The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1151: How to deal with it, send it away?

Bai Zhuan reached out and twisted the tail on the child's pajamas, then turned her sleeves.

Within half a minute, a cute little cat was hot.

The little bald head is behind him behind Bai Zhun, like a little mascot.

Li Xiaobawang looked around and couldn't help but sighed: "I rely on it, how do you say it in the words, the Buddha relies on the gold-dressed people to wear clothes, and Ah Ji puts on the pajamas and looks really good! Come here, Xiao Ajiu Come and brother and Zhang Ying, envy the group of brothers who have no brother!"

"Don't let her take pictures." Bai Zhuan took the child back and said to Li Xiaobawang: "I have something to discuss with you."

Li Xiaobawang is all over.

That is Bai Ye.

Bai Ye is doing small things, doing things by himself, where there are things and others are kind!

Li Xiaoba is excited, and he screams: "What? What?"

"Wait a minute later." Bai Zhu looked at the other two small partners next to him: "Let's find a place first."

Li Xiaoba proposed: "The downstairs is the Burger King."

"You forgot, Xiao Ajiu can't eat meat." This is what Xiao Lin reminded. He has never loved to talk and his voice is cold. If he doesn't like a small bald head, he will definitely not let the other party pay attention.

Li Xiao Bawang took a picture of his own brain: "We can only order Coke ice cream and French fries. Little A-nine must have not eaten French fries! Children love to eat French fries!"

"Fries?" The little bald head smashed his bare head: "What is that?"

Li Xiaobawang spreads his hand, that means, look!

"Well, go to Burger King." Bai Zhuan wanted to leave with a small bald head.

The little bald head twisted his little body: "I will take my clothes, my clothes!"

According to the child's personality, if he says to throw it away, it will definitely not work. Bai Zhun will let the shopping guide put the suit on the child.

Take a little cat down the stairs.

Not being able to eat meat is a torture for boys.

The little bald head also saw it. He looked up at the small face and said to Li Xiaoba, who was lined up. "You can order meat, but Ah Jiu does not eat meat. You can eat. I want to practice. Wuli Buddha said, can't be what I am." If you ask the other party to follow the vegetarian diet, you must have a tolerant heart. When you grow up, you don't need abbot, what you want to eat if you want to eat."

Li Xiaobawang listened to this and looked back at Bai Zhuan: "Baiye, do you think that your child’s words are always like people who like it, they are all things that adults can’t do? That is what is roughly coming."

"Great wisdom is foolish." Bai Zhuan's voice is very light: "You order, I take Xiaojiu to sit on the big table."

Li Xiaoba is more than an OK gesture: "Well!"

Without the scruples of this layer of meat, Li Xiaobawang can be awkward, what kind of king chicken, spicy chicken wings, eight copies of eight points!

Coke is also a big cup, after all, I have to eat lunch later, first eat a small snack pad.

At that time, he did not know the amount of rice for the small bald head, and asked the villain for a cone and a small amount of French fries.

After all, Bai Zhun’s younger brother controlled the appearance. If he had a little more points, the harmless little Aji couldn’t digest it. Bai Zhun would definitely take him over and smash it.

This plate is just right!

Li Xiaobawang confidently carried things to the long table and inserted a straw into Coke.

Usually he is strict with him, he is not allowed to drink these things, and now he can finally be unscrupulous!

In the summer, drink a cola with ice, it’s cool!

Xiao Ajiu stood there, licking a few brothers, and then looking at his own, a little less, why?

"Right, buddy, do you want to discuss the anecdote with us?" Li Xiaoba always has a mixing effect every time he speaks.

Bai Zhuan glanced at the child standing on the side, seeing the little bald head circled around his cat's tail, and the voice was slightly depressed: "A Jiu is a girl."

"Hey!" Li Xiaobawang squirted a cola.

Xiaoguangtou and Baizhun both played elementary school, and the reaction speed was extremely fast.

The other two people were not so lucky, and they were sprayed by Li Xiaoba.

"No, no, cough, cough, Baiye, what do you say?" Li Xiaoba Wang Yu rounded up a pair of nephews: "Is the young monk a girl? A girl like a flower in the hospital?!"

Bai Jun calmly looked at him: "That is my family, not your home."

"I am not a girl!" The little bald head was very angry, and looked seriously at Li Xiaoba, and denied it very firmly!

Li Xiaobawang did not listen to the little bald head, only looked at Bai Zhun.

The other two people also wiped their faces with a paper towel. After one gave Li Xiaobawang a punch, he also waited for Bai Jun’s answer.

"I just found out when I changed clothes for her." When Bai Zhuan made a sound, it would definitely not be fake.

Li Xiaoba was forced to smash his face and said: "You can say that she is not a girl."

"She thought she was a boy." Bai Zhuan licked his own pain: "So I want to talk to you about how to make her believe that she is a girl."

The little bald head is still shaking his head in the solemnity: "I am not a girl! Little brother, I am not a girl! Not a girl!"

The little man denies one thing, and it’s really like a little fly.

It’s just that she is always cuter than the average child, and her voice is not high. She also turns around and chases the cat’s tail on her pajamas.

Don't doubt, this is the latest toy that the little bald head has found for himself.

"White Lord, you must let her quiet and quiet first." Li Xiaoba does not know why, how the little man always turns around himself, his eyes are dizzy.

Bai Zhuan worried that the child would turn too much. He was not good for his health. He stopped the little bald head and fed her a French fries.

The little bald head was really angry.

She did not understand that she was obviously the person who would be the abbot to host in the future. Why did the little brother think she was a girl?

But the little brother is very good to himself.

Also fed her a very delicious and delicious thing, sweet and crunchy, a bit like baked potatoes, but better than baked potatoes.

The little man was happy at once, and temporarily put the boy and girl problems aside, and accepted the small face to accept the feeding of Bai Zhun.

"Or you still have a way!" Li Xiaoba Wang turned his thumb toward Bai Zhun, admire his face, if he was brought to the four-year-old child all day, he was crazy!

Thanks to the small Ajiu, it’s a matter of obedience, it’s the problem of men and women...

He really hasn’t met any child who will admit his gender.

"A-Nine's will is so determined, it is difficult to change her perception of herself."

"Big Brother, have you not been to the Shaolin Temple before? Since you are the same as Ah Jiu, do you want to ask your master, how to deal with this?"

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