The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1153: Can't sleep together

In the military compound compound, it is actually more important than the average family.

It’s just that these fine details are generally not known to people who are far away from the circle.

In fact, it is a very simple matter.

Usually we know which stars the rich second generation has, and they think they are very powerful.

It is the circle of military and political that allows the star to really break the head and want to enter.

But no one will be a star, and the cruelty is that they will only play.

From the birth of them, to a large extent, it means that the other half of them must have the same family. If it is not the same, at least it is a well-educated Xiaojiabiyu from a well-off home.

Lin’s mother is confident that her family will also choose her niece. After all, this is all obvious.

Now she only thinks one thing, that is to find opportunities to teach the poor little ghosts from the mountains.

Come here, always guard their rules here!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, near the dusk, the emperor suddenly burst into sporadic rain.

A group of children who are the backbone of the heart are finally back.

Bai Zhu’s arms still hold Xiao Ai Jiu, and there is water on the ground, so she is not allowed to go down.

The rest of the children met the white car and knew the license plate number. They came out one after another.

Four of the five are looking for white to copy homework.

After all, there are still seven days to end in the summer vacation. I will not be able to copy the copy at this time. When the school starts, the debt they owe will definitely be more.

The most annoying thing is the diary that the teacher gave them. Oh, my god, let a group of big boys record their daily routine like a girl. Isn’t that awkward to them?

Do you want them to write in the diary every day: "Ah, the weather is really good today, I am sitting at home for another day online game"?

Or maybe: "Today, I went to the east courtyard with the white brother, and it’s so cool!"

No matter how they write, the teacher will definitely let them call the parents!

Therefore, if you are working on a summer vacation, you should not let the boys write a diary!

Isn't this obvious to let them deceive the teacher?

If you don't want the teacher to criticize them, they can only write: "Today's weather is good, I read a day of Dream of Red Mansions at home" (actually playing the League of Legends.)

Or, they can still write: "It’s raining outside, I can’t go out with my mom and dad, I’m very obedient to have a hearty dinner at home.” (It’s actually too hungry when I’m playing, I’m soaked. Bowl noodles.)


Teacher, don't play tricks anymore, a little more sincere! ?

All of the above are the words of Li Xiaobawang...

These things, the little bald head is somewhat incomprehensible. First of all, she doesn't know what the League of Legends is. Secondly, she has to write a diary every day and she is used to it.

So a group of boys sat next to the coffee table, licking their small buttocks and copying their homework, while others were licking their noses and contemplating the fabrication of the diary.

The little bald head also took his diary.

She feels that this kind of learning atmosphere is very good, although Li Xiaoba’s head is slightly stupid with a horizontal bar.

But this does not affect the mood of the little bald head.

She lowered her head and the little handcuff became a small fist. Seriously, she wrote: "Today, my little brother took me out to buy clothes. The clothes are very interesting. I and Xiaobai have been chasing their tails. It is really I am very happy, the most important thing is that I have seen him. He is more handsome than the photo. No wonder there are so many people who like it, oh yeah, wuli Buddha, thank you."

When the child wrote the diary, Bai Zhun stood behind her, holding a bottle of BLK mineral water in his hand. When the teenager was drinking water, his face was particularly beautiful, especially in the light of the glory. Come out with soft light.

I saw Xiao Ajiu write the following sentence: "The most important thing is that I have seen him."

Bai Zhuan's brow wrinkled a bit, although many people in their class liked the star called Baili Shangxie, but what he didn't think was that Ajiu would like this boy.

"Little brother, my diary is finished." The little bald head stood up and reached out and touched his stomach: "Would we have to eat?"

Bai Jun smiled, watching the tail behind her still dangling, bent down to give her a sip of water: "Wang is still doing, wait a while to eat."

"Yeah." "The little bald head listened to Bai Zhun’s words. Seeing him say this, and carrying a small hand to patrol a circle of Li Xiaobawang, the final conclusion is that let this group of people write homework, let them eat durian. Still uncomfortable.

Xiaoguangtou also noticed that Xiaolin didn't seem to need to write at all. He was standing in the living room and playing the game of killing fruits against the huge screen on the wall.

In the middle of the journey, Xiao Lin came to the phone and let Xiaoguangtou kill him.

Xiaoguangtou just took a look at the side, very smart, I learned how to play, and when I got started, I heard a few bangs.

When Xiaolin came back, the little bald head just turned back a little heel, and the tail swept to the ground, perfect landing.

Xiao Lin has already seen dumbfounded eyes, and then looked at the screen... actually broke the record!

He killed the entire summer vacation record, so he was broken by a four-year-old child!

No one in the military compound was defeated. Xiao Lin squinted at the game of shooting the gun. He played the first game. The result was of course good. After all, he was the one who had touched the real gun.


What he didn't think of was that Ah Jiu was more accurate than he played, and spent less time, just to burst him!

"A Jiu, are you really playing this game for the first time?"

"Yeah, I don't quite use this gun. I haven't pressed it before, so I'm all connected."

Xiao Lin: the one you missed, are you not familiar with the equipment?

Xiao Lin turned his head and was looking for white to seek comfort: "Your brother, oh no, it is your sister, she is really not a mechanical genius?"

"You are too stupid." Bai Zhuan took the gun in his hand, and then buckled the game eye mask, the three sounds of the sound, each gun is ten rings, and the time is very small, ten shots Not to mention, but also raised a difficulty.

Xiao Lin feels that it is a wrong decision to find a white and seek comfort. This is simply a pair of brothers and sisters who abuse the dead.

After seeing Bai Zhun’s shooting method, the little bald head ignited an unprecedented desire to fight and wanted to compare it with her little brother.

However, Bai Zhun did not compare with her, took her to wash her hands, and fed the children a big bowl of chaos.

Chaos is stuffed with cabbage, which is filled with fritters and is particularly fragrant.

The little belly that the little bald head had eaten was bulging, and she was planning to hold her little brother to sleep. As a result, Bai Zhun gave her a sentence: "We can't sleep together in the future..."

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