The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1155: Want to bully Xiao Ajiu

The facilities in the courtyard were originally good, and there were tall eucalyptus trees everywhere. The breeze was a small white petal that could not be said.

Many heads like to play military punches underneath, as well as running around, each wearing camouflage uniforms.

When the little bald head saw someone running with her, it was more energetic and began to accelerate.

On the same day, Li Xiaobawang was dragged by his father to exercise the garden. When he arrived at the place, he saw a small figure like a hot wheel killing a group of soldiers.

He licked his face that he hadn't woken up yet, and he was a little bit forced. It was really a little wrong.

Li Xiaobawang also looked a little worried. After reading it, he even felt his teeth itch.

"Look at people, a little baby is running faster than you!"

Li Xiaobawang is very arrogant: "He is the sister that Bai Zhun brought back from the mountain, and of course he runs fast."

"You talk about you, you are living together, how can you and the children of Baijia be so much worse!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaobawang wants to kick his son's **** again!

Li Xiaoba snorted: "That must ask you, this is completely a genetic problem."

"Genetic problems? I will let you see what is called a genetic outbreak today!"

A few laps ran down, Xiaoguangtou was planning to buy breakfast, and saw Li Xiaobawang being run by the full yard he was chasing.

Finally, the man grabbed her arm and panted: "Small Ajiu, you have to save your brother, I am chasing me, even his high blood pressure is ignored. You said that this is not the father and son killing each other?" ”

"It must be that you are angry with your uncle." Xiaoguangtou Yizheng Yan Yan: "Otherwise, how could it be beaten, the little brother never beaten."

Li Xiaoba:...

Mommy! Bai Ye is not a normal person since he was a child. Can it compare?

At this time, Li Xiaobawang also caught up with him.

By the way, Li Xiaobawang is wild from a young appearance, tall and tall like a bear, plus the blood of the army that has been rendered all the year round. Some children see him, the first reaction is fear.

So in the face of a small bald head, he deliberately softened the tone: "Small a nine is it? Yesterday, go out with your brother Lee, have fun?"

"Well, happy." Xiaoguangtou answered seriously: "Li brother asked us to eat fried potatoes."

fried potato? Li Xiaoba Wang’s question mark on his face.

Li Xiaobawang explained to him: "It's fries, Xiao Ajiu loves to eat French fries, only eat vegetarian, don't eat cockroaches."

"Uncle, I am going to buy breakfast for my little brother. Can you let Li brother take me?" "The little bald head is indexing: "I don't have much money. I can ask Li Shushu to drink a cup of soy milk. The fritters, the fritters made in the canteen are especially delicious. I also ate yesterday."

Li Xiaoba Wang has never been invited to eat breakfast by such a small child. After listening to it, he was very happy. The thick big palm was shot on the back of his own son: "What are you doing? Don't hurry to bring Xiao Ajiu Go buy it!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Li Xiaobawang was shot dead, Laojiao, I know that you like children, but your love is not hot, I am your son!

Li Xiaobawang, he can't support his son's rough, and Li Xiaobawang, who wants to throw him back to his stomach, re-creates his record. He is very serious and orders: "Rabbit, go!"

"Yes." Li Xiaobawang saluted him with a military ceremony.

Before leaving, Li Xiaoba Wang also took Li Xiaobawang back and stuffed him into his hands. He couldn’t really let Xiao Ajiu buy breakfast. The child was only a few years old.

Li Xiaobawang patted his chest and said: "You can rest assured that you are all spent!"

I wanted to hit his son, and how to break!

At first, Li Xiaobawang thought that the money on the small bald head was given by Wang Hao.

I know that the little bald head pulled out a small parcel from his arms and pulled out a fifty from the inside.

Li Xiaoba only reacted: "Do you have this money?"

"I brought it from the temple." Xiaoguangtou looked at the cafeteria and replied: "The master said that every year my mother will donate a lot of incense money to the temple. The master asked me to bring a part down the mountain."

Li Xiaoba: "Part of... the big parcel you are carrying?"

"Hey, there are money in it." The little bald head wiped the sweat on his forehead with his little hand back: "Would you like to bring more money when you go out?"

Li Xiaobawang scratched the wall. He never thought that a small bald head would be a rich woman.

"After I said, I have to raise my little brother." The little bald head bowed his own small parcel: "It is not enough to have such a small amount of money. After I have been the host, I can make a lot of incense money."

Li Xiaobawang was shocked: "When you hosted it to make money?"

"The monk also needs to eat, how to eat without making money, how to believe in wuli Buddha." Xiaoguangtou said of course.

Li Xiaoba felt that his three views were subverted.

Fortunately, the child has a conscience to buy him a cup of mung bean soup, let him calm down after drinking.

Although I have seen the food of the small bald head.

But buying six big buns and half a bag of fritters, Li Xiaobawang still has a little reaction: "You and Bai Jun can't eat so much?"

"This is all my own food. I have been exercising for a long time today. I need to add nutrients or it will not grow taller." Xiaoguangtou said very seriously: "Little brother doesn't like to eat fritters, likes to eat eggs, I will buy him later." Ten tea eggs go back."

Li Xiaoba:...

Believe my child, you buy so many tea eggs back, your little brother will be killed.

No one can eat like you!

The little bald head didn't care about Li Xiaobawang. I saw Lin Yuyu's eyes, and the small body was busy and gave everyone what they liked.

Although the little bald head looks stupid, the basic truth is still known.

Someone bought something for her and she will return it.

Even if the little brother likes to raise her, she can't always eat and drink in Baijiabai, and she has to do a lot of things.

The idea of ​​a small bald head is so straightforward.

Li Xiaobawang followed her for a while and found it there. It was already too late to get tired.

The little bald head was full of spirits and carrying a lot of things. Even when she saw Li Xiaobawang, she couldn’t move. She also vacated a chubby little hand and dragged people away.

Well, she thought of the days of dragging our teachers on the mountain, very happy.

The dragged Li Xiaobawang struggled to get up: "Small Ajiu, I am going, I can go by myself, you believe me!"

Letting a child who is so much smaller than himself take a breakfast is enough to be embarrassing. Then he is dragged back by Xiao Ajiu. He will see him will definitely kill him!

The two children were very happy to talk about, but at this time, they sneered a sneer behind them...

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