The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1137: , take you to see someone

Although the young bald head is young, she is very religious to the Buddha and does not allow others to be late when she is chanting!

Moreover, the little bald head has never liked to talk to others... she only likes to do it.

When the deacon of the hospital looked at the scene, the brain was so low that it hurts: "Xuan Ajiu!"

"Brother, you sound so big, it will wake wuli Buddha." Small head do not agree at him:. "You yell again, I'll beat you."

The deacon of the hospital took a deep breath and told himself not to be angry. The other party was still a child, and the other party was only four years old. The impulse was wrong, not to mention that he was still a monk.

"How many times have I said that you should not always squat into the temple?"

"I don't have it, I am not dragging him in."

“Towing is more serious!”

"Senior brother, you are so old, don't care so much detail, the Buddha said that the person with little heart, the president will wrinkle."

"I am old?! I am only twenty-eight years old, Tsinghua University substitute professor, where am I old?! Do you know what people outside call me, Golden Turtle! Golden Turtle, you know, you little devil!"

"Amitabha, don't be so violent in front of the Buddha."

"Well, I am not violent, I will ask you why you can do it again! You can't talk to Xuankong!"

"A fist can solve the problem, why waste so much time." Little bald head squinted at the small head, opened his mouth and bite a big **** on his hand, and stretched a pink buns face to express himself very seriously. .

The deacon of the hospital couldn't help it. He turned back to the shackles who hugged him. "You give me loose! I must teach this little devil today!"

"Master, we are not going to stop you, you really can't beat the little teacher!" "The crowds look up, full of sincerity:" You forgot the last time she took you to the water, you have a cold for five days. At that time, the master told us that if the master is impulsive, you must find a way to stop the master. If we can't stop you, you will punish us for collective chanting. Have you forgotten these words? Master? So master, you are still calm. Let's go."

Deacon in the House:...

"Oh, everyone is still so energetic, come, Ajilai master here." The old monk smiles still.

The little bald head walked over with a short, thick calf, raised his hand like a decent, and said: "Amitabha."

The old monk touched the head of the little man: "Today, the teacher will bring you to see a person, Ah Jiu, do you remember what the master said to you?"

"The fate is coming down the mountain." The little bald head snorted, so pitiful: "But I don't want to go down the mountain. There are masters on the mountain, there are gimmicks, and the brothers accompany me."

The ancient temple is isolated from the world, and few have been born and stayed on the mountain.

The small bald head is the only one.

It can be said that the little bald head was brought up by these monks and never touched outsiders.

Children are naturally reluctant to leave.

However, one thing is very difficult. It is that Xiaoguangtou always thinks that he is a boy, and Xiaoguangtou still feels that it is wrong to leave home as a boy. She will be a temple host in the future. How can she follow? Just go down the mountain.

However, the fact is that the little bald head is a pure sister.

No one told her this, although she often received the delicious embarrassment sent by her brothers, and the little white cat that her parents gave her.

However, the desire of the little bald head has always been left with the Buddha, and never give up!

At the thought of leaving here, the little bald head couldn't help but reach out and grabbed her brother's trousers.

The deacon of the hospital is also reluctant to let his younger brother, but he knows that the master is doing things, there is always the truth of the master.

That is to say, the entire temple, only the old monk knows that the little bald head is sister paper.

The old monk did not tell anyone about this, and everything was to protect the little bald head.

Now that the age of Xiaoguangtou is over, and waiting for her, it will not be suitable for staying in the temple. It is not the Tianmi Mountain here. It is always different for men and women.

"Ajiu, you have forgotten that the Buddha is everywhere." The old monk came down and looked at the face of the little bald head: "As long as you have a Buddha in your heart, you will be experienced everywhere. Are you afraid of these experiences?"

The little bald head put a small fist in the vertical, very firm: "I am certainly not afraid, all the experience is the same as the brother, is a paper tiger!"

Deacon in the House: ... Hey, hey, you talk, why do you have to go down with me!

The old monk gave him a soothing look, then turned to the little bald head: "Come on, Ah Jiu, the master takes you down the mountain, and the one is already waiting for you under the mountain."

The little bald head knew that he was in a position to go, and he carried a sultry parcel on his body, and from time to time he looked back and looked at the monks who could not bear her.

The deacon of the hospital took the hand of a small bald head: "After going down the mountain, someone dares to bully you, you call this phone!"

"Brother, you can rest assured, I am not so weak to you, no one will bully me."

In a word, all the sentiments in the temple were lost, and the deacon in the back was pulled by a group of people behind, and did not start with the small bald head!

The little bald head thought about it and went back. He took four big hoes in the house, holding one in one hand and the other two in the pocket of the robes.

"Master, I have a good dry food, let's go." Speaking, the little bald head gave his soft hand to the old monk.

The old monk took her step by step to the misty mountainside.

At the foot of the mountain, a pure black military Hummer stopped on a road that was not spacious. The license plate number was different from other cars. It used a red text on a white background. It was a car from the military unit.

"Well, your good-natured people are there." The old monk looked down at the little bald head: "Ajiu remembers the words of the teacher, even if it is not in the mountains, I have to read it every morning. One day, yours The family will pick you up."

The little bald head glared at the big hoe, and he nodded very embarrassedly. He said very seriously: "But I don't want to go back to the master. I will come back to the temple to be the host, so the master, you must live well, you wait. I am coming back to pick up your class."

Old monk:...

In this way, the little bald head smashed his own master, and carried his little parcel, licking a bite of a big hoe, a small white cat on a small head, swaying toward the black hummer Going over.

With a bang, the door opened.

From the inside, a nine-year-old boy, a small shirt with a pair of trousers and a small bow tie on the neck, the five senses are very picky, and the temperament is different from the monks on the mountain.

The little bald head smashed at the moment...

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