The two of them joined forces to form the formation, so it was so broken?

Baili Shangxie looked at their expressions and slowly evoked a thin lip: "Uncle police, you seem to have not put my warnings in your eyes? I thought that the mother would send you out, you will dispel the stupidity in your head." The thought, now it seems that you are really not afraid of death."

The two exorcists stepped back a big step backwards. The little boy hadn’t shot yet. The magic dogs that appeared in front of him made them unable to bear the magic of the sky, let alone the little boys behind them. The fog.

"You, you are... senior devil?"

Damn it!

How can there be a senior demon in the city!

And he turned out to be the most popular youth idol! ?

There is no such thing as the meaning of these two lives. I watched them even confused. I just turned around and continued to wait for the car. The side face was cool: "I can’t even beat me, I still want to deal with my father. I advise you to give up early, don't bother with my mother to raise a baby."

To the reader's words: the third, six thousand words sent, and...

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