The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1164: His Royal Highness

The little bald head heard a meal and immediately turned around!

Like the hot wheels, the speed of the door ran in the direction of the gate!

This time, the small bald head running is different from usual. She is afraid of what she will miss. The little face of the pink toot overflows with thin sweat and has not given up.

Breathless, far away, she saw the young boy who looked like a noble tree.

The young man was dressed in a small suit, and there was a white rose flower on his suit pocket, as if he was about to leave, not who Helen could clean.

The whole family can only get close to the small bald head.

Like the Bailijiajue and the Baili evil, they must leave her 100 meters away.

The magic is too big, it will interfere with Xiao Ajiu, they are clearer than anyone else.

Therefore, Baili Shangxie is now sneering and sitting on the sports car outside the compound, thinking of many ways to kill Lin.

Before, the little bald head had seen her second brother, but it was all photos.

I have seen the person who has been cleaned up by Helian.

The little bald head rushed toward her second brother.

Telling the truth, if it is replaced by someone else, it will definitely be thrown by a small bald head. After all, the strength is there.

That is to say, Helian cleaned the dust, and when he had a hook on his mouth, he held his sister in his arms.

"Second brother, is the second brother? Is it a living second brother? It is not the second brother in the photo!" When the little bald head was excited, she fully played the true color when she was a monk in the mountains: "Second brother, how can you Here? Isn't it that you can't see me? Why is the second brother so tall, why am I so long?"

Helian Qing Chen listened to the little guy's words, his face was full of pets: "A nine more to eat a little, later will be higher."

"But I have enough to eat, or a little bit." When it comes to height, the little bald head is upset.

He Lian cleaned his sister's head, and the scorpion fell on the little guy's hand, his eyes followed a cold: "Is it still hurting?"

"No pain." The little bald head held his little paw: "You can rest assured that the second brother, when I am hurt, I will go and grab the man and smash it!"

He Lian Qing Chen still agrees with his sister: "If you want to be jealous, don't hold back."

"Well! Second brother, the second brother!" The little bald head is happy and broken, and said a word back and forth.

He Lian Qing Chen also wants her sister, kissed her little forehead: "When you grow up, my brother and I will pick you up, and Mom and Dad are waiting outside, I can only stay for a while, My brother said, let me show you a photo of him."

"I saw my eldest brother!" Speaking of the evil spirits in the hundred miles, the little bald head was more eager to express. The little paws were holding the waist of Helian’s dust, and the small face was serious and serious: "Go shopping that day." I saw the advertisement that Big Brother played, and then I stood there and watched it for a long time!"

Helian is still laughing.

Suddenly, he realized that someone was approaching.

Put the little bald head in your arms and put the parcel in your hand on the sister's hand: "You don't use a bank card. It's all given to you by your brothers. If the money is gone, write a letter to your brothers." "

"I took a lot of money down this mountain and I can't spend it." The little bald head screamed on the cheeks and took the parcel. She and her brothers would never be polite, just leave the dust. The little hand has been holding the suit of Helian’s dust.

He Lianqing looked at his sister, followed him down, and kissed her face, like a little adult, holding a small bald head: "A Jiu, we will pick you up soon, the second brother must Going, this time I came to see you have broken the ring, it is not good for your practice. My mother said, you are in the white house, there is white protection, we are assured, even if my father, my brothers are not with you, But as long as you have something, we will appear."

"Yeah." The little bald head never cried, but when she heard her second brother go, the little guy's eyes were a little red, and he couldn't bear it. The little hand also loosened the cloth he was holding.

He Lian Qing Chen glanced behind her.

Then, stepped out of the compound.

Across the iron gate of the courtyard, the small bald head squatted there, clutching with small hands, and the big round eyes were unwilling to take it back, and they kept watching until the back of Helian’s dust disappeared.

When Bai Zhun arrived, I saw that it was such a picture.

He didn't know who Xiao Ai was looking at, his brow wrinkled and looked out, and he didn't see anything.

White is always smart, the first reaction is to check the monitoring of the compound, but strangely, the video is full of flowers.

However, according to the guardian who stood guard, Xiao Ajiu did see a person.

That person is still a boy of the same size as himself.


After hearing this news, our white grandfather wrinkled more tightly.

Just as he was still thinking about the relationship between the boy and Xiao Ai.

Outside the military compound, a pure black extended Rolls-Royce, with an indescribable breath, entered the traffic.

In the car, the face is beautiful, he has grown into a little boy who is enough to make the little girls blush. His mouth is hooked, and the cold teeth are popping out between the thin lips, and a cold cry: "It seems that this white is not bad for my sister."

"The white family is still very reliable." He Lianqing dusted up the photos from the mobile phone and gave them a look at the evil spirits: "Xiao Ajiu is now a little taller."

How many miles of evil on the hundred miles is a brother control, first wiped the corners of the mouth for the younger brother, the two young boys leaned their heads and looked at the photo of the sister...

In front of them, the elegant man, reaching out and taking Helen Weiwei into his arms, whispering something to her in the ear, the perfect side face reflection on the glass window, it makes people Can't move your eyes.

As if no matter how many years passed, as long as Helen Weiwei is in, his eyes will always be soft.

Of course, after leaving Helen Weiwei.

The breath of the man has changed, and the icy coldness has caused the cloud to change.

"What about people?"

"Return to His Royal Highness, in the eclipse."

"You can let him go back. I have to let Lin’s father tell her daughter-in-law, who she is.”

"Yes, Your Highness."

When Lin’s father was in his life, when he came out of the villa, he would inevitably feel scared.

Just because he was scared, he just wanted to drive Lin out of Lin’s house immediately!

Lin is still lying in bed, seeing Lin’s father returning, the noise is even more powerful, and he must find the person who shoots and let the other party eat the lawsuit.

Lin’s father smiled and his face was gloomy: “Do you know who the other person is, and let the other party eat the lawsuit?!”

To the reader: Second, thank you to the beautiful people, I will make up the owed update on August 1st or 2nd, thank you.

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